Next Month - Clomid!

RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member
edited November 2024 in Social Groups
Hey all,

So this past month I have been tracking/charting my BBT for my new OBGYN office (so glad I switched now even though I was so worried before). Anyway, this past week I faxed over all of my information and she called yesterday with some info for me.

Based on the charting/temps etc; more than likely what we had assumed about having a Luteal phase defect is right on the money. If I am ovulating, I am ovulating so late in my cycle there is just no time for development etc, and my cycles are pretty short; so we have a few things working against us.

With that being said, BC I am 35+, have been trying 10 months heading towards 11 we are going to start our first round of Clomid next cycle. EEK! I am all of the emotions; just all of them. I understand Clomid is not a guarantee, but its a possibility that w/that + timed BD we could be on the right track.

I faxed over my paperwork the last day of my cycle and bc my cycle is so short, I missed being able to start this time. So; end of April- we are going for it.

This will be it for us. If Clomid doesn't work (she said we can try 6 rounds, and if no pregnancy would have to transfer to a fertility clinic). All infertility through my insurance is OOP - so if we don't get pregnant/stay pregnant in the next 6 months of trying w/Clomid; we are done for now. (Adoption is something we'd consider but I think we'd need time afterwards).

So anyway, positive thoughts & vibes my way would be GREATLY appreciated. In some ways, I am kind of glad we have this next few weeks to prepare our selves for possible changes, a different stop on the emotional roller coaster that is TTC.

I am feeling so positive, and BEYOND grateful that I stopped my migraine meds; I have head a slight headache almost daily which stinks; but, I am no longer an emotional basket case and depressed fighting to get out of bed. The s/e were outweighing the benefits so I'm 100% sure it was the right move. Real quick honest moment tho - I was LOVING the appetite suppressant s/e I cant lie about that.

:smiley: Here goes nothing!


  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Lots of positive vibes and thoughts sent your way!!! Keep us updated!
  • girlalmighty08
    girlalmighty08 Posts: 130 Member
    Ditto to that! We'll be thinking about you :)
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 1,005 Member
    So glad you got some answers! I will keep my fingers crossed for you! Keep us posted on how you’re doing.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hey Rhiannon! I posted a typed up a huge response yesterday and mfp ate it. Ugh!

    Anyway, I had an RE appointment Tuesday and was told I had the exact same thing. Lutel phase defect, clomid. I'm actually really pissed about it because I have 3 years of charts in fertility friend and my first RE and my obgyn all didn't care and said it was fine- no issues! They didn't even look at the charts and it's cost me so much time. He also said I have endometriosis, and I'm on day 14 of my period-which is a whole other issue. I met with a surgeon and he said I needed spine surgery before I get pregnant, so I'm benched for 3, 4, 5, 6? months at least. That's for another post though. This one is about you.

    I'm glad you have a plan moving forward. If finances are the reason, I wouldn't give up if clomid doesn't work-related there are other affordable options to try. I hope it works for you though <3
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    I'm so glad your new doc is helping you move forward and find some answers. I'm also glad you're off that crazy medicine that was messing you up! Clomid has some side effects, I've heard, such as stomach upset and pmssy stuff since it messes with the hormones, but they're supposed to be mild. Fingers crossed this works out great for you!

    @Kirstie155 Amazing what a different RE has to say. Maybe he can address the endometriosis too, which should help your pain levels. The setback with back surgery must be discouraging. But at least it's a concrete goal to move towards with a definite timeline instead of always being in limbo not really knowing what needs to be done next. Anyway, sounds like you're facing a whole lot. We're rooting for you though.
  • RhiannonBecks
    RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks for the support ladies, I appreciate it! @Kirstie155 I am glad that your new RE recently as well; I know the delays must seem disappointing & frustrating, we are all here if you need to vent! (Hugs).

    @Alioth- I am SO glad that meds are done too, I cannot even begin to describe how it feels to be "normal" again (or baseline normal for me, LOL). I have heard Clomid can have some s/e too bc, like you said, messes w/hormones, but I'll be crossing my fingers they are mild.

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    @RhiannonBecks all the positivity ever to you on your months on Clomid! I hope for the very best and fastest results for you! I agree that going off the migraine medication was the best choice you could make. As one who has also had frequent headaches and occasional migraines I do understand how much having headaches all the time sucks. Interesting thing though... I get them way less often now after giving birth. I'm wondering if they were hormonal!

    @Kirstie155 I glad your new RE actually bothered to look at your info and is able to give you possible treatment! As much as it sucks to have to wait till after your back surgery, maybe it is not so bad... my back is always under a lot of pressure from holding and nursing Keith, so you might be a lot more comfortable afterward. I do hope the surgery is successful and effective. And that you can get the surgery asap so you can get back to TTC.
  • RhiannonBecks
    RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member
    Update: DAY 1 is here; took my Clomid this morning- feeling hopeful, sun is shining, feeling happy.

    Doctor did call yesterday and suggested I pick up an RX she called in for Pregnyl - essentially an HCG shot. It will be all out pocket bc my insurance doesn't cover any fertility meds; however, I was able to swing my Clomid for $8 so hubby & I talked; we are going to go ahead & do the trigger shot too. We want to move ahead knowing we did what we could, within reason.

    Sunday will be my last clomid dose & then Ultrasound is scheduled for the 27th. EEEK - is this real life?

    *Trying my best not to be overly excited though, I don't want to put it all in on this one shot and be devastated if nothing occurs; but it sure feels nice right now!

  • girlalmighty08
    girlalmighty08 Posts: 130 Member
    @RhiannonBecks So happy to hear this - I don't think I'd be able to contain the excitement either. We'll be thinking of you!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @RhiannonBecks Fingers crossed!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Hooray! Good luck!
  • RhiannonBecks
    RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member
    Hey ladies, Long update for you....

    Sorry I haven't updated I know I said I would. So 1st round of Clomid completed; had my trigger injection & Follicle study done as well last Friday.

    For the most part the US/Follicle study went well; she said only one thing for us to note was a possible polyp; but for now didn't think we needed to be concerned; so she gave me the shot & sent me home!

    Its been a rough weekend; didn't start out that way as I left my office visit that morning of my shot feeling so excited, hopeful, ___________ fill in the blank of happy emotions. Thankfully I didn't have any side effects from Clomid and thus far no side effects from the Pregnyl shot either.

    So the update is this- we were supposed to be aiming for every other day intercourse starting Friday, until my next period or a + pregnancy test.

    We haven't had sex 1 time - I take that back; not 1 successful time. I considered not even posting this but I was feeling very alone so figured id just reach out & share, sometimes that is enough.

    Friday we attempted and I think a combo of MANY things made our attempt fail - tired after work/plans that day + performance anxiety + pressure of this is finally it + the fact it didn't seem natural bc we were "forcing" ourselves to make sure we did it at the correct time. That left me a little bummed, but not super upset. Saturday Morning my husband had plans to leave for the remainder of the weekend which was a bit stressful knowing Friday didn't go as planned but we decided we'd give it a shot before he left. That was a fail, after breakfast he wasn't feeling well & either was I. When he came to say goodbye I just had a breakdown. I was feeling so disappointed (not in HIM, but the situation). Sunday he didn't get home until late and then Monday went by-- a lot of it was me; and unspoken weirdness between us bc I think we were both feeling so much pressure & we didn't want to blame each other.

    We talked last night laying in bed and we (as a couple) are doing fine, I think its just hard to be feeling SO bummed, when just Friday I was filled with SO much hope. It feels like it was such a waste- me taking the Clomid; getting the Ultrasound done, paying out of pocket for that shot. I don't even know now if the rest of this cycle is shot; but I don't want to force it either.

    The past almost year has been emotional in regards to TTC; but this, this is a whole new emotional I didn't know Id feel. It doesn't feel like it is irrational or reactive to the meds, so that is good. I think it was just a punch to the heart coming from a different place now. I am used to Trying and hoping and it not working - but now that we know something was preventing us ( see; Luteal Phase Defect), and we have this opportunity, it just feels like it hurt a bit more.

    Thanks for letting me vent, and just reach out.

  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    That's great that your follicle study went well. Hrm. That's a lot of pressure. Sorry things didn't go as planned, and that you had a rough week emotionally. Maybe there's something fun you guys could do together to lighten the mood? A fun date or activity you both like? I dunno. Stress is the worst. Rooting for you though!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @RhiannonBecks How are you doing today? Vent anytime, it's what we are hear for! Lots of positive vibes and hugs sent your way!
  • RhiannonBecks
    RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member
    Hi ladies, thanks for checking in/responding. @WifiresGettingFit Today I am much better; I think it was an acute feeling of just being overwhelmed/disappointed at the same time. We both have accepted that this may not be the cycle, and that is ok too; I know it wasn't a waste and we are ready for AF to roll up on us (expected this weekend) and if not; will still test on day 35 ( which lands 05/21/18) and move fwd from there.

    I am putting little hope or excitement into this round; mainly to keep me from feeling disappointment if/when AF comes around, but moving fwd we know what to expect; so when I said before not even sure if it was worth my time - I def take that back, I don't regret it all, and it was a learning experience for us both.

    BTW/TMI- Hooray for sex, ha - I mean, its never a bad thing, but we (finally) did last week; funny thing is too I told him I could swear I felt myself ovulating - I know some women say they do, it was a totally different pain and very pin pointed local; of course this was the AM prior to that; but- you never know!

    Anyway- that is all for now; just staying focused on the positives and we will see what happens- this weekend, or in a week or so, we will know more.

  • RhiannonBecks
    RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member
    So; CD1 is here. Called my OBGYN office; before they will start Clomid Round 2, my doctor wants to do a Hystosonogram to check out that Uterine Polyp she noted on my follicle study -- first available cancellation appointment is June 25th. And then id start up for Clomid round 2 middle July.

    Needless to say; I am feeling a bit heartbroken right now for the delay.
  • girlalmighty08
    girlalmighty08 Posts: 130 Member
    Hang in there girl! :)
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Rhiannon, I'm so sorry about cd1, you must be crushed. *hugs*
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited May 2018
    I'm sorry there's been a delay in the process and sorry I'm just now getting a response to you, it's been one of those weeks. Lots of positive thoughts and hugs sent your way!!!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @RhiannonBecks Booo, for having to wait again! Thanks for sharing your journey though. We're rooting for you and let us know how the study goes!
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