Really?That sounds high--how much RU eating on nonFast days?

NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
I posted this on my weekly weight-in personal thread and need/want some help (your thoughts) on this... Do I REALLY need to be eating 2122 on my non-fast days? How much are you guys eating on your non-fast days? My BMI is 32.4 that's obese, but lower than I was thinking. :indifferent: This blasted weight-loss thing is certainly a unnatural/scary walk of faith for me...big time! I naturally want to and have been eating FAR LESS than this--yet not seeing results--OY:blushing: !

I saw from a post, someone mentioning a calculator on TDEE and how much I should be eating and found this website to calculate mine.

My regular cals per day (BEFORE starting) was 1375 Cals daily (and I always ate a wee bit below that and ate back all my exercise cals)--I've been at this rate for sometime (over a year) and have NOT been having much success at losing at all--just the same blasted 6 pounds over and over for almost a year now.

WOW...does this mean on my non-fast days I need to be eating 2122 cals per day???? That sounds like A LOT--kinda intimidating, as I NEVER eat that much--ever, unless I'm pigging out on junk--then it's easy to hit that mark, but I don't want to pig out on junk. Oh well, that's why I'm partnering with God to do this, because though this sounds like good's SCARY to me.

Here's what the calculator states is my stats are.

Your BMI is: 32.4
Your BMR is: 1543
Your TDEE is: 2122 calories


  • heatherk0908
    heatherk0908 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm trying to eat between 1400-1600 on non-fast days. I haven't figured my TDEE in awhile but I think it was right around 1900-2000. Like you, I have a hard time eating that many calories when I'm tracking my food and making healthy choices. Sure I can easily eat that if I have one "splurge" meal a day and on the weekends I can easily hit that number but during the week with the lunches I eat and dinners, it's hard.

    So I'm going to stick with this and see what happens.
  • Gianna44
    Gianna44 Posts: 124
    I'm aiming for 1500-1700 (and I am not always as 100% careful so the extra is probably accounted for). My TDEE is roughly 1700-1950, depending upon which calculator I use.

    I need to read the book yet, but it was my understanding that part of the reasoning behind 5:2 diets or similar is the calorie "swing" and the way your body responds, not just to keep you motivated to stick to it. At 1200, which is roughly where MFP places me for consistent loss, I feel that my body will eventually adapt to a lower calorie intake and adjust accordingly, which is what I don't want.
    That being said, I'm just starting this so I have no idea if it will work or not :) That is one of the reasons I did decide to track my non-fasting days - to adjust accordingly if this isn't working after a few weeks.
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    The idea of the Fast diet is that it is so easy you don't really have to think about it (on non-fast days) and therefore it is easy to maintain. The book suggests that over time you will naturally opt for healthier choices and eat less as you lose, adjusting in a way that you don't even have to think about.

    My advice to you would be to NOT track calories on non-fast days. Eat only when you are hungry and try to eat healthy options instead of high carb choices. If, after a few weeks you aren't losing then it might be time to track the calories. But it shouldn't be tough. If you feel like you are trying to eat too many calories than ignore the TDEE. This isn't about obsessively tracking calories; it is about living your life as normal and just tightening the apron strings twice a week.

    So, forget the calculator and the calories and just focus on those 2 fast days for now. The rest will come with time :)
  • lonypony
    lonypony Posts: 130 Member
    I started at 89.3kg. I lost 2.2kg my first week. Since then I have gained 200g each week since. I am currently 87.5.

    I was just wondering if I am just eating too much on my non-fast days and my fast days. I worked out my TDEE using the above website too. Thanks for posting

    Your BMI is: 28.7
    Your BMR is: 1571
    Your TDEE is: 1885 calories

    My last few non-fast day log ins have been 1556, 1438 and 1582 (according to MFP I need to be eating 1370). I always seem to be a tad over my 500 cals on my fasting days. Is that my problem?

    Its so hard not to focus on numbers and on my non-fast days I really don't (as you can see I am always over my MFP calories!) But like NewLIFEstyle4 I really don't think I can eat a wopping 1885 calories.
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    I started at 89.3kg. I lost 2.2kg my first week. Since then I have gained 200g each week since. I am currently 87.5.

    I was just wondering if I am just eating too much on my non-fast days and my fast days. I worked out my TDEE using the above website too. Thanks for posting

    Your BMI is: 28.7
    Your BMR is: 1571
    Your TDEE is: 1885 calories

    My last few non-fast day log ins have been 1556, 1438 and 1582 (according to MFP I need to be eating 1370). I always seem to be a tad over my 500 cals on my fasting days. Is that my problem?

    Its so hard not to focus on numbers and on my non-fast days I really don't (as you can see I am always over my MFP calories!) But like NewLIFEstyle4 I really don't think I can eat a wopping 1885 calories.
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Oops hit reply prematurely!

    I wouldn't say your non fast calories are too high. It is important to stick to the 500 calories on non fast days, but a few calories over shouldn't cause a gain. What exercise are you doing? You might be losing fat but gaining muscle. Have you got a bodyfat calculator to give you some idea of what is going on inside?

    My advice would be to stick with what you are doing, focus on fruit and veg and if you don't have an overall loss by the end of the first month then revise the calories. Best of luck :)