Duh... Didn't Realize No Net Carbs on MFP

Pambo1234 Posts: 7 Member
SW (3/18) 333
CW (3/28) 321
GW (?) 185
5' 7" 55 yo female
Just wrapping up day 11. Keto strips showed I was in Keto by last Thursday...stayed in ketosis even though I went slightly over my 30 g daily carb goal on some days. (down about 12 #). I expected a big loss the first week...BUT it just dawned on me today that I'm not really consuming 30 carbs...I didn't realize MFP didn't calculate net carbs. Reviewed diary and found out I only consumed between 12 and 20 net grams per day. I know it's good to be under 20 net carbs, but now I'm concerned my percentages are "off". Confused on how to figure my numbers again so my percentages are within recommendations. Very disappointed, I thought I had this figured out! I don't think I can sustain 12 carbs in the Long haul...I think I'll feel deprived.

Any suggestions? New here, maybe this has already been addressed elsewhere?


  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Eating keto or very low carb is great for hunger suppression. You don't have to be in ketosis to lose weight and being in ketosis is not the reason you're losing weight so feel free to be a bit more flexible on carbohydrates simply because it will help you adhere to your deficit in the long run...unless ketosis is for a medical reason. Long term adherence is what is need for loss and maintenance.

    There are scripts you can use that reflect net carbs. Someone will post them for you. OR you could just (if you haven't already) delete the sugar micro on your diary page and replace with fiber then mentally subtract fiber from carbs and you'll have net carbs.

  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    You don’t need to sustain 12g carbs. It sounds like you did just fine to me.
    You don’t even have to use net carbs if you find counting total easier. If you’re just subtracting fiber anyway it’s meaningless so why not just have a goal range of 20-50g and count total. Some days might be 20g. Some days might be 50g. Part of it will be fiber and you’re not really counting that anyway. The exact grams you land at don’t really matter as much as people try to make you think.

    I so much agree with this.
  • Pambo1234
    Pambo1234 Posts: 7 Member
    Great feedback. I already had modified my setting to track fiber, I just didn't realize it wasn't netting them out of the total carbs. I think what I'm concerned about is I've been led to believe the percentages are critical...I thought that is what sets the ketogenic "lifestyle" apart from low carb.

    This is what caused me to figure it out...I had 3 carbs left until my target...and I needed more fat for the day. Got on the boards looking for ideas and found this Chia Pudding. Made it, ate one serving, went to log it and then BAM... daily carb count went up 11.9 when I logged it. What ?? I had this snack figured at 2.6...it's then I realized the app doesn't subtract fiber!

    I found a link to a script by "Caveman"? I'll try to download it when I get home. But if not, I agree I can just do the math and try not to pay attention if I go over...it just bugs me because I really want to pay attention to the recommended percentages, it makes it more difficult. Thanks again everyone, I appreciate the insight!

  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    The percentages are not important at all. If you’re doing keto or low carb or any kind all that’s important is the low carbs. You need to keto them at or below your goal, eat at least enough protein for your body’s needs and at least enough fat for hormone health which isn’t really very much.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I agree. Keto is just lower carb - a subset of LCHF. A ketogenic diet is considered to be below 50g of carbs (could be net or total) and keeps you in ketosis the vast majority of the time. Carbs up to 100-150g is low carb too, but you may not be very deep into ketosis or consistently in ketosis, which is not a problem unless you want ketones for treating a health issue.

    My carbs would vary from zero to 100g (total) with most being around 20g when I was losing. I stayed around there because I felt good there, and it helped keep my blood glucose steady. That's the only reason. :) Others feel better at different numbers and percentages.

    If you do go by total carbs, just set it a tad bit higher and log fibre. As long as fibre makes up a good percentage of your carbs from plants, you're fine, IMO. :)
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Also a lot of times if you do a search for whatever food you are eating and add net carbs someone has already made an entry that deletes fiber or sugar alcohols or whatever!

    I agree with the above though. I have eaten this way for 2 1/2 years and I've never paid attention to anything other than my carb count. If you are at 50 or below you'll most likely be in ketosis and again that's not what is making you lose weight. It's just a helpful tool for hunger suppression and/or it's used for medical purposes. I use this style of eating to control RA flares.
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    This may have been addressed as I haven't read all of the replies.

    MFP will calculate net carbs - there is an easy hack, but you'd have to google it, I don't have it handy.

    Or you can adjust your diary to put fiber right next to carbs and do the math easily.
  • grugrx2
    grugrx2 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I am new to this Keto thing as well. Just started on Sunday....yeah, the traditional Easter dinner was lacking at my house this year, lol
    I apologize if I hijack this thread, but I’m also confused about the whole net carb math on this app. I get that we are supposed to subtract fiber, but sugar as well? How do you know if it’s sugar alcohols or not?
    My macros are set for 10% carb, 20% protein & 70% fat. Roughly 32g carbs per day.
    Yesterday my total carbs were 28 and fiber was 9, is the net amount 19? Day before was 32-12= 20g net. Is this right? Is it good? I am reading some keto blogs but I think I could use a little reassurance that I am on the right track. Oh, and what is a script?
    Thank you so much for any feedback
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    This may have been addressed as I haven't read all of the replies.

    MFP will calculate net carbs - there is an easy hack, but you'd have to google it, I don't have it handy.

    Or you can adjust your diary to put fiber right next to carbs and do the math easily.

    This may be it:
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    grugrx2 wrote: »
    Hi, I am new to this Keto thing as well. Just started on Sunday....yeah, the traditional Easter dinner was lacking at my house this year, lol
    I apologize if I hijack this thread, but I’m also confused about the whole net carb math on this app. I get that we are supposed to subtract fiber, but sugar as well? How do you know if it’s sugar alcohols or not?
    My macros are set for 10% carb, 20% protein & 70% fat. Roughly 32g carbs per day.
    Yesterday my total carbs were 28 and fiber was 9, is the net amount 19? Day before was 32-12= 20g net. Is this right? Is it good? I am reading some keto blogs but I think I could use a little reassurance that I am on the right track. Oh, and what is a script?
    Thank you so much for any feedback

    Some people deduct fiber and sugar alcohols. I personally am trying to be a little more strict with myself right now so that I can see faster results. I follow the advice of some groups I belong to and only deduct the fiber from avocados and vegetables. I found myself deducting everything I could so that I could squeeze in more carbs because I love them :) I have found that only deducting the fiber from those two things works for me.

    I have also read (and now subscribe to) that you have to be careful with using strictly percentages with calculating macros. (not that you are) Because if your calories for the day go too high, your percentages could be great, but you could still hinder weightloss if you are not at a calorie deficit. I started tracking grams only on my macros and seem to be getting better results - and then as long as my macros are in line, the calories line up on their own.

    I like the macro calculator on mindyourmacros.co - there are some other good ones too, but I can't remember right now. But I follow a lower fat version of keto because high fat wasn't working for me...
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    grugrx2 wrote: »
    Hi, I am new to this Keto thing as well. Just started on Sunday....yeah, the traditional Easter dinner was lacking at my house this year, lol
    I apologize if I hijack this thread, but I’m also confused about the whole net carb math on this app. I get that we are supposed to subtract fiber, but sugar as well? How do you know if it’s sugar alcohols or not?
    My macros are set for 10% carb, 20% protein & 70% fat. Roughly 32g carbs per day.
    Yesterday my total carbs were 28 and fiber was 9, is the net amount 19? Day before was 32-12= 20g net. Is this right? Is it good? I am reading some keto blogs but I think I could use a little reassurance that I am on the right track. Oh, and what is a script?
    Thank you so much for any feedback

    Oh, a script is a computer command, which in the in the case of MFP will let you adjust the program to work better for you. There are a couple you can load/use to enhance what the program will do for you without having to pay for the upgraded version.

    For example, I was able to load one that enabled me to enter my macro goals in grams rather than just percentages without upgrading. There is also one to get net carbs, although I prefer to just move the fiber column right next to my carb column in my food diary
    so that I can see them side by side. If you google MyFitnessPal scripts or hacks, you can see different options, get step by step instructions, and even short youtube videos walking you through.