Favorite/Least favorite poses



  • agdyl
    agdyl Posts: 246 Member
    I don't like anything that has me kneeling for any period of time because it kills my knees. I really need to get one of those spongy rubber kneeling mats they use for gardening. My friend uses hers and swear by it for getting some cushioning for her knees.

    Any pose where I have to bend backwards and tilt my head back causes me to lose my balance really bad and I end up falling over. Crescent moon terrifies me lol. I can get into the pose but as soon as my head goes back I'm on the floor. After falling a couple of times last night I decided to do it without arching so far back and keeping my head up straighter.

    I have MS and even tilting my head back while in the shower makes me tip so I always have to reach out and hold the wall. Cant close my eyes period while standing of I drop like a brick. But over all I love yoga. Its really helped with my balance. I wouldn't be able to ride my bike if it wasn't for yoga. Yes I still wobble occasionally on my bike but at least I can ride it again. Yeah for yoga!!

    I have two rather thick mats that I use together whenever I practice, which gives a lot of extra cushion for my knees. I have arthritis/old knee injuries/etc. and it definitely helps. You could also just have a second mat folded up and use that under your knees when you need the padding in kneeling poses.

    And with regards to reaching your head back - I always teach this as totally optional. For most people, I think it's preferable to keep your chin tucked (engage jalandhara bandha) and not let the head drop back at all, even as you are backbending. I would only let your neck bend back like that if it feels good, so since it doesn't for you, I'd skip it. If you feel that you need to stretch the front of your neck, you could do that lying in bed, etc. so that you can accomplish it safely without any dizziness.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I don't like anything that has me kneeling for any period of time because it kills my knees. I really need to get one of those spongy rubber kneeling mats they use for gardening. My friend uses hers and swear by it for getting some cushioning for her knees.

    Any pose where I have to bend backwards and tilt my head back causes me to lose my balance really bad and I end up falling over. Crescent moon terrifies me lol. I can get into the pose but as soon as my head goes back I'm on the floor. After falling a couple of times last night I decided to do it without arching so far back and keeping my head up straighter.

    I have MS and even tilting my head back while in the shower makes me tip so I always have to reach out and hold the wall. Cant close my eyes period while standing of I drop like a brick. But over all I love yoga. Its really helped with my balance. I wouldn't be able to ride my bike if it wasn't for yoga. Yes I still wobble occasionally on my bike but at least I can ride it again. Yeah for yoga!!

    I have two rather thick mats that I use together whenever I practice, which gives a lot of extra cushion for my knees. I have arthritis/old knee injuries/etc. and it definitely helps. You could also just have a second mat folded up and use that under your knees when you need the padding in kneeling poses.

    And with regards to reaching your head back - I always teach this as totally optional. For most people, I think it's preferable to keep your chin tucked (engage jalandhara bandha) and not let the head drop back at all, even as you are backbending. I would only let your neck bend back like that if it feels good, so since it doesn't for you, I'd skip it. If you feel that you need to stretch the front of your neck, you could do that lying in bed, etc. so that you can accomplish it safely without any dizziness.

    Great idea with the extra mat folded up. They have a stack of extra mats there.. I never thought to do that.
  • WestCoastWild
    WestCoastWild Posts: 147 Member
    I hate hate reclined hero, and have no idea why! It doesn't hurt in a "my muscles are stretching way," but in a, "something is off with my body right now" way. Im not sure if it hurts my lower back or my knees, but I always do Camel or Child's Pose instead :) I also dislike floor bow, but more because it's hard and slightly uncomfortable, rather than there being anything particularly wrong with it.

    On the other hand, I think my favourite combo is standing half moon followed by standing split, moving into a sun salutation. It all feels so joyful, and I love balancing/reaching up to the sky. Standing split isn't my forte, but one of the teachers (I do hot yoga) always has us play around with it. Standing on our toes, putting our hands in different places, etc.
  • Patzycakes
    Patzycakes Posts: 175 Member
    I really don't like any arm balance pose. I have carpal tunnel and that type of pressure on wrists doesn't do good things for my ability to feel my fingers. So I tend to use that time as a water break.

    I love most other poses. My favorites are Ushtrasana (Camel Pose) and really any other back bending heart opener.

    Oh I hate "Flip dog". With a passion. But I can just go into full wheel when doing it. So I've modified to do that instead, but it's still killer on my wrists.
  • strongmindstrongbody
    Pigeon pose is my favorite. Came across this pose a while back (before getting into yoga) when sciatica pain was flaring. The pain went away and that's when I started wondering what other kinds of movement could help the body. :)

    I am not a fan of the up dog/downward dog combo. Flowing from downward dog to up dog irritates my left shoulder. If anyone knows of a good dvd or book that explains how to properly do this combo, I'd be grateful.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member

    I am not a fan of the up dog/downward dog combo. Flowing from downward dog to up dog irritates my left shoulder. If anyone knows of a good dvd or book that explains how to properly do this combo, I'd be grateful.

    Try rotating your fingers out (point your middle finger to the corners of the mat) and see if that helps. A teacher should be able to see what you are doing to cause the pain in your shoulder.
  • yoga_mel
    yoga_mel Posts: 76 Member
    No favourites jump to mind right now but one i dislike is definitely fish!