Lunch Break

I don't know what type of schedule you have or if you can be flexible with you lunch. One way though I have been able to get my workout done and out of the way is doing it at lunch. I am allowed and hour and it give me plenty of time to get changed and get out the door to either run or take a nice easy walk. I then don't skip lunch, but eat it at my desk. As an employer they want brownie points for a healthy work environment. Most places are willing to work with you to meet your goals. Places even offer some discounts at gyms just for working for them.

Working out at lunch has been great for me. I then have energy to finish out the day and I am excited because I get to go home and enjoy the company of friends and family. Less stress means losing weight :)


  • WandaWoman41
    WandaWoman41 Posts: 153 Member
    I need to follow your lead. I've been thinking about working out during lunch. I'm always concerned about the funk factor.
  • makalye77
    makalye77 Posts: 13 Member
    I am a 9th grade teacher so usually I have to have lunch with my students. My conference doesn't start until 2:30pm and I am usually talking with parents or listening to the principals about new ideas they have but want me to make happen. I use to walk around the school in the morning before classes started, but had to stop because I had unwanted company that slowed me down. I used that time to think about the day ahead of me. You Katvail have give me something to think about. Maybe if I can get them to stay seated I could walk around the lunch room. It is a good idea! Thank you!
  • makalye77
    makalye77 Posts: 13 Member
    That is something to think about WandaWoman41. My students sure would tell me if I was smelling bad and might not do it in a nice way! lol