Keto symptoms

72happy Posts: 14 Member
Can anyone else tell if you are in keto? Yesterday was back in keto. My cheeks got all warm and red and after i did a quick test at home it says in the top end of keto. Took me 11 days to get in to keto. What's everyone symptoms and how fast did you get in to keto?


  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    That is good to hear. I do not test much anymore but I tell it in the belt because I blimp on higher carbs. After about 8 hours of sleep last night I lost 2.8 pounds on my first trip to the bathroom but tracking that is more of a guy thing the doctors often ask. I had loaded up about 3 pounds of fresh grapes in about 24 hours and had triggered some ankle swell but nothing in the pre keto pitting edema days.

    Keep up the great job @72happy and welcome to MFP forums.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    There was nothing too obvious for me besides a feeling of well being. I have had reactive hypoglycaemia, so once I'd been keto for a while I no longer got the hangry headaches, shakes and fatigue that I used to get two hours after eating. Steadier energy and better cognition was it, but those symptoms did not appear immediately. I am pretty sure I was in ketosis within a couple of days of going low carb, but I did not feel better immediately.
  • ironmaidenchick
    ironmaidenchick Posts: 213 Member
    It takes me 2-3 days. I get the rank breath and real bad cotton mouth. When I first go into ketosis I have trouble sleeping, my legs are restless and I feel like I an jumped up on sugar. Thankfully it goes away.
  • swezeytba
    swezeytba Posts: 624 Member
    When I first started keto my breath smelled husband could tell. Either it went away or he has gotten used to it...LOL
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Arm pits that smell like a bottle of acetone or a urine drenched kitty litter box...when I go out and work or walk in the hot sun for a few hours...and my antiperspirant has failed me. It's nothing a shower, some air conditioning and fresh deodorant won't help...until the next time.

    Otherwise I smell like a fresh, spring peony. :p I figure it is ketosis because it is a common side effect and I wasn't like that the 1st 62 years of my life prior to eating very low carb.