IF you would like to officially join the challenge....

ARamirez14 Posts: 13 Member
1) Upload a BEFORE PHOTO to Instagram with the hashtag #T25STCHALLENGE.

In your photo, you must show something to prove the date, such as Shaun T's Facebook page.
All before photos must be posted to Instagram before 11:59 EST August 12, 2013.

2) Each week, post an accountability PROGRESS VIDEO to Instagram with the same hashtag.

3) At the end of the #T25STCHALLENGE, post your AFTER PHOTO to Instagram with the same hashtag.

In your photo, you must show something to prove the date, such as Shaun T's Facebook page.

4) At the end of the contest, we will open up a contest submission form for you to submit your before and after photos from your Instagram.

Happy Instagramming. Also, if you don't want to do all of that but still want to follow Shaun T, definitely check out his facebook (Shaun T) and blog (http://shauntfitness.com/blog/)!

But regardless.... DONT FORGET YOUR BEFORE PICS! even if you don't want to share them (yet) keep them for you so you can track your progress!!