Success and Challenges

likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
I did a 7 mile run last night (OMG - 7 miles - Me!!!). I barely finished it and can still feel it in my knees, ankle and the bottom of my foot this morning. No big deal, just twinges, but I had to walk for a minute last night because I just couldn't keep going. I think I need to bring fuel on these longer runs. Especially the 8 mile run that I don't plan to fail next week.

And I think I figured out why Endomondo worked so well when I first got it (in February) and why it sucks so much now (August). Leaves on trees. It just can't get a good GPS signal. So, I can still use it for time - but not for splits or distance.

Which means...I have NO idea how fast I've been running lately. I could have been doing 9:53 miles for all I know. I actually did the math and my 7 mile run was 14:30 (Endomondo showed it at 16:00). I might not be as slow as I think I am (or, then again I might). I need to run set routes and manually calculate my speed to see what I'm actually doing until the leaf cover disappears some.

This is a known problem with all phone based running programs, so I'm not switching any time soon. Unless somebody has a great (cheap) alternative.


  • ShannonKN
    ShannonKN Posts: 152 Member
    So much for that 7 mi block! Great job busting through that wall!

    I don't have any good ideas about getting past the vegetation distortion on the GPS without an expensive upgrade. The vegetation issue makes sense to me, since I haven't had any real problems with Endomondo out here in the high desert. (I will change my route to chase down shade whenever possible.)

    Good luck with the 8 mile next week! How long until the big race?
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Congrats - that is some awesome progress!! Definitely bring some gel or whatever you like for fuel. Back when I was actually running on a regular basis I would take a gel at mile 6 and that helped me push on. Good luck with the 8-mile run!!

    Eventually you will want to move to a GPS watch like the Garmin's or Polar's. Even those are a little off on distance but much better than a phone in my experience. Although I did fire up Endomondo a few times recently for brisk walks and it did OK on the heavily tree-covered parts of the greenway. Sucks I'm back to brisk walking now but whatever it takes to rehab, I guess.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Wow, congrats!!! Nice work! Woo hooo (insert happy dance emoticon here).

    I'm happy for you, and know the effort and determination it took ya. You're getting closer and closer to that half. I have a feeling this particular milestone is a big one!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    That *was* the 7 mile block. I was in so much pain by the end of that run.

    I am 10 weeks out from the half and have no idea how I'm going to make it. Anyway, Thursday is 2-minute intervals, so we'll see how that goes. It'll probably suck and I'll be just barely running by the end of them, but I'll get 'er done. Then a tempo run (I think) and then (sigh) 8 miles. We'll see if I'm still moving at the end of the 8 miles. We peak at 9 miles the next week. At which point I'm getting myself a new run skirt and maybe another sports bra.
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Wow, 7 miles! That's so awesome.

    I was wondering when gels would become necessary. I don't generally like any sports drink type stuff or any artificial sweetners (plays havoc with my stomach) so need to try some stuff out.

    I've had such fun and games with various GPS apps and it's such a wrangle to get the damn phone out of my pocket to check the stats, so I'm going to leave the Garmin info lying around the house as it's my birthday in September! :wink:

    Good luck with the 8 miles!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I was reading up on the gels...there's also raisins and dried apricots as alternatives. The gels just absorb faster.

    One of the more experienced runners on this site suggested a fuel belt and alternating water and gatorade as she doesn't use gels until 10+ miles.

    Some people use gummy bears. One guy I know fueled a marathon on Thin Mints. It's whatever works for you.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    You are awesome, Varda! Wow! 7miles! Separate yourself from your disappointment at pooping out a bit at the end and really think about what you just accomplished and let it sink in. You ran 7 miles. That's more than twice as much as a 5K and more than half of a half!

    As for tracking speed and distance, I have been really happy with Runtastic. I have checked the distances by driving the routes or by running a marked trail, and it seems to be accurate. I also run along a trail that is tree covered sometimes and it does not lose the GPS. I have run both the 10K Runner App and Endomondo simultaneously with Runtastic for their interval notifications. It works great. (I run them on my iphone5. Isn't that what you have? I don't know if a different phone type would matter or not.)
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Varda, you rock. I am so very inspired by you.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    You are doing amazing Varda! 9 miles next week, that sounds scary to me but now you've passed the 7 mile block hopefully you will breeze it. I have been using Runtastic too and haven't had any problems with it, it doesn't lose the signal even running under underpasses. But if you have the money to spare a Garmin would be the way to go. My boss turned 40 last week and his wife bought him one for his birthday, we clubbed together and bought him the foot pod which attaches to your shoe so even if there is no GPS signal or you are running on a treadmill it can still track your distance.

    P.S. I would go with the gummy bears just because I would get a thrill from eating sweets when I'm training!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    ...And they're so darn happy and cute! (The gummy bears that is.)

    The Garmin and foot pod sounds pretty cool. That might be on my Christmas list! Pretty nice of you and your co-workers to get your boss such a great present!
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    You are awesome, Varda! Wow! 7miles! Separate yourself from your disappointment at pooping out a bit at the end and really think about what you just accomplished and let it sink in. You ran 7 miles. That's more than twice as much as a 5K and more than half of a half!

    Agreed. How many months ago was it that we were running for 60 seconds and then taking a break?
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    You are doing amazing Varda! 9 miles next week, that sounds scary to me but now you've passed the 7 mile block hopefully you will breeze it. I have been using Runtastic too and haven't had any problems with it, it doesn't lose the signal even running under underpasses. But if you have the money to spare a Garmin would be the way to go. My boss turned 40 last week and his wife bought him one for his birthday, we clubbed together and bought him the foot pod which attaches to your shoe so even if there is no GPS signal or you are running on a treadmill it can still track your distance.

    P.S. I would go with the gummy bears just because I would get a thrill from eating sweets when I'm training!

    How many birthday and Christmas lists are being edited after this post?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You are doing amazing Varda! 9 miles next week, that sounds scary to me but now you've passed the 7 mile block hopefully you will breeze it. I have been using Runtastic too and haven't had any problems with it, it doesn't lose the signal even running under underpasses. But if you have the money to spare a Garmin would be the way to go. My boss turned 40 last week and his wife bought him one for his birthday, we clubbed together and bought him the foot pod which attaches to your shoe so even if there is no GPS signal or you are running on a treadmill it can still track your distance.

    P.S. I would go with the gummy bears just because I would get a thrill from eating sweets when I'm training!

    How many birthday and Christmas lists are being edited after this post?

    Sheepishly raises hand. Especially because it's probably going to be "Santa" getting this one for me. ;)
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    7 Miles is Awesome!!! Congrats to you for pushing through. 9 miles sounds scary, but I know you will handle that. As for the GPS, I guess I didn't realize that the phone apps were off. I use mapmyfitness along with Rundouble for the 5210k program. I run them simultaneously and they usually give about the same distances. Only once did Mapmyfitness just stop on me. I tried Nike Running, but it would stop and then I would have no idea how far I went. I guess like others suggested, a Garmin would be your best bet. What a way for Santa to reward you for all your hard work.