I broke my plan (food & t1 diabetes!)

fitchick37 Posts: 124 Member
I fancied a slice of white toast and peanut butter for breakfast, half an hour later I feel bloated, uncomfortable and horrible and then a while later I realised I'd got it totally wrong and over bolused for the old T1 diabetes and found myself going hypo out on a 12km walk on a country lane in the middle of no where on my own. Luckily was prepared. Lesson learned with the bread!

Any other type 1s about? I'm not totally cutting carbs but aiming to keep below 100 per day, some days it happens, some days it doesn't. I've about 100 pounds to lose in total. I was diagnosed just before my 1st birthday many years ago!


  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Tagging @midwesterner85 who is TD1.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Yes, also a type 1. I try to avoid carbs entirely, but have glucose tablets if I get low. My worst was a marathon in Oct. last year. I went out too fast and ended up dropping from 180's to 50 in the first 3 miles. Despite eating glucose tablets I was carrying, bananas, and oranges from aid stations, I stayed in the 50's for most of the rest of the first half... though was able to keep going. I had a Gu pack at an aid station around mile 9, and was back up over 100 by mile 11 or 12. All of this really tired me out and I just couldn't keep the pace up. There was a lot of walking, especially in the 2nd half. I finished, but it ended up taking about 6 hrs. :(

    For me, it is easiest to just not have foods with carbs available. Allowing a little bit of carbs for me is like allowing an alcoholic just 1 drink. We all know it won't stop at just 1.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Tagging @Sunny_Bunny_ whose daughter is T1. She's a great resource!
  • fitchick37
    fitchick37 Posts: 124 Member
    Yes, also a type 1. I try to avoid carbs entirely, but have glucose tablets if I get low. My worst was a marathon in Oct. last year. I went out too fast and ended up dropping from 180's to 50 in the first 3 miles. Despite eating glucose tablets I was carrying, bananas, and oranges from aid stations, I stayed in the 50's for most of the rest of the first half... though was able to keep going. I had a Gu pack at an aid station around mile 9, and was back up over 100 by mile 11 or 12. All of this really tired me out and I just couldn't keep the pace up. There was a lot of walking, especially in the 2nd half. I finished, but it ended up taking about 6 hrs. :(

    For me, it is easiest to just not have foods with carbs available. Allowing a little bit of carbs for me is like allowing an alcoholic just 1 drink. We all know it won't stop at just 1.

    I honestly don’t know how I’d manage mine on no carbs, I’m ok having reduced and cleaning up my diet for it. Last year I was totally out of control feeding stress and yo-yoing all over the place. Starting gently with shifting a bit of weight and getting hba1c under 7 and then I’ll look at cleaning the carbs up more. Slow steps to start!