Tracking Food On Vacation (Abroad)

Hey Fitness Pals,
Does anybody have any tips for tracking foods on vacation, as in eating out every meal? Additionally, I'll be in Italy, so foods/recipes/markets will be foreign!
Eating out in my hometown can be a guessing game!

I do plan to EAT and experience the local foods, but not completely with wild abandon. The thought of coming home to a huge weight setback is prompting me to ask around about a middle ground. Thanks for your thoughts.


  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    If you have a cell phone, and if the app is working, then MFP might be an option for tracking...the diary portion usually works for me, but getting to some of the other features is not always an option...also depends on service and if you will need to pay extra while using it abroad.
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @TheMerryMermaid I'm just back from Italy and I did put on some weight but only about 4 pounds in 10 days which for what I ate and drank I accept with relief! To be honest as long as you can avoid the delicious bread and equally delicious pasta, eating out is fairly easy as obviously there are lots of meat based antipasto and main courses and at the moment both spinach and the dark green cicoria are in season and on virtually every menu. We did choose restaurants partly based on what I was going to be able to eat. We ate in one pizzaria and I had a dish of vegetables not pizza but it was lunch time so I was fine with that. I didn't bother tracking everything as I mainly took educated guesses at what was in most dishes and it seems to have worked as I had no expectation of doing other than not gaining too much! Enjoy your trip and the food (and wine!)
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    My advice is to set your mind to the fact that you are taking a planned diet break. You can try all the things, just try very hard to keep portions small, so you can fit in all the goodness. You may actually find this beneficial to your weight loss efforts overall. You will gain from held water, but that may be all it is. Depending on how active you tend to be on vacation, you may be able to offset any over-indulgences, and once you get back, go straight back on keto, and watch that water weight whoosh off of you. Then you may actually notice a bit of improvement in fat loss afterward.

    This is what I experienced twice recently. We went on vacation out of the country for 2 weeks. I pretty much ate whatever I wanted, but tried to keep portions under control. We remained very active on our trip, and I only "gained" 3 lbs of water on vacation. After we got back, I went right back on keto, and dropped about 5 more lbs. in the following two weeks. It was amazing, esp. since I was so close to goal. Then, again at Christmas, I took a planned diet break for 9 days. I gained quite a bit more over that time (about 8 lbs), but again, it came right back off plus some more very quickly.

    Some folks call this a re-feed. I don't know what it was really, other than a wonderful feeling to be able to enjoy those times without guilt, and knowing that it was temporary. Also, this really was a first for me to be able to come back and go right back to keto. Usually this type of behavior has caused me to slide down the slippery slope for months on end. I think I just had my mind right about it this time.
  • TheMerryMermaid
    TheMerryMermaid Posts: 69 Member
    @tcunbeliever @sljohnson1207 and @chinatowninchina Thanks you guys! This is very useful to me and puts me at ease about eating in Italy!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @TheMerryMermaid I meant to ask before, where are you going in Italy, touring about or mainly in one place?
  • TheMerryMermaid
    TheMerryMermaid Posts: 69 Member
    @TheMerryMermaid I meant to ask before, where are you going in Italy, touring about or mainly in one place?

    7 days in Rome only. First time there! Looking forward to an authentic cannoli, some good wine and all the outdoor "flea" markets!

  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @TheMerryMermaid We're just got back Saturday. We walked our feet off! No wonder I 'just' gained 4 pounds! Love Rome, so much to see and do. Have a wonderful time!
  • cgcrutch
    cgcrutch Posts: 223 Member
    Italy is the destination I'm currently saving up for. Please post details about ur trip afterward! :)
  • TheMerryMermaid
    TheMerryMermaid Posts: 69 Member
    @cgcrutch You Bet! I'll tell you all about it! B)