Living The Lifestyle - Thurs, 5/31

jasper60103 Posts: 222 Member
edited May 2018 in Social Groups
We meet here to explore, share, celebrate, and (sometimes) agonize over how we do (or don't) incorporate weight loss guidelines into our daily lives. "It's a lifestyle, not a diet" is easily and often said, but sometimes not so simply put into practice.

This is a thread for everyone. If you're new to GoaD, or to weight loss, your questions and comments are always welcome. If you're maintaining, or a long-term loser, your thoughts on the topic may be just what someone else needs to hear. If you're reading this, join in the discussion!

Each weekday, a new topic is offered up for discussion. Thread starters for May are:

Monday - Jimb376mfp (Jim)
Tuesday - Calvin2008Brian (Brian)
Wednesday - <open - jump in!>
Thursday - <open - don't be shy!>
Friday - Al_Howard (Al)

Topic: What are your favorite fruits or veggies? And how does it help you LTL?


  • jasper60103
    jasper60103 Posts: 222 Member
    edited May 2018
    I always bring a couple apples and a banana in the old lunch bag.
    I snack a lot throughout the work day and this helps me snack healthy at least.
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,490 Member
    edited May 2018
    I eat a lot of apples over a week, just ask TOL. LOL
    I also make a snack of FF greek yogurt, strawberries and, blueberries.
    And, of course, my breakfast of oatmeal, ff Greek yogurt, strawberries, and blueberries.
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    Fresh stuff, yeah! Especially around here, the growing season is short to I like to take advantage of it while I can.

    Fave fruits include: strawberries, cherries, watermelon and apples.
    Favorite veggies include: asparagus, tomatoes, cucumbers, and peas.

    I've gotten caught in the "free fruit" vortex before, actually gaining weight from eating too much watermelon (I still get kidded about that at my WW meeting). However, for the most part it's all positive. I actually really love salads, cooking some of them on the grill, in other prepared dishes or just as snacks.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,146 Member
    While losing cuties and satsuma mandarin oranges. Asparagus.
  • Jerdtrmndone
    Jerdtrmndone Posts: 5,792 Member
    I like veggie salads, apples. cantaloupe, watermelon