March 18 Sign In

RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes?
Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day?
Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank?


  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    I am lawyer, so I understand that any word can mean something different within it's context and depending on someone's POV.
    We are trapped within a social media template created by MFP. Sir Craig would use a better technical description for the clunky nature of the MFP communication platform, but template is the word that I understand.
    We were not given a choice regarding the commentary options at the bottom of each discussion cell. They are from left to right: flag (somebody is behaving badly); quote (somebody wants to quote and comment upon another team mate's words); Insightful (a positive comment of having learned something from another's comments); Inspiring (obvious, right?); Like (a positive affirmation, enough said); then a recent addition 'woo" (in the MFP/UAC context, it's meaning would most likely be similar to hurrah! or Wow!); lastly, Hug (in the MFP/UAC context, it would most likely mean, "I support you and I'm sorry things did not work out as you hoped."
    That is what I intend to convey when I go through our daily posts and click one of those little icons.

    Thanks @RangerRickL, I generally use like and woo but have just started to hug! :blush:
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    Pass. A family party for my niece's birthday. Was a day to go with the flow and appreciate all the effort they'd put into home baking for us all. The kids playing piñata in the snow was a highlight! I've had enough of snow though. Come on spring!
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    March 18
    Exercised?: Yes. Over 12,000 steps setting up and packing up drone racing course.
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Lots of work setting up for the event and helping pack up.

    Hamburger for lunch, but no bun. :) Fillings between the hamburger patties. The hamburger patty has less calories that a hamburger bun. :)

    Despite best efforts did not fly well yesterday (and pretty annoyed at myself over it). Out of 3 working craft I started with, only one was working by the end (and these craft are pretty durable - usually survive 60mph+ impacts with little to no damage). Hopefully will do better next time.

    @RangerRickL. The feedback reactions of Insightful, Inspiring, Like, Woo, and Hug are a simplified way to allow the social forum to show reaction to a post (without having to clutter the system with "me too" replies).

    Woo can be taken as: "Woooooooooo" (thats not good) or "Woo Hoo" (happy dance). As there is Insightful, Inspiring and Like, "Woo" is usually interpreted as the former (not good) instead of the later (happy dance).

    "Hug" is to show sympathy when people need to vent. The others are pretty self explanatory.

    An accumulated total of reactions to all posts is visible when you look in "All Notifications" (option under the "Bell" icon - opens up a separate page -

    To be honest, I don't take a lot of note of the reaction "status" of a post. I more read any replies, particularly where I am mentioned (by using the "@" symbol).
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, 60 minute trail run/walk
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    @craigo3154 Now they you have pointed out to me the negative connotation of “Woo”, for the first time, I note the rather sour expression within the icon for “Woo”. I believe that I have discovered the dreaded Serial Woo-er and it is me!
    My apologies to any and all to whom I have inadvertently caused distress!
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    My report:
    Tracking: ok
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 50 minutes of arm and leg exercises with cardio walking thrown into the mix
  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? No
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    20 min dog walk before a 5hr drive to Mesa, AZ

    Great day with great company, great conversation, great food…