Just Do It June



  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    You cards are beautiful! I've been teaching card classes for probably in the neighborhood of about 15 years... Geez, I hadn't thought about that before... That's CRAZY!

    I've finished my yarn; I'm really pleased with it. :smiley:

    Here's a closeup

    We're having an open house on Saturday again, but the reality is that we really need to either sell it or start renting it. So we're going to list it for rent next week and do whichever one comes up first. Do a 1 or 2 year lease with someone and then try to sell it later, maybe... It sucks, but we're running out of options (and money).
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    I am sorry the house hasn't sold Karrie. That happened to us when we lived back east. We bought high, market crashed. We rented it for 4 years and then our last renters bought the house for what we paid for it. The house we bought in Texas we bought planning on it being a rental house if military moves us. We needed the tax deduction and to have residency in a tax friendly state. Recently our water heater has been on the fritz and we just found out yesterday it is covered in our home warranty when we bought the house!!! The new floors will be put in the end of June. We have to "move" everything out again from those rooms....I look at it as one more chance to declutter. Then we can concentrate on some minor repairs to get the house ready to rent if we are moved again. I am hoping for Alaska or England.

    I don't know much about yarn but Karrie and Carla, the colors are so beautiful. I want to see your cards Karrie.

    Carla - Kabocha squash is what my friend Minja prepared for breakfast...she did not know the name of it and referred to it as Japanese squash. It is so good!

    Mihani - how is work? Weekends almost here!

    Here are a few inspiration pictures for summer salads: ignore the cheese.


  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Mmm. those salads look delicious!

    My cards are more cartoony, maybe?


  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Beautiful yarn Karrie, and lovely cards, both of you! Wonderful looking salads too, Donna! Our garden is producing a ton of strawberries right now and I'm inspired to start adding them to my salads.

    Renting could be a good option, Karrie. Fingers crossed that you can sell it this weekend, and if not that you get some good renters!

    Donna, one thing I'm not at all tempted by is casinos! I would have loved to have walked with you in 75* weather. Looks like you had some great meals on your trip.

    MFP wouldn't let me log my workout yesterday for some reason. I did walking and jogging intervals on the treadmill. Afterwards, I finally took the time to log into my iFit account and found all sorts of cool options. I was able to create an interval program for myself and schedule it, so that tomorrow when I go for my run, I just select it and it will automatically adjust the speed and incline. There are also a ton of pre-programmed workouts, like runs on beaches in Hawaii, trails around the world, etc. There's also a 5k training program that I'm going to check out.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Ya'll are so creative and make such beautiful things! Very impressed. I am still struggling through this week answering phones and greeting clients and signing for overnights in addition to my usual workload. Just looking forward to getting through tomorrow and then I will be working all weekend, but the following weekend I hope to take off.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    edited June 2018
    Karrie - your cards are all beautiful! I love the Happy Birthday girl. Did you use alcohol inks to color her? Do you have a craft room in your new house? I was just given a cute Laurel Burch die and stamp horse set. Going to try to get around them this weekend. Brooks is going to South Carolina for his mother's 91 birthday but then a friend came from Italy to look for a house and is staying with me this weekend.

    Carla, I agree about casinos....yuck. Lake Tahoe is so beautiful. How awesome to have your own homegrown organic strawberries. I am jealous. Strawberries are suppose to be one of the higher pesticide containing fruits.

    Mihani - good luck for getting through tomorrow! I thought of you when we went out for dinner. Margarita time! Plus grilled vegetable fajitas!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Yes, I love my copics (alcohol ink markers) - I love blending color. :smiley: I do have a dedicated craft room in the new house, but it's the den. In the old house it was my whole basement. So I still need to de-clutter and prioritize what I want to keep...

    Now that my daughter is fundraising for her Quebec trip, I'm going to start offering card classes again (I haven't done any since before we moved into the new house). But first I still have to move my craft stuff over to the new house. Not looking forward to that. It's going to take a long time, and it's going to be messy. :neutral:

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Mmmm... margaritas! Sounds like fun Donna.

    Sure hope the open house results in an offer, Karrie.

    Glad you are enjoying the new treadmill Carla... I want to try the Couch to 5K thing again.

    Working from home this weekend. Today has been pretty productive. Laundry done, did some weeding, prepped salad stuff for the week, got some work done. I brought home plenty to do so will likely stay home tomorrow too.

    I have a good week ready to go. Plenty of greens and beans, asparagus and broccoli, couple varieties of lettuce and baby spinach and salad veggies. I wasn't as consistent as I'd like last week with working so much. Going to make a double batch of E2 hummus for sammich flats and to use as a base for salad dressing.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    A full-on ETL day today yay!!! I have been struggling with work and everything else in life. Preparation is the key y'all. We all know that, but sometimes I don't do it and then I'm doomed.

    B - oatmeal with blueberries, chia seeds, a few walnut halves, oat milk... I cook the oatmeal in water then just add a splash of oat milk after
    L - big ol' salad with red and green leaf lettuce, radishes, carrots, shredded beets, E2 hummus, balsamic
    D - leftover cooked broccoli, asparagus and a few baby potatoes topped with a no oil low sugar BBQ sauce

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Congrats on your ETL day, Mihani!!

    I'm still hit or miss, heavy on the miss! It's too hot for me right now and I've been hiding inside. Didn't batch this weekend, but I'm making more curry tempeh pecan pitas tomorrow so we can survive off of those for a few days. I don't feel like eating anything hot right now anyway.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    Mihani - good job on your ETL eating. Do you shred your own beets? I love beets but hate the mess in cooking them.

    Carla - I hate the heat. I am having to go to the YMCA and spin bike or walk in order to exercise if I am not out of the house bright and early. It is hot and very humid (81%) here. Can't wait to go to Canada end of July.

    Karrie - I love Copic markers. I don't have them as they are so expensive. When we lived in California the classes I took had copics. I have Spectrum Noir pens but I would rather have Copics. Craft stuff is so hard to organize.

    I am back on my healthy eating after a few days off.
    Breakfast - Cantaloupe and coffee.
    Lunch - salad with beans
    Dinner - roasted vegetables and maybe veggie black bean burger w/ avocado and heated berries & almond slices for dessert.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Food is up and down, I've been doing intervals on the treadmill to offset it, but there's never enough running to make up for what I eat! At least I am inside with AC instead of sweating out there in the sun.

    Lots of work this week and it is totally cutting into my yarn spinning time! :p

    nice job getting in your workouts, Donna. I have never tried spinning (on a bike) before. It seems like a great workout. I could get into some cantaloupe, it has been a while.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Donna, I peel beets and throw them through the food processor with the shredding blade. I often wear kitchen gloves when peeling/cleaning, especially if my hands are chapped. One time I ended up with beet stains in the cracks in my skin lol. I like them roasted, but they are so good raw in salads. Nice job on the workouts and menu.

    I agree about the heat Carla... UGH. It is so humid too. Hope work lets up a bit for you so you can get back to spinning!

    Still doing well with eating "mostly" ETL this week. Have let a few pretzels and such slip by, but having all my salad stuff and roasted veggies prepped has kept me from going too far off track.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited June 2018
    Good morning; almost a week since the open house. We had one more viewing, but haven't had any feedback, so it's probably not going anywhere. There is a couple from out of town that seemed interested in the open house and they need to move in July 31st, so we might hear back from them - they said something about "see you in 2 weeks", so maybe we'll hear back from them later next week... Hope so.

    Donna I bought my copics just a few colors at a time - maybe 5 or 6 each time I bought... I probably have 100 of them now. (and now I need refills for some of them...)

    I'm still struggling to NOT eat carbs. Carbs suck. :neutral: (of course I mean starchy carbs...)
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    edited June 2018
    Mihani - that is a great idea to wear gloves! I do have a spiralizer that I could try but I like small beet cubes in a salad.

    Carla - the spin bike is a great way to work up a sweat. I don't do the spin classes anymore because the music is very loud and a lot of rap. When I lived in Colorado there was an excellent Spinning gym with classes taught by elite cyclist. They used spinning as a way to keep in shape during the winter. They were all about cycling technique. Now most classes are taught by aerobic teachers who do a lot of jumping up and down to music and more likely to get injured. I am so lucky our club has spin bikes out in the open for people to use and not just a room where you can only use the bikes in a class. My husband actually got certified to teach spin classes but he does not have the time. I have found a couple of you tube videos I follow while spinning to make me work harder. I have also started the treadmill too for the next Triathlon. It is way too hot and humid to walk the dogs 4-5 miles now. :neutral:

    Karrie - I have to pack up my craft room (again). The floors are finally going to get fixed next week. Have a couple of thank you cards to make today. I look at it as a chance to get more organized. I don't have a good system.

    B - coffee & cantaloupe, banana & egg
    swim -
    L - salad with garbanzo beans
    spin bike(?)
    D - roasted vegetables with quinoa and avocado,

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    edited June 2018
    Happy Friday

    Karrie - maybe I should do that, just start buying a few of my favorites if I can use the 50% off coupon from Michaels. Keeping fingers crossed your house sells.

    Mihani - maybe I could try beets chopped up in vitamix.

    I made this weird quinoa, vegetable, sweet potato mess last night. I was so disgusted I just left it in the pot on the stove. Brooks came home last night, thought it was to go on lettuce because I frequently make roasted vegetable salad with grains. It turned out ok.

    B - mango, oatmeal and nuts with Korean "gruel"
    L - salad with last nights dinner
    D - ?? salmon and veggies
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend! I've been busy dyeing fiber with mixed results. Cooking some more up tonight (I steam it on the stove!) so we'll see how that goes.

    We had Thai food tonight for dinner. Yummy but lots of noodles and sauce. Still too much coffee. I've been going through a lot of N'esspresso pods and had to order more OOPS!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Did some prep yesterday evening. Cleaned/tore/spun green and red leaf lettuce. Shredded beets and chopped carrots and radishes in the food processor. Lately I'm eating my salads with a big dollop of E2 hummus and some balsamic. Yummy. I also like the hummus on sprouted grain toast with sliced baby cucumber and spinach. I've started using about 2 tablespoons of the aquafaba in the hummus which I have read makes it creamier.

    Heading to the office today.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    Well that was a work out. We cleared everything out of craft room, office, bedroom, closet and living room in preparation for floor installers. I am so nervous about the color I picked.
    I gave away my childhood piano today to a friend's sister who has 4 children and they are taking piano lessons. This was the friend who recently gave me a Garmin Vivoactive heart rate watch to use for biking & swimming.

    Even though we just moved here a year ago, this gives us a chance to go through stuff we quickly stuffed in closets when the hurricane hit Texas last August.

    Second year in a row Air force is sending Brooks away during my birthday. He is going to El Salvador on a humanitarian mission. He will be giving anesthesia.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Donna, it always makes me nervous when I'm remodeling too. I am not that patient about picking things out and I second-guess myself constantly. I think I am the type of person who should hire an interior decorator. I am almost always disappointed in paint, but at least that's fairly easy to re-do, although usually I just live with my choice for a long while. My last house I let the guy doing some remodeling talk me into wallpaper in my kitchen and I hated it.

    How goes the fiber dying Carla?

    I am eating pretty basic the past week. Oatmeal for breakfast, salad for lunch, greens and beans and/or more salad for dinner. Also indulging in some pretzels or popcorn at work unfortunately. I have really been slacking on eating fruit other than some blueberries on my oatmeal. I have been struggling with too many social events lately and the dreaded alcohol, which makes me crave starchy carbs more. Going out with a friend tomorrow for margaritas and vegan tacos too. Seems like one or two things a week lately. I really am not used to having much social life, it's not necessarily a good thing for my ETL efforts. I should skip the alcohol, but I do enjoy it.