Anyone have any experience going surplus on keto?

Hey everyone!

I am new to this community and fairly new to lchf/keto, about 5 months. The reason I follow a keto lifestyle is not for the weight loss benefits, although my husband has lost 73lbs in 8month on keto, but I follow it for all the amazing health and healing benefits for your body. I have done a ton of research and one thing I am finding difficult is information on weight gain on on purpose. Its probably important to note that I do follow a more cyclical keto, introducing some carbs like a sweet potato 1-2 times a week. But with fat being satiating it is difficult for me to consume large amounts of food. I did use to weight train 5 days a week but after starting keto took a little break to kinda let my body adjust, I have since began back at the gym 3 days a week if i can and back to lifting weights. I guess I am just wondering if anyone has had success gaining or if anyone would be willing to help! Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated! =)

*I am naturally very lean, with a fast metabolism. I work a desk job which does come with stress as well as a mom to a 3 year old lol I would love to be able to put on a healthy 15lbs, if of course healthy for my body and know its not an overnight thing.


  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    edited March 2018
    I'd look at body building sites and ideas on how to bulk and do Refeeds. Lyle McDonald, Layne Norton, etc have a great deal of info regarding bulking. There is a very lengthy thread in the main forum General Diet and Health regarding Refeeds. The general idea is to gain weight to build muscle without adding body fat.

    ETA: intentional surplus is not something I have ever needed to try. Have you looked in the Weight Gain Forum of MFP?
  • Freischuetz
    Freischuetz Posts: 147 Member
    you follow the same protocol as i do, i reload only for 24 hours carbs - usual saturday.

    i have famous success, once i figured out what my body needs with around 12.5% bodyfat.

    first of all, be sure you are for a few weeks in ketosis. than i simply needed to raise up my protein at keto days, and lower fat - even at 0 cal surplus up to 200 cal surplus.

    saturday 1000 to 1500 plus, followed by a sunday where i usually cant eat that much and stay 500 cal in minus.

    working out 6-7 times a week, and this let me gain 6 to 8 lb by raising up less than 1% bodyfat in one month!

    it still let me gain mass, if i am 200 - 300 cal in minus whole week and add 2000 cal on saturday.