Advise needed please

Hey SideSteel & Sara,

Wondering if you could please take a look at my stats and see what the problem is????

Provide your stats (height/weight/age/bodyfat% if you know it/etc) 166cm 55.3kg 20.5% BF as per scales

What's your current gross intake of calories, on average? Over the past 28days its been 1695
Bodymedia fit says average calorie burn per day is around 2400

What's your current average intake of protein, carbs, and fats, in grams? (GRAMS, not percent!) past 28 days protein 90g carbs 171g fat 60g (I aim for 30/40/30) Vegetarian.

Do you use a food scale and measure everything? Yes. I have digital kitchen scales.

Do you track all of your intake, daily? (Everything?) YES. I'm a bit obsessive:)

Do you take cheat days or days off? I like to have some chocolate every now and then. I'm certainly not perfect. I also like Thai food but overall am pretty good.... I think.

How much weight have you lost so far and over what time period? I started my journey on the 21st jan this year. Starting weight was 62kg got down to 54-55 by march. This was done by eating around 1200.... then i found out how stupid that was and started eating above BMR(1330). Have stayed around 53-56kg since then. Today I was 55.3kg.

Describe your activity (exercise and non exercise) and did you change that activity withing the last couple of months?
I'm a stay at home mum with a 2 1/2 yr old son and 9mth old daughter. Don't really have a regular routine at the moment but started SL 5x5 on 10 July. Doing it at home so it's getting a bit hard to do now that the weight has increased. Need to invest in a squat rack and a few other things which I plan to do in the next few weeks. So far have had this week off due to being hospitalised due to migraines (sux!). Will be back to it by Friday! So SL 5x5 mon/wed/fri. I will usually get in 30DS a couple of times a week and I also try for 1 or 2 15/20min HIIT workouts from turbo fire.

How long have you been stalled and if it is not a complete stall please be very specific as to how much you have lost over the stalled period.
Ive been around 54-56kg since 01 march this year. Took measurements this morn and gone up since 6june.
6 June 31 jul
Bust 85cm 86cm
Chest 78 79
Waist 71 72
Hips 85 85
Thigh 52.5 52.5
Arms 23.5 24
Under bum 90 93 :(

Are you breastfeeding? No

Do you have thyroid issues/risks or PCOS?
No have had thyroid level checked and all ok. Had an over active thyroid 3 yrs ago but no problems at all now.

My ultimate goal is to reduce body fat. My aim is for 17%!!! Do you think my expectations are too high?

Also, please ensure that you have your diary open. NOTE: It needs to be set as public even if you are on our friends list. Do not set it to friends only, set it to public Open.

I'm up for any suggestions!

Have a great day:)


  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    When did you up your calories?

    What has your weight done over the last 8 weeks?. In weekly increments if you have it.
  • Lozm1980
    Lozm1980 Posts: 22

    Ok so i started upping in may.
    average calories per month
    May 1460
    June 1540
    July 1650

    Weights I have recorded are as follows:
    3 may 54.8
    13 may 54.5
    27 may 55
    6 jun 54.2
    3 jul 55
    9 jul 54.7
    31 jul 56.4
    2 aug 55.3
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
  • Lozm1980
    Lozm1980 Posts: 22
    Bump 48hrs:)
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Please set your intake as follows and continue to use your food scale to accurately weigh/measure portion sizes/etc.

    1500 calories
    125 carbohydrate
    55 fat
    125 protein

    Please follow up in 1 week with an update as to how you feel, change in bodyweight/etc.

    Update us sooner if needed.

    Note: The above is gross intake and not net. Eat to the above daily for the next week.
  • Lozm1980
    Lozm1980 Posts: 22
    Hi guys,

    Just an update. 6th & 7th August were perfect. Then I got sick:( I've only manged to eat around 1000 cals each day since then so I have lost weight but not the way I'd planned. Will continue with 1500 with macros as suggested when feeling better and re check in a week later.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Thanks for the update and sorry to hear you were ill.

    Locking for admin purposes. Please PM one of us to unlock, and include a link to this thread, when you are ready to update us.
This discussion has been closed.