Hair falling out question

LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
So, I've hit that point my hair is falling out. Not a ton, but it's noticeable, especially when I shower. It's pretty minimal compared to some people. Anyway, the point to all this is I want to dye my hair. I haven't done it in over 2 years. But I finally got bored with my hair (more white is starting to show through too and I'm only 27) and I want something new! (Especially since my self confidence is starting to go up.) Some websites say dying your hair doesn't cause it to fall out, but what have you experienced with this? I would get it done professionally because I know that's better for your hair than the boxed stuff. And since I haven't dyed it in years I figured it might be ok. Any input???


  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    As an ex cosmetologist, I don't think dying your hair will be a problem--if anything it may condition your hair and leave it in better shape than it is now. The reason for this is that hair dye and permanent chemicals infuse into the actual hair shaft and if you use a good color, it already has special conditioners in it. My thoughts when I was working in the field were that hair does grow back. I'm sure that isn't a consolation to a person who has long, beautiful hair, but it is the truth. I have dyed my hair three times since my surgery and I'm only 10 months out. No problems here.
  • LolaBug85
    LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
    As an ex cosmetologist, I don't think dying your hair will be a problem--if anything it may condition your hair and leave it in better shape than it is now. The reason for this is that hair dye and permanent chemicals infuse into the actual hair shaft and if you use a good color, it already has special conditioners in it. My thoughts when I was working in the field were that hair does grow back. I'm sure that isn't a consolation to a person who has long, beautiful hair, but it is the truth. I have dyed my hair three times since my surgery and I'm only 10 months out. No problems here.

    Thanks for the tip!!! You sealed the deal, I need a change this weekend :)
  • rubisliprz
    rubisliprz Posts: 139 Member
    Good to know. I had my hair done just a few weeks before surgery, but that 6 week window comes around quick!
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    Recent topic in another discussion board, exactly the same topic. Hope it helps:
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    I dyed my hair before and after surgery(probally around 3 month ish mark post op) and it was falling out just as it is AGAIN now!(low iron) and have dyed it again for hols! you wont go bold over night or anything the thicker your hair and the darker your hair the more you notice it by far!
    just a shame you don't lose leg hair too :grumble:
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    When I started losing hair, I went to a shorter style. It made my hair seem fuller n thicker. I also colored/ foiled regularly. Go for it! I agree, if you are getting good nutrition, it will come back.
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I continued to have my hair professional colored every 2 months after my WLS sleeve surgery. I started loosing some hair about 3 months post op till about 6 months post op , from Sept to Dec 2012. I had sleeve surgery June 11, 2012. My hair dresser would check my hair each time I went in for a cut or color to see how much I was loosing. I did take biotin pre op until about last month and used a special shampoo once a week for hair loss. I don't know if it helped. I think loosing hair is just part of the WLS journey. It does grow back and thankfully I had thick hair and it wasn't noticable at all.
    Good luck!
  • Cheryl188
    Cheryl188 Posts: 114 Member
    This side-effect is a little scary for me. I already have thin hair and take a medication to stop it from falling out (Spironolactone). I guess if it all falls out I'll just shave it and wear
  • LolaBug85
    LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
    Well I got a hair makeover this weekend and everything turned out great! My hair actually does feel better now that it's dyed than it did before :) (got it professionally done)
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    Well I got a hair makeover this weekend and everything turned out great! My hair actually does feel better now that it's dyed than it did before :) (got it professionally done)

    Awesome!!!! Bet it looks great too!!

    ***Looked over my last post---it was SUPPOSED to say that dying your hair WON'T be a problem. Dang. Sorry if that threw you off.
  • My hair was falling out really bad, to the point I was cleaning the drain 2-3 times per shower cause it would get so clogged. I cried...anyhow, I colored my hair and didn't have any problems. I even asked my guy who does it for me if it would be a problem before doing it cause I was freaking out and he assured me it wouldn't be a problem and it wasn't. Best of luck. =)