Message from the Moderators

Hello Everyone,

As moderators OSUalum and I would like to remind folks that this forum is for individuals who would like to help to support each other with regards to Clean Eating. It's nice to see that this group has grown to over 6000 members!

We have given voice to all individuals within the groups to express their opinions and idea. We do not believe there are hard and fast rules with regards to "clean eating" and instead our approach is to be curious about how others approach clean eating in their lives to make it work.

Of late I have received several emails and reports of inappropriate behaviour of members in this group. To me this is disappointing, I have made initial decisions not to censor strong opinions but instead allow folks to express their ideas. I'd like to remind folks that it is great to be passionate about our views -- lets not turn this into personal.

Should I continue to receive inappropriate reports I may indeed then have to begin censoring and blocking individuals which of course I do not want to do. Instead can I make a plea to rise above the situation? It's easy to get caught up in a heated conversation however I'd like to ask you to consider before you post the following questions: Are my comments helpful? Will they help to support others? Is it true? Can I help support the weight loss journey of another person.

Please consider these things before you post.

Thank you.