Salad is the Main Dish September



  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Always a good sign when you're going through a bunch of greens, Mihani! Nice work!

    How did your swim go, Donna? That was a few days ago already, so knowing you, you've done a bunch of activities since then!

    Jacquie, how is work going? I work part time as a technical writer and software tester, and play as a fiber artist :) I sell some of my work but I follow my creative urges and do what I enjoy. A lot of the things I do along the way to create a project are things I wouldn't want to do for a living, such as dyeing fiber or yarn. I like dyeing so that I can get the exact color or effect I'm going for, but dyeing large amounts, and repeating the same colors to sell doesn't appeal. I'm better off to make the money with my job which pays more than dyeing fiber would. Sorry, that was a long answer!

    I'm planning to batch this weekend and get back on track with food. It's time to get back into my walking too. I haven't been to the park along the ocean since early summer. The exercise helps my food choices, so it's a win/win.

    I've completed the first of 3 user manuals I'm working on for a client. In between that, I've been dyeing silk and doing a bit of sampling but little else fiber related. I'm feeling a little scattered with what I'm doing anyway, so maybe a bit of a break is a good idea so that I can sit back and decide what to focus on. I haven't made any progress on the weaving at the art center, partly because I have to go to the center to work on it, and partly because I'm following a pattern, so the project is missing a creative element. I need to go in once a week and get back into it.

    I'm hoping to do well enough with my meals this coming week that I can start posting them here again without embarrassment!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    edited September 2018
    When it rains it pours.

    My brother in law who is only 78 was diagnosed with Alzheimer's about 9 months ago. He had a little stroke 3 days ago and is in the hospital. They live on Hilton Head Island, SC...right on the beach. My adult niece is with my sister until end of next week then I am going to help out for a couple of weeks. I think we will be looking for long term care for my BIL. Last week he went out in the middle of the night to take a shower (they have an outdoor shower). He could have fallen in the pool or wandered into the ocean or god for bid.....the alligators wander all over the place at night. A lady was killed by one two weeks ago trying to protect her dog.

    Our bike tour in Corpus Christi was cancelled this weekend due to a tropical storm hitting the Texas coast. It is raining right now, my park is listed in the flooding zone. I did get a swim in this morning.

    Loaded up on food at TJ's today. Going to try to make a vegetarian pizza with the Cauliflower frozen crust. I dropped a jar of olive tamponade that I was going to use for sauce on pizza onto of wine bottles. The bottles did not break but Olives and olive oil over everything. Sigh. Maybe I should just open up one of those wine bottles. It has been that kind of a day/week.

    Have a great weekend and stay safe & dry.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    How's your prepping going, Carla?

    Sorry to hear about your brother-in-law, Donna. What fun stuff did you get at TJ's?

    I decided to "take a couple days off" from the 6 week plan. Had some junk food (fritos and plantain chips), and got a package of vegan chicken cutlets. So I ate the junky/oil laden stuff on Friday and Saturday, and last night I crashed. It's really amazing what a difference it makes in my energy and how I feel overall when I eat that type of thing, and to be honest I didn't even enjoy them that much. I mostly just tasted oil and salt. So today I'm back to eating normally, and I love that I think of eating WFPB as my normal.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Back on track today. No breakfast, split pea soup and a couple wasa crackers for lunch, huge salad for dinner followed by an apple and a few walnuts. Feel better already!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    I tried the cauliflower pizza crust. It was okay. Because I am going to be traveling so much I bought lots of frozen vegetable to roast. I hate for fresh vegetables to go to waste. I did buy greens and the cruciferous crunch mix. Rather junky but good, the black bean corn tortillas from TJ are good. I only say junky because of the flour tortilla.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Sorry to hear about your BIL, Donna. How is weather, are you having flooding issues?

    Sounds like you're at a good place with your food, Mihani. I have to get through the detox headaches and lose the cravings for sweets!

    We didn't batch over the weekend after all, so I'm going to make up a double batch of black bean burgers and a double batch of fresh chunky tomato sauce for over pasta. We have a lot of tomatoes left from the garden still to use up. Dessert and snacks are going to be the Asian pears. I want to fill up the fridge with as many as I can fit before they all get overripe on the tree. Ruby loves grabbing them right off of the tree. It is funny to see her with a branch in her mouth with a pear dangling off of it.

    I've got the first draft of the manuals done, so if there aren't a ton of changes I will be putting in fewer hours this no excuses for not making healthy meals and eating them!

    Breakfast: 2 cups of black coffee, pumpkin spice loaf (which is all gone now, thankfully!)
    Lunch: tu-no salad over greens
    Dinner: pasta with veggie tomato sauce and walnut pesto
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    My poor kitty has gone to the vet twice in 6 days. He had a bacteria and he was sick. The first time he went he was diagnosed and then I got antibiotics for him and they were HARD to administer. Very bitter tasting, and the smart brat cheeked the pill and spit it out later. So I had to push it out of his cheek a half a dozen times before he'd swallow the thing. And I had to do that twice a day for 5 days. Not fun.

    Over the course of the last 10 days he's been sick 6 times. He's had 6 baths and I've had to wipe down all my floors each time too. Yesterday after he was sick again and I administered the last pill, I was concerned that the pills hadn't done anything. So we went back to the vet for the 2nd time and spent nearly the whole morning there (not a fun way to spend 3 hours). This time they confirmed the bacteria is gone, so the pills did work. They gave me something (ProGut) to get his tummy back to normal, along with some G/I food that is easier to digest.

    I REALLY hope that we're done now. It's been a VERY long week....
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Donna, I haven't tried cauliflower crust pizza. Doesn't sound like you were too enthused. It's nice that you can help out with your brother-in-law. How is he doing now?

    Congrats on being nearly finished with your work project, Carla. Back to more fun projects! I still haven't tried that tu-no salad. I need to do that.

    Awww... so sorry to hear about your kitty, Karrie. Hope she's feeling better now.

    I tried something new for dessert on a whim. Threw sliced frozen banana and frozen berries in a bowl with a tablespoon of chia seeds and a little oat milk. Let it sit until the chia seeds thickened it up a bit. It was a very quick and tasty frozen treat and I didn't have to bother with the blender. I was thinking I could add some cinnamon and/or vanilla, but it was good as it was too.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Karrie, that does sound like a long week. I hope kitty is feeling much better now. I'm sure you don't miss administering the meds!

    Mihani, I like that idea for dessert. I might make up some chia seed pudding too and throw in some of the Asian pears we have an abundance of.

    More work on the manuals today, but probably not a full day. If I don't have any request changes tomorrow, I'll be doing a full day of fiber and creative work. yes! My last protein dyeing session went well and I now have some neutral colors I think I can repeat as needed. Progress.

    So far this week, my food has been miles better than it has over the last few months. There's still room for improvement, but I'm pleased with the direction it's going.

    Breakfast - green smoothie, coffee x2, black
    Lunch - tu-no with greens in a pita
    Dinner - pasta with chunky mushroom and tomato pasta sauce, walnut parm
    Snacks - pears and maybe some of Mihani's frozen berry banana bliss!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    How do you make the walnut parm Carla? I have seen several recipes but never tried it. Were you able to finish up your project?

    Been a really tough few weeks at work and my stress level has been inching up, but I'm staying the course. I got a fitbit alta, which was an extravagance given my current budget, but I really missed my fitbit one which apparently just couldn't handle going through the washer and dryer a few months back. I am not used to the new one yet, which is the bracelet type, but figure anything that reminds me to move around more has to be good.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    First drafts of manuals complete, waiting for feedback. going to the art center today to work on my weaving for a while. I dont' feel like it now but usually once I'm there I get into it.

    Cool about the fitbit! I need to dig mine out and try to find the charger. I didn't use it enough at the time to justify buying a new one, but if I can get the old one going it might inspire me. Does your new one have any new features you like? Or haven't had time to play with it much? Hope work cools down for you.

    The walnut parm is super easy. Just don't overblend it or it turns into nut butter! :)

    1/2 cup raw walnuts
    2 Tbsp nooch
    1/2 tsp garlic powder
    1/4 tsp salt

    Blend/pulse in food processor until it looks like parm. Store in the fridge.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Thanks Carla... I'll give that walnut parm a try soon. I am enjoying the fitbit so far. It vibrates if I sit too long and reminds me to get up and move which is cool. The sleep tracker is much more detailed than the old Fitbit One and it was interesting to see the graph with stages of sleep and length of time in each rotating throughout the night. I haven't really started trying to exercise regularly again, but I think it will be cool to have it tracking and see the progress. Looks to me like my average day is going to be less than 5000 steps, sitting at my desk all day and often at home in the evenings, so there is definitely a lot of room for improvement. Did you get any work done on your weaving?
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I'm trying to stay chill about my weaving project, but things haven't been going smoothly! The warping (threading the loom with all of the vertical threads of yarn) is the first step before you can begin weaving. I was at the end of the warping process when I discovered something was off. This was 3 to 4 weeks ago and since then for various reasons I haven't made it back in. Yesterday I was troubleshooting and there were several problems early on, ones that had no easy fix and would alter the pattern. so I decided to bite the bullet and re-thread. Yesterday I got about 1/3 of the way done. I have a class at the art center tomorrow, so I think I might go in a few hours early and see if I can't get another 1/3 of it out of the way. That's okay. It's a learning process and the take-away lesson is to check and double check your work when threading! If I go in on Saturday and again next week, I should hopefully be able to get into the actual weaving late next week.

    I packed my lunch to take to the art center yesterday and was pretty pleased with myself about that. They have a vegan meal with quinoa, greens and beans, but it is expensive and I can see and taste the oil in there. Still relying heavily on coffee to get going in the morning, but I am anticipating that as I continue to eat better and start to move more, I can start to ease off of the coffee too.

    Just after I finished the bulk of the work on the user manuals, I found out that there's software regression testing to do. I can't complain because all these hours are adding up to a nice paycheck but I was mentally prepared to dive into my fiber projects.

    I remember my shock at my steps with the fitbit at first...I am under 1000 if I work from home and sit at my desk all day. No good! I think I'm going to start including a walk in town every time I go there for any reason. Between picking up and dropping off library books, going to the art center, and running errands, that should add up.

    What are your plans for the weekend, Mihani? Are you all booked up with work or do you get some home time? How are the pets doing?

    B - coffeex2, green smoothie
    L - tofu over greens or black bean burger over greens
    D - pasta or black bean burgers
    S - pears
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    What a bummer about your weaving project Carla. Isn't it weird how things with a lot of oil taste "off" now? I got some boca chicken cutlets last weekend, which I always liked, and they tasted bland and oily/salty. I doubt I'll eat any more of them. Good planning on taking your lunch. Yep, working all weekend, but from home tomorrow at least. I am going to try to get it to where I maybe go to the office one weekend day every other week. Even if I'm working from home it's better than always being there.

    I've been mostly about salads this week. Lunch and dinner every day, but I haven't got tired of them. Yet anyway.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Screwed up with my food big time yesterday afternoon. The place where we buy pet food had a customer appreciation day and gave Joe a mug filled with chocolates. We both dove in and devoured them. Then we had some frozen pizza. Ugh. At least the mug is cool. I crashed afterwards and felt bad the rest of the night.

    We're batching this weekend! The menu sounds good. I will try to remember to take some photos before we gobble it all up. Monday we're having Sweet Potato and Zucchini Pisto with Lemon Herb Quinoa.

    Hope you enjoy your Saturday at home, Mihani!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    edited September 2018
    Mmm! I'm eating such a wonderful lunch before I go to weaving class. I put a huge pile of mixed green in a bowl and then used those awesome salad scissors Donna recommended to cut it way down, then i drizzled it with Almond Sesame dressing, added some roasted spaghetti squash and topped it off with some garlicky baked tofu. Heaven!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Refresh my memory which salad scissors you got Carla? I keep meaning to order those. Your lunch sounds scrumptious! At least the chocolate and pizza are all gone.

    The weather is so nice and cool today, and it's supposed to stay this way all week. Yay!!! I will be getting a lot more motivated to exercise now that it is not so hot and humid. My energy level is always highest September to December, and I tend to stick to healthy habits best during these months, so I plan to take full advantage of the window.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    here they are on amazon, Mihani

    Sept to Dec is my best time of the year too.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Thanks Carla. I'm going to get those ordered today!

    Hello Nutritarian is releasing the new version of the power prep plan on October 7th. Since I purchased the first version I'll get the new one free. I have never put it into practice because I don't have much more time to cook on weekends than I do during the week, but I've used some of the recipes and there are a lot of great tips. Having new things to recharge my enthusiasm is always good. One of these days I'm going to give the full on prep plan a try.

    I am going to do some simple prep today. Steam broccoli and asparagus to add to my dinner salads, batch of E2 hummus, kale and cabbage casserole, chop raw veggies for lunch salads, make a nut based salad dressing of some sort.

    I promise myself I'll hit the treadmill today!

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    Hi! I am ready to get back on track with my eating. Way too many carbs in form of candy, bread, drinks and crackers. Not enough fruit again. I am up 4 lbs...I usually am up 2-3 lbs after a triathlon but not 4.

    I leave tomorrow to visit my sister and brother-in-law. She needs help with my BIL, my niece has been there for almost 3 weeks and needs to go back home. It is all distressing.