Just saying hi and a little bit more.

Hubby has nodes on his adrenal glands and chf and other stuff. I have suggested that it might be best to take a wholefood plant based approach.

If I don't cook for him, he wont. Literally wont. Although my main reproach of - I aint your mother, go cook your own damn meals has just enabled him to continue making what I perceive to be poor choices. Half a dozen butter with a dab of jam sandwiches for dinner anyone? My other approach was doing bulk freezer meals for his dinner and making him lunch which to me just hinders him from having to take responsibility for himself. And then he got fussy. Game over.

A couple of days ago he asked me to help him lose weight again. His last attempt, I got him down 20kg, he has a total of 50kg to lose. He still has 50 odd kg to lose.
I told him he had to take charge of himself. Get in the kitchen, learn to cook what you'll eat, read food labels, do some research on your conditions, set some personal goals, find knowledgeable people who will help you. I then softened and said this is what I have for breakfast (blend 11 and coconut yoghurt), would you like some? Oh look the sodium is very low. Out of curiosity let's compare it to yours.... His was low sodium and almost 3 times higher (weetbix). I'm not watching my sodium though. Blend 11 is for best poos ever but that's another conversation.

The last time he spoke with a dietitian a few years ago, she told him 'read all the labels, don't touch anything over 20% per serve or 250mg, and stop taking in fluids'. That's ok because I'm the main shopper. I wasn't with him on that visit and I asked him to clarify the last point - as in no fluid at all? Veges, fruit - no fluid at all????? Surely she meant beverages, ice-blocks, ice-creams, honey etc. He couldn't clarify it. I asked him if he was curious himself as to question her statements. No, I figured I didn't have to listen. I KNEW you would read the papers. Research them and come up with alternatives that you know will work for me. I trust you more than I trust her. Geez buddy! But I am not a dietitian. I am not a nutritionist. I am not a doctor. And I WILL NOT devise a nourishment plan for you.....

Sometimes I swear he is the thorn in my side.

Yesterday I found a list of very very low to low sodium veges/fruit. I didn't save the link though. I wrote it out for him. I made one suggestion for his lunch, farmhouse style veges in a shop-bought low sodium bone broth. Also suggested he get some containers and groceries. He chose fruit. I think this guy will have me fussing over him if I'm not smart enough. Again.