French Silk Ice Cream & A Little History

starswillfly Posts: 22 Member
This is actually my first topic in this group, since I just joined recently. My name is Ruth and, I will admit, I have always been an emotional eater, especially when puberty hit me hard in the fourth grade. I stopped going outside, got lazy, and ate a lot. Of course, this led to weight gain and because my dad loved pointing it out how big I was and how I shouldn't eat so much and save food for everyone else in the house to eat, this would only make me eat MORE. And as I ate, I kept on thinking about how I was the fattest thing in all of creation.
Of course, I've crawled out of that hole and have started working out. I'm down to 133 pounds, but, still, that doesn't mean I turn to food for comfort although I know I really shouldn't and I should be doing something else, like walking or maybe doing yoga.
Recently, I have found an addicting flavor of Edy's Ice Cream: French Silk. Yes, it is the slow-churned type and low in calories and fat, but that doesn't mean this girl will stop at just one serving of it on a bad day.
I have turned to it on many occasions: After a stressful day at my part-time job, because I feel like I'm bloated and thinking I'm getting fatter so what's the point, or when I get in an emotional conversation with my boyfriend, friends, family, etc.
So, I'm just asking. Is there any way in the world to put down the spoon and ease away stress in a different way?


  • melodylou
    melodylou Posts: 22 Member
    Ah, I am familiar with the ice cream you're describing, and its silky deliciousness. :tongue: I have a long list of foods that I just do not buy anymore (and it continues to grow) because the temptation is too great and I know once I open the bag or container, I will eat it all. It's unfortunate that I can't have "a little bit", but, I know myself and i know what I will do. If I want to make the choice to have something like ice cream, I go out for a scoop.