Need keto friends

cindy2021 Posts: 15 Member
2nd day in. I am a pescaterian and finding it hard to reach the goal mu yrainer gave me. Of 5%carb. 80%fat. 15%protein. Would love to learn from fellow keto followers. Please add me.


  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    edited August 2018
    Protein isn't a bad thing to up your % on and reduce the fat % a bit. You have to remember to protect your lean mass while working to lose the fat on the body. As you go through this you will want to tweak the macros as you go depending on what your body needs. Macros for me are 5% carbs, 55% Fat and 40% protein after starting at 5%, 75%, 20%. One thing I do each month is to visit a place with a Fit3D scanner then I go back each month on the same day to see the real progress across the body and make adjustments as needed. It's like 5 bucks a month. The regular scale is fairly useless.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    My body fat meter is my beer gut and it is amazingly accurate. Since I started my scale body fat % has started moving down slightly. Beer gut meter had noticeably declined too. I am not logging but fairly aware of my carb intake and try to get a serving of protein at each meal. I don't over do it on fat but I don't avoid it either.
  • Kerschel
    Kerschel Posts: 36 Member
    Fish is your friend then: tuna, salmon, shrimp etc. Other protein sources might be tofu. There is protein in eggs and cheese as well.
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    Sent you a friend request :) Though my diary (when I fill it out) probably won't help you as I'm pretty heavy on protein but most of my protein comes from red meat. *hugs* but I know of a lot of people who don't eat that and are very able to stay on Keto!
  • Kerschel
    Kerschel Posts: 36 Member
    I have a question regarding macros. My lean body mass would be about 110. How much protein do I need? I do 20 g of net carb/day.
  • cbgep
    cbgep Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5'3" and have reached and maintained my goal weight of 114 lbs. I eat 50-60 grams of protein every day. I tend to be around 53-55 grams. But I'm also doing keto for cancer prevention since I have terminal cancer in my family, so keeping my protein low is important for me. I keep carbs around 20, and never go over 25 even on splurges days. But at these levels, I eat all the fat I want without counting it. On days when I do count just to get a feel for where I am, my calories total 1400-1500. I don't know if this helps, but it made me lose weight and maintain my goal weight all very easily and painlessly.
  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    @Kerschel Take your total bodyweight and multiply by .37 and that is a baseline minimum.

    Everyone is different in their needs. I use a 1:1 ratio of my actual weight by week to keep my lean mass and develop muscle.
  • Kerschel
    Kerschel Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks qweck3. A font of information.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,424 Member
    I would recommend everyone read the book Keto by Maria Emmerich. It will teach you everything you will need to know.

    @Kerschel if you're not a weight lifter then I'd go with .8 grams per lb of body weight so 88 grams a day. You need to ensure you body doesn't deplete your lean muscle mass. Too much protein in your body will be converted over to glucose which we don't want.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I always accept friend requests...I generally only delete people if they go inactive for long periods of time.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I always accept friend requests...I generally only delete people if they go inactive for long periods of time.

    Yeah, this is me. I accept all and usually remove when inactive for over a month.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    You can add me, except my diary probably isn't very helpful for anyone right now as I'm in the middle of an Ad Libitum 30 Day Carnivore Challenge.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,371 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »
    I would recommend everyone read the book Keto by Maria Emmerich. It will teach you everything you will need to know.

    @Kerschel if you're not a weight lifter then I'd go with .8 grams per lb of body weight so 88 grams a day. You need to ensure you body doesn't deplete your lean muscle mass. Too much protein in your body will be converted over to glucose which we don't want.

    I would add that the conversion of protein to glucose is a demand-driven process, meaning that the body will only do this if/when there is a need for glucose (for those parts of the body that have to have glucose to function). It is a fairly expensive process (biologically speaking in that it takes a lot of energy to accomplish) so it does not happen on a regular basis.

    I personally have days where I reach 200 grams of protein and have had no problems maintaining BG readings in the upper 70's or lower 80's.

    As for the friend requests, you are welcome to add me although I don't log food very frequently.
  • gcooper7
    gcooper7 Posts: 146 Member
    Feel free to add me. Been doing Keto. 6 months and down 54 lbs