Weigh In Sat 18th - Fri 24th August

tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
edited July 2018 in Social Groups
Please check you are posting in the correct week.

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  • _j4de_
    _j4de_ Posts: 47 Member
    SW 168.75
    GW#1 149
    GW#2 140
    LW 154. 25
    TW 152.25
    Lost this week 2lb
    Overall loss 16.5lb

    Another 2lb off this week :)
  • _j4de_
    _j4de_ Posts: 47 Member
    Whoops wrong week!!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    Ktmom19 wrote: »
    SW: 160.4
    GW: 115 (I am 5 ft tall)
    LW: 150.2
    TW: 148.6 (-1.6)
    OL: 11.8

    6th week - I am finally starting to feel a little looseness in my pants! Yay! I think it was actually easier to be active on vacation last week when I was walking everywhere. My biggest struggle right now is coming home from work exhausted not wanting to exercise. At least I am still losing.

    I find half a caffeine pill a couple of hours before finishing work peps me up just enough to do my exercise on a long day.
  • jazzadesigns
    jazzadesigns Posts: 476 Member
    SW: 241
    GW: 160
    LW: 191.6
    TW: 191.8
    OL: 49.2
  • clairehardy77
    clairehardy77 Posts: 37 Member
    SW 68.4kg / 151lbs (11th April 18)
    LW 61.1kg / 134.7lbs
    TW 61.7kg / 136lbs (+0.6kg/+1.3lbs)
    OL -6.7kg / -14.8lbs
    GW 60kg / 132lbs by 5th Sept 18

    Weighing a day late as been up @ my Mum's and to the Edinburgh Festival with my little boy. Surprised I didn't put more on as the week has been a bit of a carbs fest however we did a lot of walking about which probably helped. Reaching my goal weight by 5th Sept (little boy's first day @ school) is now looking unrealistic so going to change it to the 3rd October (inbetween my wedding anniversary and hubby's Birthday) to give me a chance to get a bit more into an exercise and eating routine. Good luck everyone xxx
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    SW (1st Dec 2017): 217.2lbs
    Weigh In Info
    LW: 227.1lbs (Trend)/228.4lbs (Actual)
    TW 227.3lbs (Trend)/228.6lbs (Actual)
    Variance: +0.2lbs

    Overall Loss from 1/12/16: 28.4lbs

    Stayed close enought to maintenance :smile:
  • lisa9620
    lisa9620 Posts: 52 Member
    SW: 89kg (196.2) 9th July 2018
    LW: 85kg (187.3)
    TW: 83.9kg (184.9)
    OL: 5.1kg (11.3lb)
  • NHDaisy2
    NHDaisy2 Posts: 151 Member
    SW 208.6 lbs 2/10/18
    GW 150 lbs
    LW 181.4 lbs 08/18/18
    TW 183.5 lbs 08/24/18 (+2.1lb)

    Total weight loss: -25.1
  • MegansMom2011
    MegansMom2011 Posts: 355 Member
    SW 194 lbs 2/12/17
    GW 125 lbs
    LW 149.0 lbs 8/17/18
    CW 148.6 lbs 8/24/18 (-0.4lbs)

    Total weight loss: -45.4lbs!

    Not a big loss this week, but I've managed to keep off my large weight loss from last week (~5lbs) and a little more, so I'll take it! Really trying to stay focused and make my goal of being at a healthy BMI of 145. And then hopefully reach my ultimate goal of 125 by Christmas.
  • NewTaxi
    NewTaxi Posts: 85 Member
    SW: 261.8 lbs ( 3/19/18)
    GW: 150 lbs
    LW: 193 lbs
    TW: 191.2 lbs
    OL: -1.8 lbs

    Total Loss: -70.6 lbs

    OMG...I'm so ashamed of myself...after getting down to 190.4 on Wednesday and Thursday, I cheated a little on Thursday night and ate too much PB...The scale chastised me by going up to 191.2 for weigh in...Then hubby fixed ham, so I had 2oz for breakfast Friday and 3 oz for dinner on Friday, plus I cheated with a tiny donut at work and again with the little too much PB...back up to 192.4 this morning...back to the grind today...
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    edited August 2018
    NewTaxi wrote: »
    SW: 261.8 lbs ( 3/19/18)
    GW: 150 lbs
    LW: 193 lbs
    TW: 191.2 lbs
    OL: -1.8 lbs

    Total Loss: -70.6 lbs

    OMG...I'm so ashamed of myself...after getting down to 190.4 on Wednesday and Thursday, I cheated a little on Thursday night and ate too much PB...The scale chastised me by going up to 191.2 for weigh in...Then hubby fixed ham, so I had 2oz for breakfast Friday and 3 oz for dinner on Friday, plus I cheated with a tiny donut at work and again with the little too much PB...back up to 192.4 this morning...back to the grind today...

    @NewTaxi stop thinking of it as cheating and feeling ashamed, to actually gain 2lbs of fat you would have had to eat 7000 calories above maintenance (really guessing you didn't do that). What you're seeing is water weight fluctuations, they are totally normal.

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