Traveling Keto

amdev23_23 Posts: 68 Member
I’m out of town all weekend for a wedding and I’m a little nervous. I’m trying my best to stay on plan—I’ve decided I’m only going to be strict on carbs this weekend, but allow myself to go over on calories if need be. Everyone other time I’ve been trying to lose weight, when I go on a trip, I just eat whatever I want. Not this time, I don’t want to get derailed.

The only time I may “cheat” on carbs is the wedding. I’m going to eat whatever is served to me and just try and be conscious of carbs/avoid them if possible. Suggestions for fast food/eating out meals that aren’t just bunless burgers or salads are greatly appreciated. Wish me luck!


  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    any place that serves breakfast all day long is golden...omelettes, steak & eggs, sausage, etc

    mexican - fajitas with no wrap or some places actually have low-carb wraps now, taco bell has an egg based wrap option

    chicken places - you can either get something grilled, skip the skin, or just suck up a few carbs (depending on the actual fast food place some of them are worse than others)

    wing places - avoid the sweet sauces and go for the ones with less sugar, or get them naked with sauce on the side so you can control how much of the sauce you use, or naked with blue cheese dressing which is so yum

    also, don't be afraid to have food on hand in the hotel - I always bring or get salami & cheese (better cold but both will keep even without refrigeration and are relatively easy to chill in the ice bin if you put them in a ziplock bag) so that if I get hungry at odd hours I have a quick easy, if I know I'm going to be eating somewhere with temptation (I can avoid anything except temptation), I will snack up before going so that I'm less tempted to order off plan or can more easily limit it to a few bites and then leave the rest of the serving of whatever on the plate

    they typically serve too much food at weddings, so if you eat your keto approved portion first, you may find that you are satisfied with just a few bites of the carby parts, but that kind of depends on what they are any case, one meal is not going to be the end of the world

    Have a great time!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Oh, I totally forgot seafood...if there is a seafood place just opt for steamed rather than fried...and skip the hushpuppies, but if they have a creamy crab soup, totally go for it!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Naked chicken wings?

    I tend to do the opposite of your plan. On special occasions I focus more on keeping calories in check and I flex on carbs. My biggest flex this last year or more was probably Tres Leches Cake at a wedding in June. Actually it was post wedding. We had a major flight delay and missed both the wedding and the reception. Fortunately we were staying with family of the groom so leftover cake was available. It might be the best cake I've ever had. Definitely the best wedding cake. :)
  • amdev23_23
    amdev23_23 Posts: 68 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    Naked chicken wings?

    I tend to do the opposite of your plan. On special occasions I focus more on keeping calories in check and I flex on carbs. My biggest flex this last year or more was probably Tres Leches Cake at a wedding in June. Actually it was post wedding. We had a major flight delay and missed both the wedding and the reception. Fortunately we were staying with family of the groom so leftover cake was available. It might be the best cake I've ever had. Definitely the best wedding cake. :)

    I get that. I just decided I’m not going to count calories because it’s pretty tedious and time consuming. I want to enjoy my weekend still, just not go completely off plan because that’s derailed me in the past. So I figured carb cheats would make me gain more water weight than calorie cheats. Who knows. It just seemed like the easier route to stay on track.
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,621 Member
    amdev23_23 wrote: »
    I’m out of town all weekend for a wedding and I’m a little nervous. I’m trying my best to stay on plan—I’ve decided I’m only going to be strict on carbs this weekend, but allow myself to go over on calories if need be.

    This is my strategy, and I have to say it works pretty well for me. At receptions, you get cheese and broccoli from a table and have something to politely carry around and nibble on while being social. At Thanksgiving, I have turkey and salad. The calories fall where they fall, and I log, but if some salami has put me over on calories, I don't get stressed.

  • iamnotvoldemort
    iamnotvoldemort Posts: 56 Member

    also, don't be afraid to have food on hand in the hotel - I always bring or get salami & cheese (better cold but both will keep even without refrigeration and are relatively easy to chill in the ice bin if you put them in a ziplock bag) so that if I get hungry at odd hours I have a quick easy, if I know I'm going to be eating somewhere with temptation (I can avoid anything except temptation), I will snack up before going so that I'm less tempted to order off plan or can more easily limit it to a few bites and then leave the rest of the serving of whatever on the plate

    I've never understood why more people don't do this - my family always had quick, non-perishable food items with us on hand whenever we traveled growing up. Not even from a nutritional standpoint (there were things like those tuna lunch things, nuts, and fruit, but kid me loved frosted cherry poptarts so those were always there too), but it saves you a ton of money from not having to eat out for every meal of your trip. Especially if the place you're staying doesn't do continental breakfast.
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member

    also, don't be afraid to have food on hand in the hotel - I always bring or get salami & cheese (better cold but both will keep even without refrigeration and are relatively easy to chill in the ice bin if you put them in a ziplock bag) so that if I get hungry at odd hours I have a quick easy, if I know I'm going to be eating somewhere with temptation (I can avoid anything except temptation), I will snack up before going so that I'm less tempted to order off plan or can more easily limit it to a few bites and then leave the rest of the serving of whatever on the plate

    I've never understood why more people don't do this - my family always had quick, non-perishable food items with us on hand whenever we traveled growing up. Not even from a nutritional standpoint (there were things like those tuna lunch things, nuts, and fruit, but kid me loved frosted cherry poptarts so those were always there too), but it saves you a ton of money from not having to eat out for every meal of your trip. Especially if the place you're staying doesn't do continental breakfast.

    Since starting Keto, I've also started carrying snacks/food with me that are easy to grab and won't go bad. This would be my suggestion to help keep you on track as well. And increase your water intake, if you can. That will help flush out anything you don't want sticking around as well. I cheated a little when I was on vacation about a month ago and didn't gain any weight from it as I just shrugged, drank water, and started right back up when I was able. But the big plus was knowing I had food at the hotel I could easily eat.
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    I’m currently on my third vacation since starting keto and think you have the right approach to focus on avoiding carbs and not worrying as much as the calories, since it’s really hard to estimate calories anyway when you eat out. I also travel with my own breakfast (keto friendly muffins that can sit out for a few days) and nuts, seaweed and jerky. Keto foods keep me full so it’s not as tempting to overdo it.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,750 Member
    I travel with turkey jerky, almond milk & protein powder. Add a salad and the day is complete.
  • amdev23_23
    amdev23_23 Posts: 68 Member
    Well, the wedding didn’t go well. They had ribs and chicken already slathered in BBQ sauce, baked potatoes with all the fixings, and corn on the cob. I was hungry and going to be there for several hours more, so I went ahead and ate it. Then i indulged in cake and ice cream. And I wasn’t so good at the morning after brunch. I’m pretty sure I had more carbs in the past 2 days than I have in the past month. But it’s over, I enjoyed time with family. Back on the wagon as of right now.
    I did really well the first 2 days. In the past, when I went out of town/vacation I just went all out with eating because “I’m on vacation”. So the fact that I was only bad 2/4 days is a huge improvement for me and I’ll take that for what it’s worth.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Very few of us will be on plan at all times.

    It sounds like you indulged over a 24 hour period and then got back to it. That really is way better than going all out for the entire trip! :) I think getting right back to it is the most important thing. Nice work.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    amdev23_23 wrote: »
    But it’s over, I enjoyed time with family. Back on the wagon as of right now.

    That's what makes the difference. 1 day is microscopic in the rest of your life. We learn by living. <3