12 pounds gone!

makalye77 Posts: 13 Member
I have lost 12 pounds so far from June 23th to July 23! I am excited and looking forward to weigh in on August 23! School starts for me on the August 12, and I am a little nerves about keeping up on my health eating! Who else is getting ready to go back to work? What are your plans to stay on her schedule?


  • donniesaurous
    donniesaurous Posts: 176 Member
    I have just finished 3 years of university, looking for a job for two months found my dream job and during the first week put on three lbs!! as I'm sat at a desk all day and two hours on a bus! but in the second week I managed to lose two of those lbs and this week I'm aiming to get off two more.

    I have a nearly 6 year old son, who I used to run around after, after classes I'd be at home with him and we'd be out on our bikes or walking round the beach. I didn't realise just how many surplus calories I burned off with my normal day to day activity.

    so I cut back from my usual 2200 cals that I would consume on average each day to 1500, and it's not as hard as I first thought, and I'm trying to keep it up for 12 weeks at a time followed by a 4 week stabilisation period where you go back up to 1800-1900 calories and focus on toning exercises to give your body a chance to catch up with your weight loss.

    I've lost weight this way before, I lost 4 stone over 3 years.... but in the last 3 years I've put that 4 stone back on!

    time to shift that extra booty!
  • makalye77
    makalye77 Posts: 13 Member
    Donniesaurous Congrats on your finishing school! I totally understand you when it comes to putting on and taking off the pounds. I usually gain my weight while school is in session because I don't take into consideration of what I am putting in my mouth while at work. During the summer I am more aware of what I eat, but this year I want to make a change! I am going to do it!