
al4374 Posts: 44 Member
This isn’t really a low carb question, but this group seems to be a fountain of up-to-date medical information.

Anyone know if probiotics can really help prevent yeast infections, and if so, what exactly to look for? Lots of conflicting and vague info online.


  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I go for probiotics in real fermented foods...kombucha, kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, etc.

    I have heard good things about Nature's Sunshine Probiotic 11 if you are looking specifically for a supplement.
  • al4374
    al4374 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks I’ll look into the supplement you mentioned
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Probiotics can vary widely, based on which bacteria they re-introduce into the gut. It's not always that one is better than the other, they can just be very different. - something to look for.

    I looked up Nature's Sunshine Probiotic 11 in Amazon and found it has dairy - which I'm allergic to. Do your due diligence to and maybe ask your nutritionist if you can?

  • RenaPink11
    RenaPink11 Posts: 343 Member
    I found a low carb yogurt. Dannon makes it, says “diabetic friendly” on it. 3 grams carbs. Only comes in vanilla.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Speaking of yogurt - Greek Yogurt, I found this new stuff that is delicious with only 3 carbs per 8 ounce serving. Note that the 3 carbs applies to the plain version which is still difficult to find. Seems all the stores carry the fruity stuff and few carry the plain at this time. I've not purchased the fruity stuff but the carb contents of those can be found on line.
  • RAC56
    RAC56 Posts: 433 Member
    There are also Gut Shots. I thought the Classic tasted good, but I haven't tried any of the other flavors.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    That is one of a few things that I try but stop without any reason that I know about. They make sense on paper to me.
  • alylostit
    alylostit Posts: 5 Member
    I make my own kefir. It's incredibly easy, delicious and I like that I can control exactly what goes in it. It ferments at room temperature (even in your fridge if you give it enough time) so all you need are some healthy kefir grains, milk and a jar. Once your grains are well established you can even kefir nut milks - I did a batch with coconut milk that was very tasty.