Renew Your 2018 Resolutions July Challenge



  • jcavanna2
    jcavanna2 Posts: 782 Member
    Went on a weekend road trip and my daughter was sick all yesterday and the day before with a stomach thing. Met a friend of almost 20 years at the diner - and proud to say I ate just scrambled eggs and 2 small pieces of homefries which is awesome. More awesome is that while I forgot to pack the food we made at home for the drive O went to the grocery store by my husband’s job and picked up a couple of healthy options. We didn’t eat junk the whole ride like in the past - we only ate the stuff I bought as meals :)
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I was thinking about paying for BeachBody on Demand, has anyone here tried that? I have tried several BeachBody workouts and I really liked them but I am wondering if the subscription is worth it and how others liked it.
  • jcavanna2
    jcavanna2 Posts: 782 Member
    @garber6th my friend (not a Bariatric patient) just started BeachBody and she really likes it. I tried their shakes and didn’t love them. You may want to also try Daily Burn which I believe is similar and you get a free trial. Also Peloton just launched an app which isn’t just made for their bike. They have boot camp, yoga, running coach etc and they offer a 2 week free trial as well. Good luck!
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    jcavanna2 wrote: »
    @garber6th my friend (not a Bariatric patient) just started BeachBody and she really likes it. I tried their shakes and didn’t love them. You may want to also try Daily Burn which I believe is similar and you get a free trial. Also Peloton just launched an app which isn’t just made for their bike. They have boot camp, yoga, running coach etc and they offer a 2 week free trial as well. Good luck!

    Thank you!!! I will check out Daily Burn! I don't plan to use the BeachBody shakes, just the streaming service. From what I hear their shakes are not that great and overpriced as well.
  • loveshoe
    loveshoe Posts: 365 Member
    littlegibbs, congratulations in reaching the 160's.

    I took these two for a walk, and yes they are sitting on an indoor trampoline and one is wearing a backpack. He didn't wear the backpack while walking but my daughter wanted to see what he would look like heading off to school :)

    Have a great day everyone. 424dqwe1mmzd.jpg
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Did a Barre class on can barely get up and down....super sore. Eating ok, not perfect but not horrible. Found out from my doc on Friday that I need to consume 100 protein grams per/day. I was trying for 60...and the lower protein could be contributing to my weight loss stall. So trying to get back into the swing of things with my diet since I am now exercising. : ) Will see how it goes....
  • littlegibbs62
    littlegibbs62 Posts: 756 Member
    Sorry to be MIA! I'm on track with eating. Scale is staying the same and fluctuating up and down. As usual. Sigh.

    Work is super stressful and am trying to carve out about 30 minutes of me-time to do relaxation techniques and have quiet time--but it's challenging.

    Having some wooziness/heart palpitations lately and so have to go in to see my cardiologist on Thursday. Hopefully just a mineral imbalance or something weird.

    Hope you are all well! Hugs all around!!!
  • loveshoe
    loveshoe Posts: 365 Member
    Really having issues staying on track for the last couple of days. Seems like I just can't get my head in the game and I'm trying to find my health passion again. Maybe it's the heat. One plus is on my daily walk I stopped eating figs from a neighbor's tree. Figs are 30 calories each, which can really add up. I also did that thing where I didn't log the figs as if that stops the calories from counting.
  • jcavanna2
    jcavanna2 Posts: 782 Member
    @littlegibbs62 hope you get back to feeling better soon and that your cardiologist appt goes well! My trainer told me stress also contributes to what we see on the scale. Stress and lack of sleep are major issues for me right now.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    July is moving fast....been going to the gym but still not always eating perfectly. I think my main issue is if we have wine during dinner (which I know is a no/no). Not only do I get the empty calories from the wine but it seems to influence poor behavior. That being said, I am logging everything down and have been staying within my calorie counts. Question: do you eat your exercise calories? It just seems if I were to do that it would certainly have a negative I have been staying with the daily allocations.
  • loveshoe
    loveshoe Posts: 365 Member
    edited July 2018
    DawnCumm, during my weight loss phase I never ate my exercise calories. Now that I'm into maintenance it's hit or miss if I eat them or not. At one time I was really diligent and I would want to end my day with a surplus of calories I could consume. It made me feel good to go to bed knowing I didn't eat all the calories I was allowed.

    I would like to have part of that passion back now. I'm struggling to find that person. I'm holding steady in July, but I could do a lot better.

  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    loveshoe wrote: »
    I would like to have part of that passion back now. I'm struggling to find that person. I'm holding steady in July, but I could do a lot better.
    I can so relate to this. I want to feel like I did that first year or two. I have been doing MUCH better lately, and the better I do the better I feel. It's just that when you get knocked off track for whatever reason it's can be such a struggle to get back on track again. This weekend I feel like I did really good, I had my friends over for brunch which usually ends up with some kind of dessert that I make, this time I made a really healthy high protein meal and we had fruit instead of dessert. Small victories count :)