Mini Goal Challenge - Week of April 9th to 15th



  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    The day may not be over yet, but today only (not for the week obviously) I have met all goals but the f&v, and I don't plan to eat any more today so...

    1) Journal at least 2x/day - 5/7
    2) Ten minutes outside daily - 2/7
    3) Seven servings of fruits/veggies daily - 1/7
    4) Exercise 6 days/week - 1/7
    5) 7 hours of housework/week - 7/7
    6) Floss daily - 5/7

    My exercise was pretty perfunctory, no or low weight and low reps. It's no wonder I was procrastinating, I'm not 100% myself yet. It was a struggle to do even this ridiculously easy version of NROLFW. But I'm glad to get back to the habit again.
  • forestrose910
    forestrose910 Posts: 688 Member
    I have been having trouble with my ipad and not being able to post. sorry I have not been more supportive.

    clicketykeys- seems like a wise decision not to do the 5k. great that you did your yoga and accomplished the other things you needed to get done. Hope this coming week is a good one.

    goldthistime- sorry you are still having digestive issues. it is so tough when your body gives you a whammy and you have to build things up again. but you will do this one step at a time.

    Molly- great job with your steps and your walking. keep moving forward.

    cjsacto- seems like your body is giving you a bit of a whammy also. hang in there. good job with your physical activity and protein. like the rest of us, it is a work in progress and you can work on your other goals this week when you feel a bit better.

    My week finished with the only goal I accomplished was food and fat under the goal. I did get over 5000 steps yesterday. it is a start.
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