Hi! Newbie Boobie. <3

mommafruitcake Posts: 32 Member

Just wanted to say I'm new and make myself known so that I feel obligated to follow through with joining you ladies.

I've always been a runner (or as my friend calls it, a "rogger"/cycler until hormones began acting up and became increasingly more tired. Thyroid issues (yay), so doc said I had to take it easy with the cardio. So I kind of just stopped (there was a mix of reasons, lots of which had to do with a new baby who refuses to sleep...he's two and a half now and still refuses to sleep...hahahahahaha...haha.ha ha....le sigh).

Long story short...I'm a walking fat roll. That's cool. I can accept. I love my fat roll self. Just ready to trim up now that I realize I'm almost closer to 40 than 30.

I've recently learned that lifting, even heavy lifting, can seriously help to increase the production of human growth hormone and IN TURN help to regulate all other hormone production, including thyroid.

HALLOW. I wish someone told me that YEARS ago. I blame Google Ads and its inability to hear my hippy prayers.

Anyway...another long story short...here I am. I'm totally gonna just stalk you all and copy you and stuff until I figure this out.

I have some dumbells now. And that's it. I am willing to fill five-gallon bottles up with water and attach them to a big stick or sommat if I need to.

Other challenge is that we're currently traveling. We are nomads in a camper! So we actually have VERY little room for any equipment. Many of the campsites we stay in have gyms, but we're in a long-term space at the moment, and there is nothing remotely resembling a gym. I also don't want to join a nationwide gym because we are staying in mostly remote, rural locations and national parks. There are no gyms around. Just nature. Which is lovely.

So creative rigging of equipment and resistance training would be good...does that count as lifting?

I'm not a complete newbie...not reallly. I did at one time lift, even while doing that cardio (sometimes). Before, I simply just did whatever I felt like doing. I never took it too seriously or followed much of a schedule. I ran and cycled because that's what I TRULY enjoyed. So it was a bit devastating to be told that overdoing cardio probably had a hand in messing myself up.

I'm a person who once did this and then stopped for heaven only knows why. So I is cool with settling into the fact that Imma start ALLLLLLL over again.

Thanks for the neat forum! Sorry for the novel! Avoiding dishes...

Fruitcake (I don't eat gluten so that is in no way reflective of my lifestyle)


  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 948 Member

    I'm not a complete newbie...not reallly. I did at one time lift, even while doing that cardio (sometimes). Before, I simply just did whatever I felt like doing. I never took it too seriously or followed much of a schedule. I ran and cycled because that's what I TRULY enjoyed. So it was a bit devastating to be told that overdoing cardio probably had a hand in messing myself up.


    This was me... loved lifting in cardio classes, but cardio was my focus, sometimes 2-3 hours a day (in fairness I was training for a sport but I went about it all wrong). Anyway I had never even heard of progressive programs til MFP. Total game changer. Do you have a program to follow yet?
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Lots of bodyweight exercises you can do, too - don't discount that!
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    ^ Yes, I'd get on a progressive Bodyweight Program. You Are Your Own Gym has an app. I'm currently doing Gymnastics Bodies Fundamentals program. I'd also invest in a pair of rings. You can just throw them over a tree branch and have so many options.