LTL Wednesday 9/12/18

88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
We meet here to explore, share, celebrate, and (sometimes) agonize over how we do (or don't) incorporate weight loss guidelines into our daily lives. "It's a lifestyle, not a diet" is easily and often said, but sometimes not so simply put into practice.

This is a thread for everyone. If you're new to GoaD, or to weight loss, your questions and comments are always welcome. If you're maintaining, or a long-term loser, your thoughts on the topic may be just what someone else needs to hear. If you're reading this, join in the discussion!

Each weekday, a new topic is offered up for discussion. Thread starters for September are:

Monday - Imastar2 (Derrick)
Tuesday - savignr (Bob)
Wednesday - 88olds (George)
Thursday - misterhub (Greg)
Friday - Jimb376mfp (Jim)

Today's topic: The Noise

Looked up diet books on Amazon. Amazing how many there are. Then there’s the MSM diet and fitness “news” of the day. The “news” usually a misstatement of an article from a science journal. It’s a perfect storm of do this, no, no, that’s wrong, do this instead.

Many of us here are, or were, on WW. All of us have gotten here to MFP.

How did you pick WW and/or MFP.? Are you a devotee of either program? Do you consider the cultural diet hubbub a distraction or are you able to sort through stuff to find things that are useful?


  • myallforjc
    myallforjc Posts: 25 Member
    How did you pick WW and/or MFP.? Are you a devotee of either program?

    I am currently back at weekly meetings at WW trying to follow FreeStyle which I don't like a lot but it is better than Smart Points which it is an enhancement of. I went back at the recommendation of a Nurse Practioner I check in with monthly who noted my struggle to maintain consistency in weight loss. It did help get more structure and thoughtfulness into the process. But currently, I am double tracking with MFP since DW has to count carbs for her blood sugar. Frankly, I like seeing the nutritional info on MFP and find it easy to plan meals to hit targets, especially low carb targets. I can do well on WW and poorly on MFP targets, but not the other way around. I seem to be losing which is what matters.

    Do you consider the cultural diet hubbub a distraction or are you able to sort through stuff to find things that are useful?

    I ignore most of it
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,148 Member
    edited September 2018
    I mostly ignore the daily noise of various "new" diet ideas. I haven't switched away from WW and attend weekly meetings. The way I eat is quite similar to the old style SFT simply filling technique. The new program also doesn't count a lot of things I eat daily like some lean proteins and veggies. I have tracked religiously to see how the new program compares and found I use more of the APS and weekly points to make it all work. Haven't done MFP.

    How did I pick WW?? I claim I did it "by accident". Some friends of mine were going on an early Saturday morning bike ride and asked if they could stop by this spot out in the boonies where they held some weekly WW meetings (a satellite location not a center). I said "sure,why not?". I stuck around and joined up as WW is a sensible approach.
    Oh and I don't want to make my lifestyle anymore of a diet hobby than need be so I don't track micronutrients,calories, and more.
  • Jerdtrmndone
    Jerdtrmndone Posts: 5,795 Member
    I don't pay attention to the weight lost stuff.

    I was doing WW. where I lost most my weight but over the years with all the program changes I went into a tail spin and am now struggling. I tried online no results. Now I am just counting calories MFP and working on WW. micros to try and work their plan and start counting pts.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
    I started WW out of desperation. I had read somewhere that writing down what you eat is the most effective weight loss tool. I also thought I needed to count something. WW had both elements.

    When I started to follow WW it was a relief to decide that from now on if it isn’t WW and it isn’t my Dr’s advice, I ignore it.

    After so much time, I'm not a susceptible to the weight loss news of the day. I know how things work for me.
  • acoustikarl
    acoustikarl Posts: 19 Member
    Ten years ago when I first started with WW I lost 50 lbs in a year to reach my goal weight. Life then intervened and I had to stop going to WW for several years. I gained back most of that. About a year ago I started using MFP to track food and exercise. This worked to an extent. I got down to 200 lbs but stalled out. I believe I was being honest with tracking and entering portions but I stopped losing weight.

    I liked that MFP tracked other things than just calories, protein, sugars and fat. I have hypertension and so I also try to keep track of sodium intake. Since restarting WW back in April I have since gotten back down to my target goal for lifetime. I haven't been tracking with MFP though. I've thought about doing that as well but I haven't yet convinced myself to spend that much time tracking food in two separate apps.

    Fad diets come and go. Tried South Beach a few years ago without success. I have friends who do Paleo successfully. Now there is this Keto diet I keep hearing about but I have no idea what it is about. Eat less and exercise more is usually what it all comes down to for long term success.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,236 Member
    When I reached critical mass (376 Lb) I was considering WLS but was not looking forward to a lifetime of not eating.
    My previous experience with WW always worked but I never made the switch to LTL. It was a temporary diet to lose weight and then going back to old ways and gaining it all back and then adding on more.
    This time was my first time to accept that there is No Finish Line.

    I read some Noise but know that losing weight is “simple” CICO, the bottom line.
    But as @countcurt taught me Simple IS NOT EASY!

    Awareness is my constant vigilance.
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 6,175 Member
    I hit 400.8 lbs Dec 2010 and had severe sleep apnea which caused me to have a ravenous appetite for the most part. I have two sleep test and began on a bi pap machine. Appetite practically went away. I began to lose but at the same time though began on line WW. I decided to sho on line only b/c of the price and time. It went well and I eventually lost 100 lbs in about 22 months and my age was about 62 then. I was also on the MFP site and was dbl tracking and weighing.Now 71 and have put right at 50 lbs back on. Don't pay any attention to the noise. Tried several diets the last 50 years and been the five that seems have the t-shirt.
    So about MFP I've been on it about as long or longer than WW. The site has the macros WW doesn't have.

    I still have WW on line but getting more and more disillusioned with it. To me it had gone so far toward the Atkins diet is my oppinion.

    SW 400.8
    CW 348.4☹
    Next GW 300.0
    Final GW 185.0

    52.4 lbs Total lost
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    How did you pick WW and/or MFP.? Are you a devotee of either program? Do you consider the cultural diet hubbub a distraction or are you able to sort through stuff to find things that are useful

    I picked WW after my sister and a few others transformed themselves with it. I didn't know of MFP at the time. WW worked for me so I've kept with it, now at Lifetime for 3 years. I appreciate the flexibility of the program and while some of the more recent changes have presented challenges, for me they were positive changes. I appreciate the fact that the sugars, carbs and starches are problem areas for me, so I don't mind the extra 'weight' given to them on the current program. I DO need to watch my intake of them.

    I don't get lost in the noise at all. Weight management is not an obsession for me; it's something to improve my quality of life. I would much rather put my energy toward those things that I can do in a smaller body rather than the means by which I get there. Sometimes I feel like I should be more knowledgeable about nutrition but I would prefer to spend my time reading and exploring the things that add value to other parts of my life.