Living the Lifestyle 7/26/18

savignr Posts: 711 Member
Apologies for not following the format, but cut and paste is not working for me this morning. Also doing this on my phone so apologies for my typing.

Today’s topic: Door #1 or Door #2 - Which do you choose? Or, special bonus for today only, choose both.

Behind Door #1, an opportunity to brag yourself up. What have you been doing right lately? What successes have you had, either with the scale or via NSV.

Behind Door #2, your chance to outline your opportunities for improvement in your weight management performance. Where are you struggling? If you ask politely, you can even earn the patented GOAD KITA.


  • savignr
    savignr Posts: 711 Member
    Door #1 for me.

    I’ve been on vacation since last Tuesday, which history says is not a good thing for controlling my weight. I’ll temper the comments that follow by saying that I don’t have access to a scale to verify my (perceived) successes yet.

    First step was choosing a destination that was not an all-inclusive resort. I just don’t do well with self control in those circumstances. So breakfast and lunch are in the room, dinner typically out. I’ve had sea food for every meal except two, and have stayed under 2000 calories every day except one. Plus I’ve been moving - swimming, snorkeling, and walking. I’ve averaged just under 9000 steps since I’ve been here, with a high of 16000. And a total of three drinks in the ten days I’ve been here - another reason to avoid the all inclusive places.

    Hoping this will result in a SV when I get home Saturday. And that I continue this when I get there!
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 6,197 Member
    edited July 2018
    Behind Door # 1

    1.Weighing Daily. :)
    2.Showing up here daily. :)
    3.Posting, Participating, reading LTL. :)
    4.Still have over a 52.2 lb loss from when I started in 2010. :|
    5. Not quiting for sure.

    Behind Door # 2

    Areas to improve need encouragement and KITA all at the same time.

    Really been struggling for over a year plus. :(

    Not Paying Attention to:
    1.Mental Attitude :(
    2.Tracking On A Regular Basis :(
    3.Eating the wrong foods mindlessly. :(
    4. Not eating at the right times. :(
    5. Not paying attention to portions. :(
    5. Not Planning ahead. :(
    6. Using Excuses. :(
    7.Results 53.6 Weight Gain :(

    SW 400.8
    CW 348.6
    Next GW 300.0
    Final GW 185.0

    52.2 lbs Total lost
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,525 Member
    Door #1. I set out to weigh less than 175lbs. I even tracked calories on MFP for a few weeks to get a grip on my snacking. It worked. Most times I weigh now I’m at about 171-172 lbs.

    Door #2. My feet hurt a lot. Out door Pickleball on concrete is a problem. Podiatrist next week. Sleep is an issue. More on that later.

    Door #3. My whole world lies waiting behind door #3.
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,587 Member
    Door # 1 Started at 335#, now between 240# and 250#, bit lower occasionally. Great maintenance.

    Door # 2 Dr. has given me a WW goal of 220# fully clothed. Ways to go.
    Cutting back on the alcohol slowly, only on weekends, as rule.
    TOL wants me double tracking. What a PIA. Looks like the zero PPs meat, veggies, and FF Greek yogurt need to be watched more carefully.
  • gadgetgirlIL
    gadgetgirlIL Posts: 1,381 Member
    Door #1. I've been below my WW goal weight nearly all summer. My last LT WI was the lowest I've been in at least 2 years.

    Door #2. My damn knee is still bothering me. I did see a doctor last week and I have 8 sessions of PT scheduled beginning next Tuesday. Sleep has been a problem because of the knee and because I've had to work late a lot this summer semester yet I still wake up at my normal time even without setting an alarm. I feel like I've been in a fog of fatigue all month. Fatigue + pain = poor eating choices sometimes.
  • Jerdtrmndone
    Jerdtrmndone Posts: 5,829 Member
    Door# 2 room for many improvements mostly in the unhealthy snacking area.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,236 Member
    Door #1 Been on Maintenance since April and four Jully WIs were all below GW. The awareness that the scale will not care if I made GW. The mindset is different and trying to not reward myself with food. Dealing with new mental mindset,

    Door #2. Changes to DW’s schedule due to a Severances Pay package she has been st home. Her new schedule has drastically changed my routine. Transition is hard.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,154 Member
    #1 still below WW goal weight 10 yr. #2 barely hanging in there and creeping a bit up so need to not be complacent.
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    Door #1 for me. Out of town dealing with unknown defects of the new house. Pissed off about people being dishonest and somewhat incompetent. Spending money I wasn't planning to spend after spending money. Exactly the kinds of things that used to trigger mindless eating of fat-producing food and drink.

    When I was doing mindful eating and drinking over the last 10 days, I realized I'd made healthier choices, even though I was engaging in some of the behaviors. I've known for a long time I'm not likely to give up the behavioral crutch anytime soon, but the healthier choices help.

    I did not have a bathroom scale while I was gone so had to rely on my choices and tracking to keep me between the guardrails. I got home yesterday, joined my partner for a dinner and (small) beer out last night and held my breath as I stepped on the scale this morning. Down 1.4 pounds from 10 days ago.

    Without tracking and mindfulness, I'm sure I would have been up the same amount, and then some...