May we all hit PRs (May lifting thread)



  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    Had to take kitty to the vet and watch her go on Tuesday morning, so that ended up being a total (st)res(s)t day. I think I slept 4 hours in the entire night. I have a major sad since.

    Yesterday morning slept in, but did go for a run at lunch. I think I made 4k in about 32 minutes?

    Didn't get enough sleep today but still went back to the gym - I was sidetracked enough. Shoulder day. Same rehab stuff as usual : band pull aparts, stability ball push-ups, face pulls, arm wrestlers, stability rocking plank. Double under practice went really well and i actually strung 12 together (in the 3:1 rhythm I seem to really favor) without tripping. Did some recline rows, squats and push-ups. Added pendlay rows and Z presses at the end of the workout, 4x6.

    I'm hoping things fall into place in a way that allows me to squat tomorrow.

    I'm so sorry about your kitty :cry:
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member

    I'm so sorry about your kitty :cry:

    Thank you. She was the sweetest little thing. A bit annoying, too. It sure is a change not to have her around. Even at 15 and sick, she was still the Queen and the Alpha cat. So now, the 2 other cats have been fighting a ton, I'm guessing to determine which Tuxedo gets to step up to the plate. Teddy bear Paul, or clawsy Tamsyn.

    Anyways, I did manage to make it to the gym and squat. Starting to taper a bit.

    broad jumps x10: I actually made 6ft on all jumps, and got an extra inch and some on a few jumps!

    155 for 5 sets of 3 -- as explosive as possible. 2 min rest

    Bulgarian split squats, 35x6, 50x5, 55x5, 60x5
    Right leg still not super steady on these, but I'm not mad at them

    RDL 75x8 & ground toes to bar x8,
    The superset of RDLs 115x10, 115x10, 120x10
    & hanging knee raises x15/15/15

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Looks like it's basically just me in here lately.

    Shoulder day. Adjusted my Froning rogue rope to as long as I can get it (I cut it a bit short, perhaps?) and it went a lot better than the other day! All in all I got over 50 DUs, and I think 6 of those were 2 in a row. I also did 6 min on the rower to get started. 91 cals and 1450m

    Arnold kneeling 1 arm press 10x8, 15x10, 17.5x10

    sword worked up to green band x12 (after breaking the yellow band >_>)

    DB external rotation 8x2x10. Don,t feel like I'm progressing on these, but if everything else is moving up, then at least I'm not regressing

    stability ball plank, solid 2 x 3x20s

    1 arm DB low incline press 5x5 @ 25lbs (very little rest between sets. Actually hit failure on left on the last set)

    1 arm seated row 4x5 at 30lbs, then 1x5 at 35

    assisted pull-ups and dips, ~110-120lbs assistance (hey, I'm 208 still >_>), 4x8
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    I'm still here, just laying low this weekend. I did light squats and heavy deads on Friday but I can't recover for love or money lately so I'm taking a diet break and a deload this week. I'm beyond frustrated with being stuck at the same weight for months and can't shake the fatigue and muscle ache so might as well try something different.

    Happy Mother's day to the moms!
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Checking in to let y’all know I’m still alive, and reading, just not lifting. I technically have permission to use the high school weight room in this little town now. But they are out of keys, and are rekeying “soon” so won’t make me a key until after then, and so- essentially “if you can get in, you can use it”. But they only guarantee I can get in during the janitor hours (8-4) and I work 7:30-4 at minimum. Booo

    I did do my first “long” run in almost a year- 6.3 miles of run 3 min walk 2 min intervals- because without lifting in my life, I need more running, whether the wonky ankle likes it or not. Also, booooo.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    Looks like it's basically just me in here lately.

    yeah, sorry. the madness, the family stuff . . . funny thing is i do get told how i Have To do things that are only for me and every week when i get myself to the lift club it does work. i just don't do it/can't get myself in a groove when i go by myself atm.

    still doing ohp on fridays. hepburn programme is chugging along; i think there are three weeks left in this first progression. i'm not paying attention to its effectiveness like i did the last time i got into it. i just go, do my sets and head straight back to west wherever to hang with my dad. but no reason to think i won't be good for the 5lb jump up when it comes.

    apart from that tbh i just lie down and do glute-y type stuff when the moment strikes me. and i'm not systematic about counting reps or sets there either.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    A very nice active beach weekend with the family. Back to the gym tomorrow.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Oh, peoples!

    @amyinthetardis1231 Sorry to hear you're feeling so run down. I hope the deload works out for you. Maybe you need to switch to a different type of goal for a little while? Maybe pick a skill to learn and focus on that? Or start focusing more on 1 lift and maintain the other ones?

    @hanlonsk Ah geez, those hours of accessibility to the gym are way restricted. Is it possible for you to lift at lunch? Congrats on the run, though. I can hardly handle 4k right now, so you def got me beat there xD (god, I hate running. I set myself a goal of running a 10k for the sake of it, but I might just bore myself out of it. Again -_-')

    @canadianlbs Yeah, hear you on that. When things get rough, it gets so much harder to do the things we know will get us at least a bit out of that funk. I think a part of it is that it's scary to think we'll make some progress and then have it all crushed again for some reason down the line. So, hang in there.

    @cadori Ooohhh, beach! I miss it. Although I am also happy with our sunny days right now over here, where it gets chilly at night, so it's not suffocating during the day. :)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Yesterday was Squats, I did

    Squats warm-up: 45x10, 75x8, 105x6, 135x4, 165x2

    3x3 1 arm DB snatches / arm @ 50lbs (30s rest between sets)

    Squats work sets: 185x4x1 (2 min rest)

    Some double under practice

    Front Squats 45x8, 75x6, 95x4, 115x5, 115x5, 120x5, 125x5

    5 rounds of 30s work, 30s rest, alternating between push-ups, trx rows and alternating rear lunges. 50 push-ups total, I think 52 rows, and 7/8/8/9/9 (so 41 total) per leg on the lunges (surprisingly enough, these felt rather easy after all the squats, and I had a hard time squeezing in 9 reps on each side in 30s, but coulda kept going)

    Then this morning I went out and did 4x200m, 1x400m, 2x200m intervals with focus on steady pacing rather than preserving energy and sprinting the end like I usually do xD for a total of about 3.5km in 24 minutes including walking rest and the jog back home. And 5 min of Hero manmakers (got 15).

    One week left of the squat program. And my left shoulder is actually feeling a bit better, so I'm gonna try to give it a real upper body workout tomorrow and see how it goes.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Thanks Krok. After this week I think I'll actually get back to 5/3/1. I've been pretty much doing my own thing the last few months and not paying enough attention to varying light/medium/heavy days. I also feel thyroidy a lot lately, so my hormones may be out of whack behind the scenes. The joys of being hypothyroid.

    Bench: 3x8 @ 72
    OHP 3x5 @ 52/57/62
    Assisted pullups 3x3 @ -65
    Two-point plank 3x10
    Seated ab twists w/ 30 lb KB 3x10
  • scrittrice
    scrittrice Posts: 345 Member
    @krokador I lurk here but post rarely (I feel as though I'm so boring compared to everyone else--I just plod along making incremental progress), but I wanted to say I'm so sorry about your cat. I can tell she was much loved.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Still plodding along. Working out erryday. Not getting quite enough sleep xD

    Tuesday = Upper body day (loosely based on PHUL upper power, and I only loosely remember my numbers right now xD)

    Bench Press: 95x5, 105x5, 110x5, 110x4. I think?

    Lat pulldown: 85x5, 100x5, 105x5, 115x5

    Incline DB Press + Incline DB Rows: 25x10, 30x2x10

    barbell curls + skullcrushers + close grip bench press 25x10, 30x10, 35x10

    Rope straight arm pullover 3 sets of 12. With, uh, 35 or 45lbs. FInished off with some triceps pushdowns and some DB hammer curls to get a proper pump, haha.

    Wedsneday = SKWAAAATS

    low box jump, 1x5 at 12', 1x3 at 15', 2 singles at 18', then 3x3 at 15' because I was sucking at those. Still was sore from Monday's running.

    Squats 145x5, 165x2, 175x1, 185x1, 195x1 (added some band ext rotations for my shoulders between sets)

    Front Squats 115x5, 125x5, 125x5

    Today = Upper Skill

    Double Under suckage (I seemed to have zero coordination today) for 6 min
    Animal walk practice for 6 mins

    Muscle Snatch every 30s x 6 minutes (12 reps total). Started at 65, worked up sloooowly to 75 for the last 2 reps.

    Strict OHP + band assisted pull-ups 3x6 (55/65/67.5lbs for OHP, ~85lbs assist for pull-ups)

    cable arm wrestlers 20x10 and 25x8 + banded dead bugs x10/9

    cable sword, 2.5lbs x10 and 5lbs x8 + crunches x20 and hollow rocks x20

    Tomorrow is squats and then I have a rest day. And get to sleep in. Weee!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Aaaand maybe I should've slept in a bit today instead.

    3 rounds to start off: 3 leg assisted squat bar pull-up/reclnie row hybrids, 6 push-ups, 9 bodyweight squats (still working on my Murph stuff a bit)

    Broad Jumps x10 : average -2 inches. Didn't feel as explosive as I did last week. I've been fighting to get out of bed every morning this week and averaging less than 6 hours of sleep a night, I believe, and it's really starting ot catch up to me.

    Same Squat warm-up as usual, with good mornings and calf raises thrown in. Some double under practice (that sucked, too).

    Then my worksets specs said this: "6 sets of 2 @ 80%, 2 min rest between sets. Treat the weight as if it was HEAVY, like your 1RM"

    Well, I didn't really need to. Or maybe it's because I *did*. But the 6 sets were a mjor grind.

    Thankfully that was all she wrote for today, and I decided not to try and be a hero and add anything else to it. Even though I was kind of hoping to dabble into power cleans a bit. Maybe when I'm more rested.

    A part of me wants to try a short and slow run tonight before dinner and going on a 2-3 hour car drive. But I'm soooo tired I doubt it'll happen. Heck, I'm worried to ROMWOD, as I may fall asleep in the rebound and not wake up on time xD
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Well, we had half a day of it's getting ready to rain again. It's rained every single day since last Tuesday. But the nice weather kept people out of the gym, so yay for me.

    I took most of last week off and did a diet break, which felt very nice. Getting back to deficit and all that this week. I did some light squats and DLs on Thursday. I stayed relatively short in my workout today because I also have a brand new tattoo on my forearm that's still healing and was throbbing a bit with the added bloodflow from doing upper body work today.

    OHP: 5/5/5 @ 55/60/70
    Bench: 10/10/10 @ 70
    Assisted pullup 3/3/3 @ 65, alternating wide grip and narrow/chinup grip
    Elliptical 20 min
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Well... I thought about lifting today, does that count?
    I put the first carload of stuff from apartment into storage, so I lifted boxes. (Apartment people are crazy, and I’m never home anyways, and may be moving soon anyways, so no sense trying to deal with crazy, and I just going to move out and couch surf... if I am ever home long enough to couch surf.)

    I got done driving, and promptly went for a run.

    And while moving stuff I put my 10lb plates in the car to take with me. So that means I might at least do some resistance training at hotel... or the plates will just hang out and ride back home... but, baby steps... right? I brought them tho.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    PS - I romwod’d. I only THOUGHT hamstring/ IT band stretches hurt when I wasn’t running.... omg... this is good for me.... right???
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    hanlonsk wrote: »
    Well... I thought about lifting today, does that count?

    lol. while i was waiting for the screen to refresh i composed the post 'somebody tell me to do something muscle, okay?' i fetched my dad from the hospital, took him to the ferry terminal, then we rode the ferry and walked all the way to the train and rode the train doer en anderkant out to across the river. and FINALLY got to my cousin's daughter's place, where we ate all the food and then the two of us did it again in reverse.

    might not be a normal thing to do to a man who'll be 93 in another

    few months and who's been in a locked ward since good friday this year, but he held up great and said that he'd had a wonderful day. he certainly still gives good hug.

    oh yeah, the lifting. i didn't do it.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Wow, we really are quiet in here this month. Was my pun game that weak?

    I've only gotten in a couple workouts this week but I made it today.
    Squats: 5/5/5 @ 130
    Bench: 5/5/5 @ 67/77/82
    Sumo DL: 5/5/5 @ 115/135/155

    Modest lifts bc A: back following 5/3/1, and because so very hungry. I started trying to get back into a deficit this week and I was ready to eat the bar today. turns out you should eat more than a protein bar before hitting the squat rack. Who knew?
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    edited May 2018
    Yes, we are quiet, I was actually beginning to wonder if our thread was broken. And yeah, just a protein bar does not hold up to squats. I’ve actually been realizing a lot lately a daily diet to support running looks very different than a daily diet to support lifting. I went for a run the other day after eating things that would have made for an awesome day at the bar... that run sucked monkey balls...

    In other news....
    I actually lifted the things!
    Starting with moving stuffs... I swear I have moved more things out of my apartment then I thought I owned, and I still seem to have an apartment full of stuffs.... I do not get it. I think I have agreed to rehome everything that I can’t move in my car except one thing. And I am still holding out hope on it. And maybe my cage, but taken apart I think I can get it to storage even if things are hanging out the windows when I do it.

    Then I got my hairs did and did the Romwod for the day. Because running and not lifting results in me knowing lifting won’t feel good unless I get extra stretchy time.

    Then I went to the gym! And actually lifted the stuffs. Nothing resembling programming... but I had promised myself I would go, and do stuff till it stopped being fun. And somehow I even did squats without breaking that rule. This was all lackadaisically done.... at whatever pace I felt like... and interspersed with gossip sessions, since they all wondered where my lazy butt had been for all these weeks. So, please don’t think I worked hard at this.

    5x45 paused
    5x 65 paused
    5 x 85
    5x 95
    5x 105 (I thought this was where I was going to be stopping, but it felt good, so I figured I would try to go up a bit more for my 5x5)
    5 x 5 @ 110

    5(or maybe 2 x 5?) x 45
    5 (or maybe 6) x 5 @ 50 (can you tell the gossiping was getting more intense since I couldn’t count?also is probably why the next set happened... when you have unlimited rest, the weight seems much easier.)
    5 x 5 @ 55

    Pull-ups w/ the big purple band 3x10

    One of the trainers suggested he owed me some programming.... I asked him if he actually thought I was lifting enough to be following programming, or if he thought it looked like I was currently doing anything that resembled the programming he had given me. He thought it was a fair point... and laughed... but still told me to let him know when I needed something... somehow the trainers think I’ve paid for more programming than I’ve gotten.... and well, I’m not one to argue with that.

    ETA- it is national wine day. Since we are discussing squat nutrition... you now know what my post workout was....
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Yay for lifting! And Boo for moving, that always sucks. I never feel more materialistic than when I'm trying to pack everything and wondering where the kitten it all came from.

    Would be interested in the reading you mentioned about eating to support lifting. I'm trying to lose weight again after being stuck for many months and being fed up with it, but I struggle hardcore to stay in a deficit. It's easier if I can stick to low carb, bc fat satiates me, but I read that isn't great for lifting. A quandary, it is.