Progress Report



  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 220 lbs (This would put me in the obesity stage 1 category)
    Milestone: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Current Weight: 283.9 lbs 7/25/19
    Loss this Week: -1.5 lbs
    Total loss: -91.1 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work: I'm in a slightly better place emotionally and mentally today, I think; the 1.5 lbs loss looks slightly better, anyway! I did track my weight across the week and the average actually comes in a little higher than 283.9. Though I weight 283.9 last Friday, too, I also had a bad weekend for working, high heat, and TOM reared its ugly head (which also explains a lot of the funk I was in last week. A big uptick in depression is usually a signal that its that time for me.......)

    In any case, its still a respectable loss, and I'm working hard to make sure I see that!

    Next week is going to be hard; its a week long camping trip and while my activity levels will go way up as I do a lot of hiking, walking, and biking when I'm camping, my food intake will also invariably go up as well, especially since my mom doesn't measure or pay attention to the calorie load of whatever she cooks. I'm doing some shopping of my own to try to help mitigate - I bought low calorie veggie hot dogs and I'm thinking of getting low calorie bread to use instead of buns. I'll look in the store tonight for low calorie snacks and pick up some more fruit, though in truth, I'm really just not a fresh fruit eater - I do better at getting fruit in eating it frozen!

    But even if I stall next week, I desperately need the vacation and the time away. So no report next week, and we'll see how much damage there is to mitigate the following week. Perhaps having a week to work on getting in a better head space will help push the stress levels down and in turn help with the durned water weight!
  • mrsims1776
    mrsims1776 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! This is the beginning of my weight loss journey. I'm 33, 5'11" and weigh 364 lbs. I'm hoping joining a couple groups will help keep me accountable for my goal of getting down to at least 240lb. I am very excited about this, and look forward to sharing my journey, long though it may be. Never give up! Never Surrender!!
  • BettJo64
    BettJo64 Posts: 760 Member
    mrsims1776 wrote: »
    Hello! This is the beginning of my weight loss journey. I'm 33, 5'11" and weigh 364 lbs. I'm hoping joining a couple groups will help keep me accountable for my goal of getting down to at least 240lb. I am very excited about this, and look forward to sharing my journey, long though it may be. Never give up! Never Surrender!!

    Hi, mrsims :) Welcome to the group :) I'm Betty and I have an even longer journey than you to reach my goal. But we're all here to do it together! I've been here on MFP since 2014 and haven't missed a day of logging. This is a great place to be when you're looking for support and well as suggestions and advice. You can do this, mrsims :)
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 220 lbs (This would put me in the obesity stage 1 category)
    Milestone: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Current Weight: 285.3 lbs 8/8/19
    Loss this Week: +1.4 lbs
    Total loss: -89.7 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work
    : I knew I'd be up coming off a vacation, despite all the walking, biking, and swimming I did during my camping trip. We came back on Friday, but I wasn't able to get myself back on track, overeating all weekend, and even the last couple of days I've been under maintenance but not under my 1,000 deficit.

    I also took my measurements this morning and compared them to last month - absolutely no change, either up or down; I had the exact same measurements. So now I'm wondering if I've actually managed to lose anything at all in the last month or if all I'm doing is shifting around water. My deficit is set to 1,450 calories which is 70 calories UNDER what the MFP calculator says I should be eating at my current weight to lose 2 lbs/week for a sedentary person. I understand that the number MFP gives is an estimate as a person's calorie burn is very relative, but I also know that the difference from person to person is within a few hundred calories and that we can't actually break our metabolism. Even that infamous steady done on the Biggest Loser's showed at maximum something in the neighborhood of a 300-400 calorie difference if I'm remembering correctly, and I'm thinking as well that there were extenuating circumstances for this number and extreme limitations on that study (meaning we shouldn't be taking hard stances on it).

    I weigh my food and I've learned to be overly generous when choosing my data entries. I double check as best I can with the USDA website. I know that as soon as you mention on here that you can't understand why you are plateaued and not losing, the immediate answer is that you're eating too much, but I just can't see how I could possibly be taking in maintenance level foods or higher when I'm shooting for a nearly 1100 calorie deficit and am trying to weigh everything and be diligent about it. I'm not talking about last week, either, as I know I was over last week; what I can't understand is why after a whole month, my measurements have not budged at all!

    *sigh* I've got to be eating too much I guess, but until I can figure out where I'm getting it from and how to rein it in, I don't know really how to progress. All I can do, I suppose is try to get myself back on track and see how we do next month on measurements.

    The hardest thing I'm facing now is that the mental hunger drive is creeping back up. I tried to fast on Monday with no success; I was starving and couldn't strong-will my willpower to ride through it. I may try again tomorrow. I've thought about going to the state fair on Saturday, but if I do, that one day will probably blow my entire week and not because I'll go in there and eat all the time, either. We'll see.

    I suppose there is a little good news: the results today didn't send me into a depression spiral like they probably should have; I'm relatively emotionally numb right now, for good or ill.

    I am going to contact my Dr. this morning though. She has me on Wellbutrin for weight loss. Right now I'm at the middle dose level; however, I've seen absolutely no effects since I started it last fall or since she upped my dose in the winter - no effects on my weight loss or my mood. So I don't know if we should try increasing it one more time or just forget it all together; that will be my discussion with the Dr. We were trying to replicate the results of Contrave without actually using contrave, but I seem to have a high tolerance against medication.....
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 220 lbs (This would put me in the obesity stage 1 category)
    Milestone: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Current Weight: 284.4 lbs 8/15/19
    Loss this Week: -0.9 lbs
    Total loss: -90.6 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work
    : I am actually amazed that I had any loss at all this week, let alone almost a whole pound, because I know my eating has been terrible, and I was pretty far over deficit on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I did help my parents cut wood on Monday and that involved me splitting wood by hand, stacking brush, and me running the chainsaw for a time, so there was a lot of calories burned that day to mitigate some of the overage. But still, since I only managed to stay under or right at goal about 2 days this week, I was braced for nothing to change or to even see myself up a pound or so. So I was very surprised when I stepped on that scale saw that pound loss from last week - I even doubled checked! And I found out why I felt all bloated the last few days this morning.......

    So I'm actually rather pleased this time around - for once, I don't have a depressive rant! :D
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 220 lbs (This would put me in the obesity stage 1 category)
    Milestone: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Current Weight: 280.5 lbs 8/22/19
    Loss this Week: -3.9 lbs
    Total loss: -94.5 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work
    : well, for once I'm ecstatic! Part of that, of course, is that TOM is now over, so the water I was holding for that let go, but even still, I'm very happy with these results! My intake of food was up this week, so I wasn't expecting too much, though the scale was dropping, but my activity was way up the last few days because of yard work and canning tomatoes.

    So here's hoping that next week, I'll be seeing the 270's again!
  • fatoldladyonamission
    fatoldladyonamission Posts: 572 Member
    Hey guys.

    I started in this group last year when it first started but gave up for various excuses.

    I've recently discovered a friend is a Cambridge diet consultant so I've started on that to try to fix my weight

    I can't remember where I was when last here so I'm going to run through again where I'm at and where I want to be.

    Currently 340lbs and struggling hugely. Back, knees, ankles, you name it, it hurts when I move or even sit still.

    I'm missing out on riding our horses, ice skating socially with friends and generally being able to do every single thing everyone else can do without worrying that they aren't fit enough or won't fit etc etc.

    I'm ambitious in that I want to get down below 200lbs ultimately but for me being under 300lbs will be a great start.

    This is my third day back on and I've come up with my new mantra...

    Today is the last day I'll be this fat.

    Nothing earth shaking but it's working for me.

    Glad to see the group is still going and Bmeadows, you are my new inspiration!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 220 lbs (This would put me in the obesity stage 1 category)
    Milestone: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Current Weight: 284.1 lbs 8/29/19
    Loss this Week: +3.6 lbs
    Total loss: -90.9 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work
    : well, 3 steps forward, 3 steps back this week. However, I know that isn't all true weight gain. The bottom fell out 2 weeks ago, starting when my best friend called asking for a place to stay after her apartment building caught on fire. Last Thursday, I went to her place to help get started on moving. She lives about 2 hours away from me, so I was home very late that night. I went to work the next day, then on Saturday went back to get all the stuff that needs washed since she doesn't have a washer, everything she has had to be washed, and the local laundry mat charges $7.25 just to wash!

    I ended up being there very late again because she ended up in the hospital, and is still there now. So I came home late on Saturday night, did my cooking for church homecoming the next morning, went to services to play the piano, then went back down to where my friend lives to visit her in the hospital. I got a hotel room and spent all day Monday packing her stuff and moving it to her new 2nd floor apartment by myself. Thankfully, she doesn't have a lot of furniture! I still made countless trips up and down those stairs.

    Tuesday I was on my feet all day long cleaning the new apartment as it was filthy, so I was washing walls and ceilings, wiping out cabinets, etc, while also moving in another load of boxes and working with the utility guys to get the utilities on. I had a time getting to sleep that night because of how my legs were just aching.

    Yesterday was spent partly on the road and then in the DMV office because while staying in a hotel while trying to secure a new place to live (she had to call the attorney general to get the management company to offer her another apartment in a different location), someone cut the registration sticker off her license plate - just cut the whole corner of the license plate out! So, since she's in the hospital, I had to file the police report, go to the sherriff's office to pick it up, then go to the DMV to get the new plate. After all that, I worked at the new place a little longer and then went home, arriving at my house after 11, only to be up by 6 this morning so I could come into work.

    So all in all, I'm tired and sore and I know that my weight is up because 1) all that hard work has me swelled and 2) since I was staying in a hotel, I was eating out for the last 3 days and there aren't many options there besides fast food and I was trying to minimize costs.

    So I'm not actually upset to see the scale rise. It is what it is; all I can do is try to get it back under control this week, though we'll see how that does since I've got to get my own basic house chores done, my grass mowed, my own laundry done, the rest of her laundry done, and head back down to her place this weekend to try to finish getting it ready and to take a load of her stuff down to her. Not to mention hopefully being able to pick her up this weekend if she can get them to discharge her.

    Hopefully by next Thursday, things will have evened out!
  • fatoldladyonamission
    fatoldladyonamission Posts: 572 Member
    @bmeadows380 wow! It sounds like you worked really hard for your fast food calories so I doubt that little increase will show for long! Well done! I hope you aren’t so achy now that you’re comfy back at home. Your friend is lucky to have you.
  • fatoldladyonamission
    Progress report time for me, so I'm 14lbs down which is great and sticking to my own plan which isn't necessarily the same as the Cambridhe consultant's plan for me. She seems to like to remind me that I need to make sure I'm getting enough of everything, exactly what MFP does. But anyway, couldn't see me sticking with the whole total meal replacements for the rest of my life so I've been going with one or two of their products a day followed by a sensible meal and an ice lolly. Just because I like a sweet treat and these are my favourites whilst only being 60 calories, not putting me over sugar wise and being mostly carbs which I seem to lack at the end of the day.

    Depending on how it goes I might try to do 2 days a week where I still do total meal replacement as a kinda 5:2 option but for the moment the scale is moving nicely and I want to keep it that way with the least possible misery and the most possibly sustainability. Don't we all.

    Today is the last day I'll be this fat!

    (Apologies I have it pinned everywhere and constantly say it, in my head anyway!)

    Have a good day all 😊
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @fatoldladyonamission good job! I think you're on the right track: you are right in that you can't live on their replacements forever, so learning now how to incorporate in regular meals will be a big help when you hit goal.

    When it comes to macros, the one that I've been trying lately to get is protein. I struggle to get enough in a day; it seems that all the really good protein sources are also very calorie dense, and I don't want to forgo vegetables just so I can get protein in! My natural inclination is to eat low fat, so I rarely if ever hit that goal.

    But it's all individual - science is finally catching up with common sense in that there isn't a one size fits all approach to dieting and the key is finding what works best for you.

    And I'm all for sensible sweet treats - you gotta reward yourself somehow! :)
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    edited September 2019
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 220 lbs (This would put me in the obesity stage 1 category)
    Milestone: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Current Weight: 281.4 lbs 9/05/19
    Loss this Week: -2.7 lbs
    Total loss: -93.6 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work: Funny how the last two digits just reversed themselves comparing last week's weight to this week's! lol

    Anyway, I'm glad to see the scale trending in the right direction again, especially as I was still not eating well into Monday. Friday night when I picked the friend up from the hospital, she wanted pizza, so I blew past my limit as I wasn't expecting something like that and had already used up most of my calories for the day. The next day, Saturday, I finished washing walls down in her new apartment, so I had lots of activity, but she had brought cheesy bread sticks home and I ended up eating all 5 of them, not to mention other snacks. So I definitely went over that day too. Sunday was family dinner and not much better - I couldn't stay out of the bread pudding! And Monday I took the friend back to her apartment. It started that morning with her request for blueberry pancakes and went downhill from there, ending with dinner at Cracker Barrel, and while I did order the catfish grilled plain and had carrots and plain hash-brown casserole, I of course ate 2 biscuits, which was well over limit by the time you factor in my lunch and the slider from Arby's.

    Tuesday and Wednesday were much better as I was back home and back in my routine. I went a little over both days, but that was me trying to get my protein in, and it wasn't much over so I wasn't too concerned. I'm on track today to be under limit, but even if I trend a little over, I'm not too worried since I have a 1,000 calorie deficit and plan to get some yard work done this evening when I go home. I planted my potatoes in a tower and its time to take the tower apart and see if it worked, and that will require moving dirt around :)

    So I'm okay right now. In fact, I just took my body measurements and while my bust and muffin top (what I call my "high waist") measurements hadn't changed, I've lost a full inch off my regular waist and my hips! The scale may not be cooperating with me, but the measuring tape has made me very happy! lol

    Hopefully things will even out now. The friend is in her new apartment and so far, the only crisis that has hit her this week is having trouble getting the cable company to set up her internet. I'm really praying hard that things stay calm for her as she has a very long and difficult recovery ahead of her - and I know she's going to make it even harder because she pushes herself too far, insisting that she has to fix everything right now and will not work with her body. *sigh*

    I'm still hoping that I'll be seeing 27- next week instead of 28-, and that I can be down in the low 270's at least by the end of October when I see my PCP again. It would be nice to be back over 100 lbs lost!
  • fatoldladyonamission
    @bmeadows380 you're doing a fantastic job. Certainly sounds like you've been more than active enough to burn a fair few of those extra calories off! I think we all struggle when suddenly pit in a position of being expected to eat calorific foods. I know when I start to shy away from going it is when I need to stop!

    Everything crossed for the 100lbs lost though I'm already in awe of your loss so far!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 220 lbs (This would put me in the obesity stage 1 category)
    Milestone: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Current Weight: 279.1 lbs 9/12/19
    Loss this Week: -2.3 lbs
    Total loss: -95.9 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work:*rubs eyes* I doubled checked this weight this morning because I never expected to be that low. Let me say I'm one very happy camper this morning!

    As usual, the weekends fall apart for me, though my activity goes up which seems to be mitigating some of that. TOM is here this week which of course leads to water weight gain, munchies, and some emotional fall out, though the last two were milder than usual this time around, thank goodness. But I haven't been sleeping real well and getting only maybe 4 hours of decent sleep the last few nights, so that, coupled with a general blah feeling has had me low on energy in the evenings, and all I've really done the last 3 evenings is sit and read after dinner. It's too hot and way too dry right now to do much of anything outside, especially mowing grass. And I don't have air conditioning so I've been giving in to the general urge to just sit in front of a fan when I can *crooked grin*

    So I really didn't expect to see much of a loss this week at all as I only managed to be at a deficit 3 days this week.

    We'll see how things go this coming week; the friend is up for a few days, and you know how things tend to go when you have house guests. At the very least, Saturday is near and I don't have anywhere I really need to be, so I can turn that alarm off and catch up with my sleep!
  • fatoldladyonamission
    Sounds like you're doing a fantastic job @bmeadows380 very very close to the magic 100lbs gone! You're doing so well.

    I too have that dreaded TOM this week, seems to be dragging longer than usual too but I'm happy to say I'm another 4lbs down bringing me to 17lbs gone. I'm pleased with that and trying not to obsess about how far there is to go, another 140lbs ish I think!

    Today is the last day I be this fat!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight: ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal: 220 lbs (This would put me in the obesity stage 1 category)
    Milestone: 260 lbs (this would put me below the 40 BMI mark for being morbidly obese or stage 3 obese)
    Current Weight: 284.5 lbs 9/19/19
    Loss this Week: +5.4 lbs
    Total loss: -90.5 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work
    : well, one step forward 5 steps backward this week. However, I also know that I most definitely did not over eat to the tune of a 5 lb gain in one week, so I'm obviously retaining water. I had a guest all week and that of course led to a lot of out to eating plus not a whole lot of activity as we spent most of our time either talking or driving somewhere. Though I can't sit still and talk so I do a lot of fidgeting, but still, not a huge amount of activity. Plus I do freely admit I went over my calorie limit every day this week and was probably over maintenance 4 of those days - as you can tell, I don't do well when in the company of other people!

    But the house guest went home yesterday so that means I can get back on track today. I'm still hoping I might be able to get back down to 275 by 10/7; we'll see.

    On the flip side, I see 2 doctors in the next 3 weeks; my endocrinologist and my regular PCP. Both doctors ordered blood work panels. My blood sugar, cholesterol levels, etc were all in the normal range and many had even improved from last year. However, what has me really confused is that my TSH has made a huge jump in the last year - going from 2.4 to 8.8! I've been taking the same medication level for the last year AND I'm on the name brand due to an allergic reaction to one of the generics, so I'm very glad I see the endo next week as I can't figure why my TSH has gone up so much. I know the previous measurement was taken with one lab while the other was taken at another, but still, that big of a jump is way more than can be explained by differences in the two labs. So I'm a little concerned right now, especially since I had my thyroid removed in 2014 because of thyroid cancer and while I've been cancer free since and all the tests that have been done since then to monitor me have all come back excellent and my doctor told me I was in the bottom percentile for any chance of re-occurrence, meaning the chances of me having cancer again is extremely low, it is still concerning to see this huge of an increase over the course of a year - why has the medication seemed to stop working?

    Meanwhile, a TSH value of 8.8 is deeply into the hypothyroid range, so that also explains why I've been struggling with fatigue all summer and why I've had such a hard time in the last year losing any weight. With a TSH value that high, I'm really surprised I've managed to get those 15 lbs off this summer at all!
  • fatoldladyonamission
    @bmeadows380 so sorry to hear that you're having health issues again. I hope that the specialist can sort you out with some other medication/solution that will get you out of the hypothyroid range again. I have fibro so completely understand about fatigue causing issues. It's so debilitating. You've done so well to get so much off this summer with your levels that high.
  • fatoldladyonamission
    Just realised I haven't added a progress report myself for a weeks or two.

    Well I'm 20lbs down now, exactly a month back on it today so I'm pleased with that. The meal replacements are only being used for times when I'm out and can't get a sensible option, or on the days I choose to do a fasting day but the normal days are overtaking those and not seeming to make too much difference to the weight loss.

    NSV happened last night. We had a birthday party at our stables for one of the owners last night and I finally managed to sit comfortably in one of those lovely looking chairs with the arms. They used to squeeze me to the point it would hurt and I had red marks on my thighs but last night it was comfortable. No tight fit and no squeeze! I'm over the moon with that!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    eek! I am retaining a ton of water this morning! yesterday morning, I stepped on the scale and saw 281 lbs; I was pleased as that was down from last week's reading. This morning, I stepped on the scale and saw 288 lbs - I even doubled checked. That's a 7 lb gain in 24 hours!

    So I'm not panicking because that is obviously water weight gain. Yes, I've had trouble staying under the last few weeks, ever since being out of town helping my friend move. However, I've been coming in usually a little under or right at maintenance most days. Besides, no one gains 7 lbs of fat in 24 hours anyway.

    Yesterday, I had to drop my truck off at the mechanic for routine maintenance. I walked back to the office, which is about 3/4 miles. In the afternoon, I had to walk back down to pick my truck up. My sister and I hadn't had time lately to connect, so I offered to take her to dinner at the local Mexican restaurant where I did over indulge in chips - we split the basket brought to the table - and had a fajita chicken salad sans beans and taco shell (good) and 1 chicken tamale (not so good lol)

    So I'm suspecting the weight today is because of the extra exercise - I always put on water weight when my activity goes up - and because of the restaurant food. Yes, I did go over yesterday and was probably over maintenance a little as well, but nothing drastic. I'll just ride this out, though that means I won't be taking a weekly weight measurement tomorrow since I know its going to be badly skewed for a few days until i can drop this water.

    And I see the doctor on Friday, where I'm hoping to get some answers on the TSH. I did dug digging around but couldn't find much until I got to the thyroid cancer survivor's website and found their message board (I am a thyroid cancer survivor myself). I saw that its become pretty common for those in my situation to experience a rise in TSH after a few years of stability. No one ones why it happens, but some of the patients were suspecting that over time, the body adapts to a particular brand of medication and starts having absorption issues. Good news is that is isn't a sign of cancer's return.

    It will give me a few things to talk to my doctor about, though I'm still going to have to insist on a new round of bloodwork because I'm also on T3 medication and there is no way I'm going to let her change my synthroid dosing until she verifies the T3 numbers as well because the two medications have to be balanced out. But hopefully after this appointment, I'll be on the road to getting that TSH back down and getting out of the hypothyroid status and maybe start seeing success on the weight loss front again!
  • fatoldladyonamission
    A little late with my progress report but still going well I’m pleased to say. I joined one of those just give me one month threads for September and set my goal for this month at a wildly ambitious 13.5lbs, basically because that put me at 299lbs and I wanted to get below that dreaded 300 number. Well this morning I weighed in at 299.1lbs. So close! I suspect it’ll fluctuate a bit before the end of the month but I’m happy to know I got that close. That actually puts me at 26lbs lost since I restarted. 2 more pounds for the 2 stone lost! I’m really pleased with that.

    My only real issue for the time being is that I’m fighting plantar fasciitis that seems to have come on with a vengeance. It is absolute agony and has made me have to stop using my treadmill until my orthopaedic Support trainers arrive, which I’m hoping will be on Monday. Gutted though as I’d gone from barely hitting 2000 steps a day before I started to doing between 10 and 12k a day. Unfortunately it seems that being overweight and suddenly increasing exercise is exactly what causes Plantar Fasciitis to start. But if I can’t exercise how am I supposed to shift weight and get fitter? Praying that the new shoes help an awful lot.

    My only other news is that I bought my self a CBT weight loss work book from Amazon a week or so ago and I’ve been working through it. Not got far yet but I’m impressed with what I’ve worked through so far. It asks you to think about the pros and cons of first making a change and dieting and then to do the same for not making the change and staying where you are. It’s actually been really useful. Looking forward to carrying on with it.

    Happy Saturday night all 😊