looking for more JW friends & especially LCHF friends

s_shortridge Posts: 28 Member
We recently went ketogenic. It was hubs idea to lower his blood sugar. Within 10 days he had dropped his blood sugar from 240 to 85. He had also mentioned I could decrease my inflammation & pain. I did! It has been 2.5 months and I am taking anti inflammatories rarely. I canceled my rheumatologist appt because my pain is down and my joint mobility is up. We feel AMAZING. My husband says I buzz around like a hummingbird on crack. 😆

Oh and then there was the weight loss, lol, almost forgot that. Hubs lost 32lbs in 11 weeks and I lost 24 so far..

Anyway ... my MFP friends have dwindled and I really want to try and fix that. So looking for others trying to be healthier and such. ❤️


  • s_shortridge
    s_shortridge Posts: 28 Member
    Ok ... so here we are about 3 years later and I am trying to hit some other goals. We are doing a very paleo version of keto ... still very happy with our health and how we feel. Trying to see if some pounds lost will help the last minor lingering health issues. Really would love to find other JWs.