Off the wagon and in denial



  • Dadof8
    Dadof8 Posts: 146 Member
    9 weeks of being back on the wagon with a low carb diet. I'm testing my eAG every morning most are in the 85-90 range occasionally spiking up to the mid 90s. I'm still on 1000 mg of Metformin ER and I've lost 24 lbs. Doc gave me 12 weeks to lose 30 lbs and drop my A1C below 8. Things seem to be on track.
  • Pamela_Sue
    Pamela_Sue Posts: 563 Member
    Saw my doctor in April and my A1C was 8.50 (I reported on the New Member post that it was 'about 10'. I was mistaken and have started writing down this important information.) I am on 1,000 mg of Metformin ER. My doctor told me she would raise my Metformin at my next appointment in mid-July if she didn't seen improvements. I am rather 'anti-medicine' and have managed to eliminate 3 non-diabetes prescriptions over the last 12 months. So it is difficult for me to face the reality that I may need to increase my Metformin and I am doing what I can to avoid that scenario. But I also want to do what is best for my health and have accepted the reality of increasing the meds if need be. I also wanted to mention the A1C test. I am no expert, but according to my diabetes handout and my dietitian, the A1C test will look at your blood glucose over the past 3 months, sort of incremental percentages (more towards month 3 than month 1). So it may not reflect your most recent daily blood glucose readings. My dietitian didn't want me to be disappointed with the results if they didn't reflect all my hard work right away. Just throwing that out there.
  • Dadof8
    Dadof8 Posts: 146 Member
    12 weeks of being back on the wagon with a low carb diet. eAG rarely gets into the 90's and an occasional high 70s!. I'm still on 1000 mg of Metformin ER and I've lost 30lbs. I get my blood work done this week and meet with the medicine man next Monday. My calculations say my A1C should be about 5.5. We'll see.
  • Pamela_Sue
    Pamela_Sue Posts: 563 Member
    Dadof8 wrote: »
    12 weeks of being back on the wagon with a low carb diet. eAG rarely gets into the 90's and an occasional high 70s!. I'm still on 1000 mg of Metformin ER and I've lost 30lbs. I get my blood work done this week and meet with the medicine man next Monday. My calculations say my A1C should be about 5.5. We'll see.

    Wow! Congratulations on meeting your 30 pound goal during this 12 week period. That is amazing. You and your doctor should be very pleased with your diligence and committment to your health.

    I go in for my lab tests and doctor visit in mid to late July. I have lost 17 pounds so far following my moderate carb, low calorie, low sodium diet.

    Keep us posted after your doctor visit!
  • Dadof8
    Dadof8 Posts: 146 Member
    You're doing great PJ keep it going!
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    Get to a diabetes educator and dietician. 50 carbs a day are not enough. Low carb/high fat diets are dangerous for diabetics. Follow the plate method. Allow yourself a treat now and again. Being too restrictive is a recipe for failure.
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,612 Member
    Get to a diabetes educator and dietician. 50 carbs a day are not enough. Low carb/high fat diets are dangerous for diabetics. Follow the plate method. Allow yourself a treat now and again. Being too restrictive is a recipe for failure.

    FWIW, I have been following keto since 2016. I am T2D and have been off diabetes meds since January 2018. My last A1C was 5.6

    There are some WEEKS for me under 50 carbs total. I have found it very easy to follow, and I am satisfied with what I am eating. I have a treat every now and then, but it will be a low carb one.

    I totally support other methods of managing BG, and while the "plate" method seems to work for some, it did not work for me. We are all different in the ways we respond.

    My doctor has recommended the low carb diet to another local T2D, and she has talked to me about it.
  • Dadof8
    Dadof8 Posts: 146 Member
    I've been averaging 31g of carbs for the past 12 weeks. Small sample size compared to 2t9nty but I like the results. I go see my doctor tomorrow AM to see if I'm still alive, and how accurate my calculations are! The blue line on first graph shows my daily eAG converted into an instantaneous A1C with the red line showing a 90 day average of my A1C. kpb3gtxe9spl.png
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,612 Member
    edited June 2019
    Dadof8 wrote: »
    I've been averaging 31g of carbs for the past 12 weeks. Small sample size compared to 2t9nty but I like the results. I go see my doctor tomorrow AM to see if I'm still alive, and how accurate my calculations are! The blue line on first graph shows my daily eAG converted into an instantaneous A1C with the red line showing a 90 day average of my A1C. kpb3gtxe9spl.png

    I like those results! I hope you will post an update once you see the doctor.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Get to a diabetes educator and dietician. 50 carbs a day are not enough. Low carb/high fat diets are dangerous for diabetics. Follow the plate method. Allow yourself a treat now and again. Being too restrictive is a recipe for failure.

    This is simply untrue. Many diabetics do very well on keto. Low carb diets are only dangerous if you are on certain types of medication which lower your blood sugar.

    Being dead of diabetes complications is definitely a recipe for failure! And allowing yourself a treat now and again, if by “treat” you mean food your body cannot handle, isn’t a thing that should happen. Your blood glucose doesn’t know it’s your birthday. Treats shouldn't cause your blood glucose to rise to abnormal levels, or mean that you just don’t worry about checking your glucose this one time.
  • Dadof8
    Dadof8 Posts: 146 Member
    Just got back from the Doctors Appt.

    Nurse: You've lost some weight.
    Me: Yes I have.
    Nurse: Wait, that can't be right... this says you've lost 30 lbs!
    Me: Yup
    Nurse: In 3 months?
    Nurse: I'm Jealous!

    A1C went from 12.2 to 5.6! The doc was pleased with the progress but wants to see me again in 6 months and wants me to lose another 10 lbs. He also told me to cut the Metformin back to 500mg.
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,612 Member
    Dadof8 wrote: »
    Just got back from the Doctors Appt.

    Nurse: You've lost some weight.
    Me: Yes I have.
    Nurse: Wait, that can't be right... this says you've lost 30 lbs!
    Me: Yup
    Nurse: In 3 months?
    Nurse: I'm Jealous!

    A1C went from 12.2 to 5.6! The doc was pleased with the progress but wants to see me again in 6 months and wants me to lose another 10 lbs. He also told me to cut the Metformin back to 500mg.

    Yay! You are the man...

    At some point in my weight loss journey, the nurse said, "Whoa, you have lost 80 lbs! What are you doing?" I told her, and she asked if I might be willing to do a little coaching for her husband.
  • Dadof8
    Dadof8 Posts: 146 Member
  • papayahed
    papayahed Posts: 407 Member
    I've been back on the wagon for 2 weeks now. I've been working out for a little bit and wasn't seeing results then my trainer knocked some sense into me. I checked my FBG the next morning and it was 185 which scared the crap out of me. And here I am..
  • Yadagoy
    Yadagoy Posts: 39 Member
    papayahed wrote: »
    I've been back on the wagon for 2 weeks now. I've been working out for a little bit and wasn't seeing results then my trainer knocked some sense into me. I checked my FBG the next morning and it was 185 which scared the crap out of me. And here I am..

    Me, too. I just came back from the doctor. My A1C was up to 7.4. I need to get my *kitten* together once and for all. :-(