Hormonal eating

While it's not technically emotional eating, I find I've been really emotional around my period, and as a result I'm eating all my crap foods because I'm up and down. I find that the junk food actually does make me feel better, physically. I watched the 2005 version of Lassie today and bawled for most of the last 20 minutes. All the while, eating a single serving of mint chocolate swirl ice cream. If it had been a bigger package, I'm sure I would have eaten more. Luckily in Japan, most of the ice cream is packaged as single servings. If it's a bigger pack, it's crazy expensive (like 6 or 7 dollars for 500ml-and not even Ben and Jerrys or Hagendaaz).

Now I'm debating finishing off the pringles in my cupboard (about 2 servings worth), Or eating the bag of bugles... Maybe I'll just have a real dinner and home the grease craving passes by...


  • JHa123X
    JHa123X Posts: 19
    I can relate to all of the above! I am the same around that time and I know what you mean when you say junk food actually makes you feel better. Someone once told me it's the salt that my body is craving around that time, more than the sugar. I think it helps with cramping? Not sure how accurate that is though. Please feel free to add me and may be we can help each other through these phases. I'm fairly new to mfp and this group, so would be great to have another friend :happy: