Can someone look at my food log?

emmyp18 Posts: 28 Member
Can someone take a peek at my food log? What am I doing wrong this week? Monday started week 2 of induction and I lost 7.5 the first week and not a single pound this week. Please help! Frustrating!


  • bigred01
    bigred01 Posts: 45 Member
    The main things that I see is not enough fiber, you shouldn't be eating the endulge candies during induction, and you might be underestimating your calories on the bacon...not sure. I would cut down on the amount of saturated fat you are eating. Fiber should be about 25 grams a day. Calories can range from person to person. I do about 1300 a day, but I am not on induction either. You could probably add more excercise to to make your body use more of your body's fat for fuel. Hope this helps.
  • emmyp18
    emmyp18 Posts: 28 Member
    I just posted my plan for today. How does that look? The bacon is low cal because it is super thin pre cooked bacon. Are canned veggies okay? I did not know that about endulge. The box said for all phases. Where is the easiest place to get fiber?
  • Noumenon347
    Noumenon347 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am a vegetarian and i i am finidn it difficult to restrict myself to 20g of carbs ...
    Is it healthy to eat more than 2-3 eggs per day?
    My carb count is reaching 25g ...
    Can any of you please suggest, vegeterain food high in protein and low in carbohydrates?
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    I see a lot more than 20 carbs and you said you are in the second week. I also see too much cheese and not enough vegetables. Vegetables are where you get fiber.
  • emmyp18
    emmyp18 Posts: 28 Member
    The numbers on MFP in regards to carbs and net carbs are WAAAAAYYY off compared to here.

    According to the Atkins website I am going to get 12.5 net carbs of veggies. The cheese does not exceed the 3-4 ounces we are allowed each day. And the american cheese on MFP is a carb higher than the page listed above. How can I increase my veggies? I hate them!
  • bigred01
    bigred01 Posts: 45 Member
    remember when you are logging carbs to subtract fiber and sugar alcohol from your total makes a big difference
  • bigred01
    bigred01 Posts: 45 Member
    you can also get your "veggies" through smoothies or shakes. I don't have any recipes, but there are a lot of them out there that use spinach
  • emmyp18
    emmyp18 Posts: 28 Member
    remember when you are logging carbs to subtract fiber and sugar alcohol from your total makes a big difference

    I do that on a seperate piece of paper since MFP doesnt have that option :happy:
  • Anony1023
    Anony1023 Posts: 19 Member
    I see a lot of cheese with in your diary.
  • emmyp18
    emmyp18 Posts: 28 Member
    I see a lot of cheese with in your diary.
    I thought we were allowed 3-4 oz a day? Is that not correct? Would it help losing faster if I took out the cheese?
  • bigred01
    bigred01 Posts: 45 Member
    I apologize, you can have the endulge on induction. back when I first started induction, it seems like they said not to. my
  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 373 Member
    You are allowed 3-4 oz of cheese a day. And the bars are fine for induction - but - some people find that sugar alcohols make them stall.

    I have found another website that shows carbs & NET carbs! It is called Fat Secret - I'm logging over there most days.
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    those sugar alcohols can be wicked , I dont even play with them anymore, somehow try to just get away from sweets and treats, or anything that pretends to be one, go back to core atkins induction, if you have the OLD atkins book read that chapter, and stay with the original allowed foods, on them you only have to eat less than 20 carbs per day and never have to count a single calorie, I am down 62 pounds in 3 months and have not counted a single calorie yet, I eat lots of eggs and bacon and steak and of course lots of salads, with low carb vegies and full fat dressing with no sugar, like blue cheese, ( read the lable), eat the cheese in small amounts, here and there like a treat, try differant cheeses instead of sugar alcohols if you can, hope this helps