Summer Week 6 Weigh In - August 20

cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
Challenge Start Weight:
Challenge Goal:

Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6

A positive thought for the week:
Healthy snack or meal:
Best workout this week:


  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 175.0
    Challenge Goal:

    Week 1:
    Week 2:
    Week 3:
    Week 4:
    Week 5:
    Week 6: 176.4

    A positive thought for the week:After 6 weeks of goofing off, I'm only up 1.4 pounds
    Healthy snack or meal: Almonds and blackberries
    Best workout this week: walking to the Walmart to buy a scale

    Comments: Starting back on the keto today. So glad to be past phase 1 of my move and able to start getting organized and back in the groove. Happy that I didn't gain more. Going to buy a couple of suits today for my new job and wish they were a size smaller, but it can't be helped. Have a wonderful week everyone!
  • arameni
    arameni Posts: 105 Member
    Week 6!
    Challenge Start Weight: 131.4
    Summer Challenge Wt Goal: 128
    Week 1: 129.8
    Week 2: 132.6
    Week 3: 132.8
    Week 4: 131.8
    Week 5: 131.6
    Week 6: 131.2

    A positive thought for the week:

    Fall is almost here! I'm in TX so summer stretches on forever and then some, but Fall is almost here!!!
    Also, I'm finally back under my challenge start weight! Can't wait to see 129 again!

    Healthy snack or meal:

    Tried a new salad dressing from Trader Joe's, which means I had to eat a salad lol.

    Best workout this week:

    Dumbbells and dog walking!
    My friend told me she might start rock climbing and since we have a shared dream of completing a pull-up I should come along too.

    We had a food fest this weekend so I kind of ate a lot and spent too much money, but I got to eat kimchi fries, a lavender green tea ice cream pop, and mango sticky rice. Loved it all, wish I had more money and an endless void for my stomach!

    Congratulations on completing the 1st phase of your move! And 1.4 pounds is not bad at all for 6 weeks!
  • gesundundmunter
    gesundundmunter Posts: 217 Member
    Week 6
    Challenge Start Weight: 237.0
    Summer Challenge Weight Goal: 220.0
    Weigh-in #1: 236.6
    Weigh-in #2: 234.8
    Weigh-in #3: 234.6
    Weigh-in #4: 232.8
    Weigh-in #5: Vacation
    Weigh-in #6: 233.0

    A positive thought: Steady does it.
    A healthy snack/meal: Belvita crackers Orange/Cranberry.
    My most effective workout this week was: Swimming.

    Comments: Still reveling in my short vacation that took me out of my day-to-day boring, stressful existence. I liked playing tourist, chatting with locals, sporting new beachwear, and swimming at a boat tour in a bikini feeling beautiful, never mind what I looked like. I ate out for lunch, fries, giant burger, blended frappe with whipped cream, what I don’t do otherwise. So I put on a little, water/sodium I guess, but I logged as best as I could and walked and swam and it is coming off again.
  • poeciliareticulata
    poeciliareticulata Posts: 110 Member
    Starting Weight: 155 (I think)
    Challenge Start Weight: 137
    Summer Challenge Wt Goal: 132
    Weigh-in #1: 136
    Weigh-in #2:
    Weigh-in #3:
    Weigh-in #4: 138
    Weigh-in #5: 137
    Weigh-in #6: 136

    Nothing interesting to report... Not feeling spectacularly motivated and grumbling health issues are preventing me from getting to grips with anything more that walking (more slowly than I’d like). Meh.
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    Start Weight:200.8 (January 2018)
    Challenge Start Weight:191.2
    Challenge Goal Weight:180.0
    Weigh-in#1: 192.2
    Weigh-in#2: 192.0
    Weigh-in#3: 189.8
    Weigh-in#4: 188.6
    Weigh-in#5: 190.6
    Weigh-in #6: 189.8

    Comments: All I can do is keep trying. I refuse to give up. I am PMS'ing (TMI, I Know) and constipated (even more TMI) and I know this is water weight and why I am not showing any progress. But it doesn't make it any less frustrating.

    I start back at the gym with my daughter today! I am excited to start her exercise journey with her. :smile:
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