Day 2

My fast days are Monday and Thursday, yesterday I had 491calories and today on my fast day I've had 991calories. I'm trying to stick to around 1000 calories on non fast days during the week and have a bit more over the weekends. I was wondering if anyone else has tried this and lost a bit more weight?


  • jfp420
    jfp420 Posts: 186 Member
    I have just started and am trying basically the same thing you are. My fast days are Monday and Wednesday. I am going to try to eat 1000- 1200 on non-fast days during the week. Hoping this will give me a bit of a buffer for the weekend.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Hi all,

    First of all - welcome! So glad you found our little board. We are glad you are here.

    Anywhere around 500 and change is good for Fast Days if you are a woman. I do around 550 sometimes. Been losing weight pretty consisently.

    Now, I will tell you not to dip your calories that low on Non Fast Days. Please don't go below 1200... Ever. That is not good for your metabolism overall. What you should do is figure out your TDEE, or the amount of calories you need for maintenance and then reduce 20% or so for a safe amount for you to be consuming for a loss. Go in to MFP and set your calories to what you want. MFP tends to err on the low side and low is not always best.

    Here is a calculator that I like and use:

    On the weekends I sometimes do a cheat meal or a free meal on Friday night and Saturday night. I will drink alcohol on the weekends too, but I don't have any during the week. Depends what is going on and what our plans are. The rest of the week I eat clean. I go to the gym five or six days a week and do cardio and weights and I don't eat back any of my exercise calories.

    What you could do is exercise on the days you want to have a buffer for a free meal. Don't restrict so much during the week it is not good for you and you will end up not losing. You have to EAT to lose. My two cents.

    Welcome and good luck!
  • paulahunter1981
    paulahunter1981 Posts: 5 Member
    Today I've had 1574 calories this cold weather has made me want to comfort eat. Tomorrow is my 2nd day of fasting. Good luck on your journey too
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    If you want a more detailed calculator that gives you some other options then try

    I put it together a few years includes a section on intermittent fasting, additional activity levels, multiple TDEE formulas (some use body fat %tage if you prefer), formula averaging option, estimated exercise levels, and BMR comparison. It also has detailed popup help/explanations for each variable/equation if you want to understand what goes into the calculation.

    No advertisements; I did it initially for a member of the group who was having trouble finding a starting point then it turned into a real project. Since then it's actually gained some popularity in diet and fitness groups as one of the most comprehensive calculators on the internet.

    Remember that so many variables are speculative and each person is unique...calculators are just to get you started.