psychological vs physiological hunger

zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
For those that have been making this work for a while, have you noticed that you are hitting a psychological full feeling at around the same time you hit the physical full feeling? If yes, how long did it take you to reach that point……or was it mostly a decision that you would not obsess about how much you wanted to eat more/the sweet/yourPreferred(carb)Poison and that took care of it?

the last few weeks I have had a hard time feeling full even though i am physically full; which I didn't fight the first 4-6 weeks of starting to aim toward ketosis/keto eating and am trying to figure out what may have triggered it: simply that i decided i wanted to eat some things I hadn't in August into mid-september (or didn't want to throw away because the kids decide they didn't want the apple crisp at the apple orchard) or more than that. i am really hoping it is the former because I can control that (it sucks to do it; but this feeling of hunger even when I am physically full sucks. and has been added to the list of things i do not miss about my standard diet). but also wanted to get the opinion of others who may have similar experiences


  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    edited October 2018
    Only the first few weeks were like that for me. Around a month in everything settled down and my cravings etc went away. At this point (over 3 months in) I generally have to force myself to eat at dinner because I'm just not hungry so I can get in the ballpark of my calorie needs daily or I will lose my lean mass fast. I generally just chew a chicken breast until it is gone whether I want it or not.

    Protein is your friend on this journey. It is way better to target that macro daily over fat targets while keeping carbs low. The protein will do a better job at satiety plus the whole 4 calories over 9 calories per gram deal.

    Another thing is you may need to appease the need of the brain for now. Simple example: There was some study done that it's not so much the chewing of a chip but rather the crunch. You could easily replace chips for instance with Flackers or Parmesan Crisps. Works for me.
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    Thank you for the insight
    I’ve been trying to figure out how to up my protein with minimal uptake on fat or carbs. Do you mind sharing what types of things you do?
  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    edited October 2018
    The easiest way for high protein/low fat and carb are either Chicken Breast, Tuna or a protein powder.
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    Thank you
  • jogetsgains
    jogetsgains Posts: 341 Member
    I still have a hard time with eating when I am actually thirsty. I have to remind myself to be conscious of it because it was one of my old bad habits.
    A deficiency craving also makes me eat anything and everything if I am not mindful. If I am needing salt or iron or whatever I am not so in tune to say, "oh, I should have something dense in this nutrient." Instead I just say, "foooooood."
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    It doesn't happen to me often, but it does still happen, particularly during PMS week when I'm kind of more prone to wanting to eat ALL THE FOOD ALL THE TIME.

    I usually opt for tea or broth or salad to work as extra filler...eventually I will get to a point where I'm not just full, but I'm totally uncomfortable and if my body wants to be that dumb, then so be long as I can eat low cal stuff that won't put me over my goals, that's much easier for me than dealing with that nagging feeling of wanting more.
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    thank you, both
    @jogetsgains what type of craving do you get, as far as you can tell, when you need salt?