Lost 80 lbs and working lose 100 more - How do I work to get lean?

ldecaprio Posts: 6 Member
Hello! I have been working on being a healthier me since January 2017. So far I have lost 80 lbs and working towards losing another 100. It's a lot so I am just working day by day, pound by pound. I have been working hard at my cardio and know that I really need to start incorporating muscle work. I can't afford a gym/trainer and am looking for some really good resources for me to get started. I do have some equipment at home, Total Gym bench (with a basic beginner workout), an elliptical and a rower. I have mostly used the rower and walking outside.

What are the best "free" resources online that provide a daily/weekly/monthly routine that can get me started to tighten the loose skin and gain more lean muscle. I know that working on my muscles will really help my weight loss journey. I especially have a lot of loose skin under my arms, my stomach and quads.

Thank you all for your help!


  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,045 Member
    I have several friends who've had really good luck following the Venus workout, but it's not a "free" resource (although I managed to get a copy of their workout, it's just a paper copy).

    Lots of people on the board recommend Stronglifts 5x5 (personally have not tried it).

    Not sure where you live, but if you have a Planet Fitness around they are cheap, and the equipment is a great way to get started with less concern about bad form causing problems.
  • sidlondon
    sidlondon Posts: 10 Member
    I can't add much in the way of advice, but just wanted to say that's absolutely amazing progress! My mum recently lost the same amount and it's kicked me up the *kitten* to fix my own body!

    Have you looked at calisthenics? No weights required and pretty easy to do at home/parks without gym equipment. Bodybuilding.com has some good free resources. I started off with this as a basic routine alongside cardio: https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/beginning-bodyweight-strength-training-for-women.html (I've found squats and bench dips are the most effective for thighs and upper arms)