I'm Back

crazylizz Posts: 47 Member
I started this group over 2 years ago with the best of intentions. I have kept my A Journey to Health page up on FB, but that is about all I have done. I have been attending WW but not really doing it. Well this month my nephew got married;, being the largest there is likely what I will be remembered as. My other nephew is planning to marry in a year or so. I have a niece becoming a chiropractor and another niece becoming a nutritionist and naturopath. It is time for Aunt Liz to get healthy and smaller so that I may enjoy all of their accomplishments. My health has taken a nose dive and most of it can be improved with weight loss. I had gone down 45 lbs, had gained back 15 before the wedding and have lost 10 over the last 2 weeks just by tracking and being mindful.

So here I go! Who wants to join me??