Pre-op diet

I have a tentative Surgery date of Memorial Day at Obesity Control Center in Tijuana, Mexico. My insurance does not cover bariatric surgery, and at $22K out of pocket here in the US, that's simply ridiculous.
The Pre-op diet that the nutritionist has me on is very strict, (virtually no carb, no dairy, specific protein shakes, etc), but I have to make it work because I need to lose 40 lbs before Memorial Day, or they would reschedule or cancel surgery. Joined a gym, bought a Fitbit, and joined My Fitness Pal.
Scared I won't be able make the weight loss. The nutritionist says it's completely doable.


  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    @BariatricMarina It's do-able but you will have to be committed to the process for the next three months. I'm curious why they chose 40lbs? That seems like a lot. I was 200lbs overweight and my doctor wanted me to lose 15-20. How many pounds overweight would you estimate you are? I'm sure if you lose at least 35 they'll still do it.

    Look it as the beginning of a healthy new life. After surgery you won't be eating much either. And developing good habits now will help in long run. Best of luck!
  • BariatricMarina
    BariatricMarina Posts: 4 Member
    They want me to meet a BMI of 50. I'm 323.5 as of this morning, and they want me at 280. Right now I am just about 200 pounds over weight. I know the reasons for having less, and I'm sure I can do it. I just know how tough it's going to be.
  • loveshoe
    loveshoe Posts: 365 Member
    You can do this. The first few days or the first week may be a bit tough but just focus on the end result. Plug in a day of the doctor's pre-op diet to see the carb/fat/protein etc counts. If you have to make a change you can probably still stay within their guidelines. Kind of like having spinach versus kale, find something that is nutritionally a swap out.
  • amberkins
    amberkins Posts: 25 Member
    I am on a modified pre op diet right now, my first pre op appointment is on March 8 and i like to lose 10lbs by then. I know it will be hard and I'm also exercising everyday. My bariatric road to this point has been long and draining. I'm really glad i found this group here as the days are getting tougher.
    My pre op diet is also very strict, 3 protein shakes, 2 lean cuisine meals and 5 servings of fruit and veggies.

    Good luck, you can do it!
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Check out some of the clean eating and vegan sites, trying to stay as close to plant based may help. My only concern (and I am sure you have done this) is a couple members of my surgeon's group went to Mexico only to be ripped off. They mocked up the surgery but never did it. The patients didn't know until they were not losing. My nieces and others go to Mexico for dental work, there are good doctors, just ensure to do as much research as you can. Best of luck!