Welcome to New Members



  • kks1987
    kks1987 Posts: 123 Member
    cdgirl Thanks :)
    Welcome Canorth40 and KKS1987!! May you be blessed as you participate w/us!
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member

    Welcome again. It is so nice of you to share.
    That is an impressive set of goals. Very rigorous. I struggle with maintaining so many things.
    You will be in my prayers.
    We are here to support you in your awesome plans.
  • kks1987
    kks1987 Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks Chaplynne,
    I will pray for our group virtuous living and you to not struggle with maintaining things. Thanks in advance for your prayers. I have a blessed day and nice weekend. Love Kam
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome to Julieann3377! Our newest member. Let's make her feel welcome and friend her, so she knows she will be supported in her journey, whatever that may be.

    Warm wishes, Julieann3377. Glad you are here.

  • MissSharon2013
    MissSharon2013 Posts: 536 Member
    Welcome to our new members! May God bless you all with success here! I pray that His grace will abound in your lives!
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    WELCOME BunnieLR!

    We're glad to have you join us! Happy New Year! We hope that you will enjoy fellowship with us. Don't hesitate to PM me if you have questions. Do go to the members section and feel free to friend all our members.

    Everyone, let's make BunnieLR feel welcome. Remember to friend her: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/user/bunnielr/status and add her to your prayer list.

  • cdgirl
    cdgirl Posts: 158 Member
    welcome BunnieLR! I am willing to pray w/you over anything that concerns you..just shoot me a message!
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    Good Morning All

    Thank you for inviting/ Welcome me :)

    My name is Kamla and I am 26 years old. I am a faithful believer in Jesus Christ. I am a positive, loving, caring, hardworking, and compassionate woman. I attend a Bayside of South Sacramento (BOSS) church every Sunday or Saturday service. I love going my Boss church :)

    My health is a work in progress. I am blessed with one body in this lifetime, and I choose to treat my body as a temple. I want to be healthy again :) Here is my story..Well graduating college is supposed to be one of the happiest and proudest moments of your life. For me, this feeling was overshadowed every time I looked at my graduation photos: / And It is a wake-up call when someone you have not seen in a long time calls you pregnant when I am not. After being mad at people calling me fat (in my mind, I started thinking....If I wasn't eating so much junk food and be more serious about my weight loss then I wouldn't have such comments. Also seeing some of my family members have diabetes and high blood pressure is giving me motivation to get in shape.

    Currently I weigh 156 pounds and wear a 10/12. I start eating less than I was normally, watching my calories intake and replacing every beverage with water. My goal is to exercise 5 day week for 60 minutes. I've become very conscience about what I put into my body.

    I joined First Place 4 Health (FP4H) around July 2013 and it is a Christ-centered weight-loss and healthy-living program. I have meeting on Monday nights with my leader. It is just my leader and I in the group. We are on our 3rd bible study YAY. FP4H is unique because it aims to foster growth in all four areas of life—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The basic time commitments are: weekly attendance at the group meeting; 20-30 minutes a day quiet time in prayer and study; 20-30 minutes 3 days a week in planned physical activity; completion of the ‘tracker’ daily or Myfitnesspal and turn in weekly.

    FP4H is a full year commitments. Please pray for me to keep my commitments to meeting attendance, encouragement, pray/journal (Quite Time with God), scripture reading, memory verse, FP4H bible study, food plan (Myfitnesspal), & Exercise/Physical Activity. I am finding that my daily quiet time in prayer and study to be my source of strength in all the other areas of life. I am thankful for FP4H because my leader told me about Myfitnesspal.

    Myfitnesspal has been a tremendous help keeping me on track with my goals. I am still not yet where I want to be, but I thank God, my family, and friends for their support because I am not where I use to be...So I started changing to my eating habits consist of reading labels and eating healthy. When I want something special, I've learned to eat it in moderation.

    Ticking to a regular exercise schedule isn't easy for me sometimes. I work in an office were I use computers most of the day I am sitting down at my desk and I am staring at a computer screen; so walking would give me a break. I feel it is very easy for me to weight in my occupation. So I joined curves gym about 9 months ago and it was the best decision I've ever made. Lately I have been struggling to go to the gym :(. But my goal is to go to Curves Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. I am struggling to walk on my 1st work break or lunch break I work.

    I also I am trying to attend FREE Herbalife boot camps 2x a week with a friend on Wednesday night and Friday nights. Please pray for me to be more physical/or more committed to exercise. Honestly my mind is ready to get in shape for the New Years to come. I am Thankful that I add virtuous Living group to Myfitnesspal :) & you are more than welcome to add me as a friend.

    Thanks again and have blessed day.

    Love Kam

    Welcome Kamla, looks like you have a lot on your schedule, I pray you are very successful in meeting your goals.

  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    Hello BunnieLR,
    Welcome to Virtuous Living, I am so glad that you have joined us. Perfect time of year to join, I pray you have much success in your journey :-)

  • MissSharon2013
    MissSharon2013 Posts: 536 Member
    Welcome to Julieann3377! Our newest member. Let's make her feel welcome and friend her, so she knows she will be supported in her journey, whatever that may be.

    Warm wishes, Julieann3377. Glad you are here.


    I would also like to welcome you, Juliann3377! I am so excited and glad to have you join us here for great teachings and support in our Lord. If there is anything we can pray for you, please feel free to ask us. We love our members and are always glad to see them!!
  • Smeltzer2
    Smeltzer2 Posts: 210 Member
    Welcome BunnieLR and all the newcomers to Virtuous Living. The Bible studies and thought provoking questions that Chaplain Lynne writes for us each day are a true blessing. Each day i look forward to learning more about God's plans for me. She uses the true and only word of God the Bible to assist us in our walk with Christ. Please don't be afraid to study and give your input no matter how small. God accepts us like children. We here at Virtuous Living are blessed. Spiritual food keeps us in good shape. Harriet
  • MissSharon2013
    MissSharon2013 Posts: 536 Member
    WELCOME BunnieLR!

    We're glad to have you join us! Happy New Year! We hope that you will enjoy fellowship with us. Don't hesitate to PM me if you have questions. Do go to the members section and feel free to friend all our members.

    Everyone, let's make BunnieLR feel welcome. Remember to friend her: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/user/bunnielr/status and add her to your prayer list.


    Welcome BunnieLR! We are so glad you are here! I pray for your success here in all that you seek to do; as I do for all of our beloved members. I pray you will join us as we meditate on the word and pray for and encourage one another. Again, welcome to our group! I pray you will enjoy it!
  • MissSharon2013
    MissSharon2013 Posts: 536 Member
    Good Morning All

    Thank you for inviting/ Welcome me :)

    My name is Kamla and I am 26 years old. I am a faithful believer in Jesus Christ. I am a positive, loving, caring, hardworking, and compassionate woman. I attend a Bayside of South Sacramento (BOSS) church every Sunday or Saturday service. I love going my Boss church :)

    My health is a work in progress. I am blessed with one body in this lifetime, and I choose to treat my body as a temple. I want to be healthy again :) Here is my story..Well graduating college is supposed to be one of the happiest and proudest moments of your life. For me, this feeling was overshadowed every time I looked at my graduation photos: / And It is a wake-up call when someone you have not seen in a long time calls you pregnant when I am not. After being mad at people calling me fat (in my mind, I started thinking....If I wasn't eating so much junk food and be more serious about my weight loss then I wouldn't have such comments. Also seeing some of my family members have diabetes and high blood pressure is giving me motivation to get in shape.

    Currently I weigh 156 pounds and wear a 10/12. I start eating less than I was normally, watching my calories intake and replacing every beverage with water. My goal is to exercise 5 day week for 60 minutes. I've become very conscience about what I put into my body.

    I joined First Place 4 Health (FP4H) around July 2013 and it is a Christ-centered weight-loss and healthy-living program. I have meeting on Monday nights with my leader. It is just my leader and I in the group. We are on our 3rd bible study YAY. FP4H is unique because it aims to foster growth in all four areas of life—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The basic time commitments are: weekly attendance at the group meeting; 20-30 minutes a day quiet time in prayer and study; 20-30 minutes 3 days a week in planned physical activity; completion of the ‘tracker’ daily or Myfitnesspal and turn in weekly.

    FP4H is a full year commitments. Please pray for me to keep my commitments to meeting attendance, encouragement, pray/journal (Quite Time with God), scripture reading, memory verse, FP4H bible study, food plan (Myfitnesspal), & Exercise/Physical Activity. I am finding that my daily quiet time in prayer and study to be my source of strength in all the other areas of life. I am thankful for FP4H because my leader told me about Myfitnesspal.

    Myfitnesspal has been a tremendous help keeping me on track with my goals. I am still not yet where I want to be, but I thank God, my family, and friends for their support because I am not where I use to be...So I started changing to my eating habits consist of reading labels and eating healthy. When I want something special, I've learned to eat it in moderation.

    Ticking to a regular exercise schedule isn't easy for me sometimes. I work in an office were I use computers most of the day I am sitting down at my desk and I am staring at a computer screen; so walking would give me a break. I feel it is very easy for me to weight in my occupation. So I joined curves gym about 9 months ago and it was the best decision I've ever made. Lately I have been struggling to go to the gym :(. But my goal is to go to Curves Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. I am struggling to walk on my 1st work break or lunch break I work.

    I also I am trying to attend FREE Herbalife boot camps 2x a week with a friend on Wednesday night and Friday nights. Please pray for me to be more physical/or more committed to exercise. Honestly my mind is ready to get in shape for the New Years to come. I am Thankful that I add virtuous Living group to Myfitnesspal :) & you are more than welcome to add me as a friend.

    Thanks again and have blessed day.

    Love Kam

    Welcome Kamla, looks like you have a lot on your schedule, I pray you are very successful in meeting your goals.


    Welcome Kamla! I would like to extend my hand to you in welcoming you to our group. It is a place of encouragement and uplifting prayer. Such a great thing to have new members. We are so happy you have decided to join us! May God bless you and all of us here with success!
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome to Mellie Jean,

    We've already welcomed you in the other thread, but we've added you here, too.

    We're glad you are here and hope you grow spiritually with this time together.

  • kks1987
    kks1987 Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks Gwen for your prayers :)
  • kks1987
    kks1987 Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks MissSharon201 for your prayers too
    Good Morning All

    Thank you for inviting/ Welcome me :)

    My name is Kamla and I am 26 years old. I am a faithful believer in Jesus Christ. I am a positive, loving, caring, hardworking, and compassionate woman. I attend a Bayside of South Sacramento (BOSS) church every Sunday or Saturday service. I love going my Boss church :)

    My health is a work in progress. I am blessed with one body in this lifetime, and I choose to treat my body as a temple. I want to be healthy again :) Here is my story..Well graduating college is supposed to be one of the happiest and proudest moments of your life. For me, this feeling was overshadowed every time I looked at my graduation photos: / And It is a wake-up call when someone you have not seen in a long time calls you pregnant when I am not. After being mad at people calling me fat (in my mind, I started thinking....If I wasn't eating so much junk food and be more serious about my weight loss then I wouldn't have such comments. Also seeing some of my family members have diabetes and high blood pressure is giving me motivation to get in shape.

    Currently I weigh 156 pounds and wear a 10/12. I start eating less than I was normally, watching my calories intake and replacing every beverage with water. My goal is to exercise 5 day week for 60 minutes. I've become very conscience about what I put into my body.

    I joined First Place 4 Health (FP4H) around July 2013 and it is a Christ-centered weight-loss and healthy-living program. I have meeting on Monday nights with my leader. It is just my leader and I in the group. We are on our 3rd bible study YAY. FP4H is unique because it aims to foster growth in all four areas of life—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The basic time commitments are: weekly attendance at the group meeting; 20-30 minutes a day quiet time in prayer and study; 20-30 minutes 3 days a week in planned physical activity; completion of the ‘tracker’ daily or Myfitnesspal and turn in weekly.

    FP4H is a full year commitments. Please pray for me to keep my commitments to meeting attendance, encouragement, pray/journal (Quite Time with God), scripture reading, memory verse, FP4H bible study, food plan (Myfitnesspal), & Exercise/Physical Activity. I am finding that my daily quiet time in prayer and study to be my source of strength in all the other areas of life. I am thankful for FP4H because my leader told me about Myfitnesspal.

    Myfitnesspal has been a tremendous help keeping me on track with my goals. I am still not yet where I want to be, but I thank God, my family, and friends for their support because I am not where I use to be...So I started changing to my eating habits consist of reading labels and eating healthy. When I want something special, I've learned to eat it in moderation.

    Ticking to a regular exercise schedule isn't easy for me sometimes. I work in an office were I use computers most of the day I am sitting down at my desk and I am staring at a computer screen; so walking would give me a break. I feel it is very easy for me to weight in my occupation. So I joined curves gym about 9 months ago and it was the best decision I've ever made. Lately I have been struggling to go to the gym :(. But my goal is to go to Curves Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. I am struggling to walk on my 1st work break or lunch break I work.

    I also I am trying to attend FREE Herbalife boot camps 2x a week with a friend on Wednesday night and Friday nights. Please pray for me to be more physical/or more committed to exercise. Honestly my mind is ready to get in shape for the New Years to come. I am Thankful that I add virtuous Living group to Myfitnesspal :) & you are more than welcome to add me as a friend.

    Thanks again and have blessed day.

    Love Kam

    Welcome Kamla, looks like you have a lot on your schedule, I pray you are very successful in meeting your goals.


    Welcome Kamla! I would like to extend my hand to you in welcoming you to our group. It is a place of encouragement and uplifting prayer. Such a great thing to have new members. We are so happy you have decided to join us! May God bless you and all of us here with success!
  • kks1987
    kks1987 Posts: 123 Member
    Julieann3377 Welcome to our group
    Welcome to Julieann3377! Our newest member. Let's make her feel welcome and friend her, so she knows she will be supported in her journey, whatever that may be.

    Warm wishes, Julieann3377. Glad you are here.

  • kks1987
    kks1987 Posts: 123 Member
    Also Welcome BunnieLR :)
    WELCOME BunnieLR!

    We're glad to have you join us! Happy New Year! We hope that you will enjoy fellowship with us. Don't hesitate to PM me if you have questions. Do go to the members section and feel free to friend all our members.

    Everyone, let's make BunnieLR feel welcome. Remember to friend her: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/user/bunnielr/status and add her to your prayer list.

  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Let's Welcome DivineMissM46 to our group!
    We're glad to have you join us! Happy Valentine's Day belated! We hope that you will enjoy fellowship with us. Don't hesitate to PM me if you have questions. Do go to the members section and feel free to friend all our members.

    Everyone, let's make DivineMissM46 feel welcome. Remember to friend her: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/user/divinemissm46/status and add her to your prayer list.

  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome Tamarawalkingingrace!

    We're glad to have you join us! Happy Valentine's Day belated! We hope that you will enjoy fellowship with us. Don't hesitate to PM me if you have questions. Do go to the members section and feel free to friend all our members.

    Everyone, let's make Tamarawalkingingrace feel welcome. Remember to friend her: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/user/tamarawalkingingrace/status and add her to your prayer list.

    Also, Tamara has started a new MFP group called the Daniel Group--which follows the Daniel Diet -- promoted by Rev Rick Warren, Dr. Oz, Dr. Amen and others to bring a spiritual dimension to healthy weight loss. Do check it out. Several of our group are very interested in the Daniel Diet (some couldn't afford to buy the book) but this may offer some chance to get a sense of it.

    Tamara can explain more of it. Do add your words of wisdom to my explanation, T. We're glad you've joined us.
