Is anyone else here susceptible to morning binges?

wibblewobblejellyontheplate Posts: 58 Member
edited March 2018 in Social Groups
As the titles states. Mornings, even though I’m not that hungry are a time I often binge. Baffles others when I’ve discussed this, I think it’s my way of avoiding the issues of the day to come, has anyone else found this to be a vulnerable time?


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Usually I get up between 5-6 am, to be at work by 7 am. I can manage to summon enough energy to accomplish those things, but come 9 am, I'm about a zombie. I must have some sort of energizing food intake, and if I'm not careful, that all too often becomes some combo of sugar and caffeine, which is a binge trigger... If I start with JUST caffeine, making sure I don't feel tired or dragging, and focus on a nourishing breakfast, this trigger is massively minimized...
  • saraonly9913
    saraonly9913 Posts: 469 Member
    Yes. After my walk (go figure) and before my daily appointments I walk across the parking lot (yes, that close) and buy a bunch of candy (sorry for trigger). I'm not sure if I'm happy or not but that store is closing March 29. At first, I thought great, no more convenient binging. However, I thought why am I so weak that I can't say no. Oh well. Store is closing. No sense in worrying about the why's now.