looking for more JW friends & especially LCHF friends
We recently went ketogenic. It was hubs idea to lower his blood sugar. Within 10 days he had dropped his blood sugar from 240 to 85. He had also mentioned I could decrease my inflammation & pain. I did! It has been 2.5 months and I am taking anti inflammatories rarely. I canceled my rheumatologist appt because my pain is…
What state does everyone live?
I check every so often with hospitals and other agencies regarding cooking and other weigh loss programs/classes or tips. If I know where everyone lives, I will check org.s in your area. I live in Maine.
This group active
Hello. Is this group still active?
Hey everyone, So our family has relocated to a new area, much more populated. We went to our first meeting at the new Kingdom Hall. l was very nervous as I have social hangups and insecurities. But all went well. We were a little late to the meeting as I had a medical appointment that ran over some so I got home late. But…
Today's Text
We can use this link to post today's text, in case we have not had a chance to read. Feel free to post if I have not posted it yet.
Let's use this link to post any resources you think someone may be interested in or could use.
Links to JW.org articles & other articles on health & wellbeing
Let's use this discussion link to post different interesting articles on health & well being.
Hey our little group is growing and that's cool!!! We need all the encouragement we can get. Hey everyone!!! I am so looking forward to our WT this Sunday!!! Margie
Our Watchtower lesson today was on Empathy and the golden rule. It was a really good lesson. This is a problem these days with how people treat each other in the world. In addition, we all continue to face stressors that strain our patience and serenity. Stress is a major hormone in our system -cortisol- that causes our…