The FastDiet or 5:2 Diet

glennowill Posts: 134 Member
Hey all, hello from the shadows. I continue to lurk here but haven't been active in posting since the WW boards went down. I wanted to let you all know about something new I've been doing: intermittent fasting.

I've been doing it since about May, and have lost about 15 lbs since starting it. I took a little break during my vacation, but am back at it again. I started following the "5:2 diet," which basically advocates fasting for 2 days a week (eating only 600 calories that day if you're a man and 500 if you're a woman) and then eating "normally" for the remaining 5 days of the week. The science behind the diet is that humans are actually built for fasting - our ancestors lived on a fast and feast type diet when hunting and scavenging for meals. The creator of the diet claims it works is because even though a fast day can seem challenging, there is comfort knowing you can eat normally again the next day.

I started it because my mom started doing it, and I was VERY skeptical at first. I ended up doing online research and reading "The FastDiet" and "The Obesity Code" and I guess I'm drinking the kool-aid now... mainly because it's working and I find it pretty damn easy. Since gaining all my weight back from my initial loss on WW, I was trying to continue with the track everything everyday lifestyle but I just couldn't do it and live what I perceive as a normal life. I know the thinking on WW was to eat whatever you want as long as it fits in your points, but I would still restrict myself from certain "bad" foods and even avoid social situations where I knew I would be tempted to eat something that didn't fit into my diet. I also would exercise solely for the reason of being to eat what I wanted on those days.

I'd be interested to hear GoaD's thoughts on it. On fast days, I usually eat a little protein, a little fat and a boat load of veggies (think a big salad with chicken, olive oil and vinegar.) On non-fast days I pretty much eat whatever though I like to trend towards whole foods, veggies and whole grains during normal days. I definitely have had weeks where I overate and only lost around 1 lb, but the movement has continued to trend downward. Fast days were kind of tough for the first couple of weeks but I really haven't had any issues doing them since. I even feel like I have more energy in the evenings of my fast days. Hunger definitely comes during these days... but then it goes, and I feel just fine.


  • linmueller
    linmueller Posts: 1,354 Member
    I'm curious, do you not track the 5 days? Just the 2 fasting days?
  • glennowill
    glennowill Posts: 134 Member
    So far, I haven't tracked at all on non-fast days. I naturally tend to have less calories on the days after a fast because I usually don't break my fast until lunch, and I try to have something that resembles my 600 calorie fast meal. Then I'll go on to have a normal dinner that night.
  • linmueller
    linmueller Posts: 1,354 Member
    Interesting! Glad you've found something that doable and working for you! Congrats!