What am I doing wrong

mdcar1 Posts: 8 Member
I have been doing KETO since the beginning of February. My macros have been on the average
Carbs....20-25 grams...6-7%
Protein..70-75 grams...20-23%
Fats......100-129 grams..70-75%
MFP set calorie at 1446
I am a T2 diabetic with stage 3 kidney disease , I’m also post menopause
While my blood sugar levels have been great, this mornings test of my blood ketones register only .3 and I have not lost any weight.
What’s going on, what am I doing wrong? I’m frustrated


  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    Morning is often not the best time to test ketones. The same thing that causes the Dawn Phenomenon in fasting BG readings lowers ketones. The liver does a glucose dump in prep for waking. Afternoons after your lunch meal has cleared is when people usually get their highest reading.

    Ketones are not what makes people lose weight. I've gained weight on keto because I ate too much.

    Your diary is locked so I can't see anything there.
    In general there has to be either stubborn water weight masking loss or a logging inconsistency. Or a thyroid issue?
    Are you measuring your food using a scale? Have you been over your calorie goal much? New exercise program?
    If you could give us a little bit more info there, maybe we could tailor our suggestions appropriately as to what might be the culprit here. Everything is harder for women and especially pre/postmeno.
    TIA :smile:
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @mdcar01 just keep doing what you are doing and consider tracking your measurements and changes in your health markers. It was day 45 before I lost the first pound yet people were saying something about my weigh lost. I lost my fat face and an inch in the waist before I lost the first pound of weight. Today I am 67 with better health than 30 years ago. I moved to this Way Of Eating Oct 2014. You are on track for better health based on my experience.
  • mdcar1
    mdcar1 Posts: 8 Member
    I did test once in the afternoon and blood ketones were .9, then I watched some video and they said test in the am..there’s a thousand and one different opinions I guess.
    My calories have been on target if not a little below, I do weigh and measure my portions, I’m on old weight watcher, it’s a habit, my thyroid level is on the low normal side.
    One of my thoughts is, maybe because my sugar levels are in the normal range, and I’m not dumping so much sugar in my urine anymore that the weight gain/stabilization is a temporary thing and once my body is use to “normal” it will start letting go of this fat. Let’s hope
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    are u on a diuretic for kidney disease? Stage 3a or 3b? I am 3a. I need more sodium on keto than I would off keto, but cannot eat the 3000-7000 mg per day that is often recommended as I swell like a bullfrog due to CKD and I am on lasix 20 mg daily. Some days I need 40 mg due to swelling. I wonder if you are holding water. start measuring your body and tracking that along with weight. Otherwise we need more info on diet choices and exercise.

  • mdcar1
    mdcar1 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm not on any diuretics, but nephrologist does want me to limit sodium..i bounce between stage 3a & 3b
  • hud54014
    hud54014 Posts: 3,777 Member
    It took me about 2 months to drop a single pound and has been slow going since. Patience and consistency will get you there.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I would switch your protein and fat macros.
    Make protein 100g and fat like 80g or something similar to get your calories out to the 1400
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I would switch your protein and fat macros.
    Make protein 100g and fat like 80g or something similar to get your calories out to the 1400

    This is what I was thinking too. Protein is thermogenic and will help you burn a few extra calories PLUS it will aid in lean tissue preservation. Fat is a good energy source but if you are trying to lose weight then you want to use your own body fat rather than just the fat you eat.

    It is possible that your calorie intake is too high. You may need to lower it. You may also want to double check that you are eating the calorie level that you think you are by weighing all of your food. Eye balling portions can result in a few extra hundred calories in my experience.

  • mdcar1
    mdcar1 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you all for the advise. I will have to check with my nephrologist about increasing the protein as I am on limits. MFP set the caloric intake but I could certainly tweet it a bit
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I was listening to Layne Norton today. He indicates fiber is as thermogenic as protein. Eat more leafy greens! Both are 30% thermogenic. But really...we all know that TEF is really a very small % of TDEE. I'd really not base my weight loss success on something as tiny as the thermic effect of food. JMO. He has an interesting 5 part series on fat burning (you tube). One on protein came in today.

    Good for you OP for checking with your nephrologist prior to upping protein...given stage 3 kidney disease. Exercise can help with preserving lean body mass if that is an option. Squats and lunges for the big muscles.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    mdcar1 wrote: »
    Thank you all for the advise. I will have to check with my nephrologist about increasing the protein as I am on limits. MFP set the caloric intake but I could certainly tweet it a bit

    Good plan. I hope you can find the balance you need to be successful.
  • catherineg3
    catherineg3 Posts: 127 Member
    take some measurements and track that once a week. Sometimes the scale doesn't move if you are losing some fat, but replacing it with muscle, but the tape measure will show some progress.