Check in



  • cassie9393
    cassie9393 Posts: 30 Member
    Way to go on getting in some workouts when you have long days like that, @bmeadows380 ! I've been quiet on here as well due to working long hours these last couple of weeks, and the scale isn't moving much considering that I just started - this week was better than the previous 3 combined, and I went over on three of the days! Go figure! I know it's just natural fluctuations (I do weigh first thing in the morning, so I try to reduce variability as much as possible), and logically the loss from this week was a combo of the past three weeks where I stayed more under than over. My first big goal is 40 lbs in the first 4 months of the year, and I'm 9.2 lbs away, so staying on track and just plugging away. Anyway, I've definitely checked in a few times, just haven't had as much time to actually communicate! Cheers, everyone!
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    edited March 2018
    @MzCara148 That seems like a nice exercise choice for you. I hope you found your spot in the workouts.

    @CassieBinTC Sorry about your accident and so glad you're back.

    @bmeadows380 What will power it must take in order to stay away from all that tasty food brought in to work. I love bread too. ;)

    @cassie9393 Keep working with it. Overall, you're doing great.

    Up to Monday, I was doing well. Since then, I've been gradually eating a bit more each day, (all over my calorie goal).

    I had a couple of Dr. appts last week and had one toady, and have another one on Wed., of this week. One of my specialists did a whole lot of extra, detail blood work the beginning of March. I looked at my results of it, tonight on the computer. All of it came out well, except for 4 things, which is pretty good considering how many blood tests were done-- (9 vials of blood for tests).

    I was planning on hitting the gym this morning, before my Dr. appt, but, I was too sluggish and felt sleepy, with the time change. I had better get myself there tomorrow!!! It will be a cardio day and I love doing cardio on the elliptical machine. I know weights and resistance are important, especially since I'm in my 50's now. I've just never been "into" weights...even when I was young and was an athlete.
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 307 Member
    I had to skip a few days at the gym over the weekend, but I was back today. I had to move several boxes of books before my last day at my old job and I think I strained a muscle in my back/hip. I let seems better, after the rest, but I was sore at the gym this morning.

    A few happy things... I did see a nice loss for the week this week (3.8 lbs) and finally hit (exceeded) the 140 lb loss mark. I’m almost halfway to goal. Exciting, but I have a long way to go despite having come so far. I’m choosing not to be overwhelmed with the amount I have left to lose... because each week I get closer and I am more confident than I have ever been that I will reach my goal.

    I also went out shopping for jeans because all of my size 24’s are falling off. So, I bought a pair of 22’s that fit nicely. I also tried on a dress that is absolutely adorable!! I didn’t buy it because I didn’t want to spend anymore money, but I plan on going back in a couple of weeks.

    I also realized that I am the smallest I’ve been since probably 10th grade. Which is actually quite sad if I think about it too much, but it’s exciting because the world is starting to open up more and more for me.

    That’s my update! I hope everyone else has an awesome, goal smashing week!
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    @Mellykay88 don't be sad, be happy! You've come so far! You have to go out and buy new clothes, you are seriously doing this! I am proud of you.
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    @bmeadows380 Sitting here watching another foot of snow come down. You must be busy at work again/still!

    @cassie9393 Waving "hi". :wink:

    @amy_kee Sometimes just popping in to say "hi" is all the motivation it takes to get back to business. I find it so hard to keep my momentum going in the winter. Bring on Spring!

    @Mellykay88 Girl, you are hitting it out of the park!
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    I am so glad to see everyone doing so well. @MzCara148 sorry about the snow. @mellkay88 you are doing such an awesome job. Many of us would love to be where you are at! Go shopping girl you earned it.
  • crazykatlady820
    crazykatlady820 Posts: 301 Member
    @Mellykay88 Wooooo! So proud of you! Some things are so bittersweet as our heads catch up to the changes in our bodies. But you’re amazing and such an inspiration!

    Not much is going on for me. I’ve got to get a new pair of shoes tomorrow. Mine started giving me blisters today so I thought I would wear my old ones instead. They fit like clown shoes! I hadn’t realized my feet have gotten smaller since October. Anyway, blisters are no bueno. I hope I can find a pair that work as well as the pair I’ll be retiring. I put a lot of mileage on those bad boys and they just started falling apart from the inside today.
  • JJKM02
    JJKM02 Posts: 250 Member
    Daily post for Tuesday
    Track yes
    Calories under
    Exercise yep....80 minutes in the pool
    Water about 90 oz

    We are supposed to get hit with a whopper of a snowstorm over the next 12-18 hours. Most likely, school will be closed! We will need to dig ourselves out...hopefully this is the end of winter!!!
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    Ok I have GOT to get back in the game! I've been sick for the past week and half - finally feeling better - but I completely sabotaged my eating while I was sick. Tomorrow I have weigh in at the hospital for my health program, and I KNOW I've gained weight. Hubby said not to worry, it's only week 3 of the year long program, but still IT'S WEEK 3 AND I'M ALREADY NOT FOLLOWING IT. Ugh. Plus today is Pie (Pi) day and there are pies everywhere here at work. If you have any extra strength, motivation or self esteem/control laying around, i'll take it...
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    @cnavarro002 Im glad to see you are feeling better. Don't let one minor setback derail your journey. When our bodies are sick they require fuel to repair itself. You have come so far and inspired many. You got this and I Believe in you.
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    @bigghunny I needed that more than you know. <3
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    @cnavarro002 that's why we are here for each other :) How did the appt. Go?
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    @MzCara148. WOOHOO TWOTERLAND! Congrats!
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 307 Member
    @MzCara148 yay!!! I’m doing a happy dance for you!! I can’t wait to get to Twoderland! The land of threes and fours is getting tiresome :wink:

    New job starts tomorrow!!! I need to be sleeping, but I’m too excited/nervous.
  • meldwel
    meldwel Posts: 143 Member
    edited March 2018
    I’m having a awful week. Saturday, one of my cats bit me! Twice!! He is an inside cat but I let him snoop in the backyard every so often and I guess he saw the neighbors cat from underneath the fence and the next thing I know he’s over the fence. I run through the house to the front and when I get out there I hear growling and howling and see my cat standing over the neighbors cat and the little demon just looks at me. (Thinking back it makes me laugh) anyway they continue to fight rolling through the neighbors flowerbed and finally the other cat ran to the other side of her house. I gently petted my cat trying to calm him down because his tail was huge and had his Mohawk going up his back. I thought he was all calmed down so I picked him up to take him back inside and next thing I know he bit my arm and my opposite hand. They both swelled up almost immediately, the next morning I headed to the urgent care and they gave me antibiotics and pain pills. My arm is bruised and is almost better but my hand I can still barely move. He bit me between the thumb and index finger and the swelling gets a little better everyday, but i can’t do hardly anything with that hand. I can’t cook, Heck, I can barely pull my pants up by myself. The first few days I couldn’t, my poor husband has has been a rock for me this week. I haven’t eaten horrible except for one meal, but We have been eating out a lot...also haven’t been drinking as much water as usual either. I don’t know that I want to get on that scale Saturday. If I have gained, I’m afraid it’s going to discourage me. Wish me luck!!
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    Omg you poor thing. I understand where you are comming from I have 3 cats. Two get along but the third one is a little devil. I hope you recover quickly. Don't worry about the scale..*kitten* Glad your hubby was there for you.
    Sending you good vibes for a better weekend :)
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    @Mellykay88 - good luck with the new job!

    @meldwel - you poor thing! Cats can be straight up evil when they set their minds to it, can't they? The cat I have now has never bitten me but I have had cats that have. Be kind to yourself until you heal up.
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 307 Member
    @meldwel BAD kitty!!! I have two cats and thankfully they’ve never bitten me... but my little boy cat (Joey) enjoys climbing me from time to time and man those claws hurt!!!

    Take care of yourself!!!
  • theowlbox
    theowlbox Posts: 912 Member
    @meldwel omg be so very careful. We know a woman who became ill and died of an untended cat bite. I thought it was just a Ted Nugent song until that happened! You were being a good mom but they get upset and don't know, do they? Hope you get well soon!!

    @Mellykay88 good luck at the job! Hope it's amazing!