Belly Acres



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    R/L = 1 - I don't want you to be crooked
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    And the winners are…

    Boncharlie B)B)B) wins this first week with an impressive 8 lb. loss. And a 4.4% drop. So, close to the one-derlands. This week you will bask in the comfort of a 0.5 lb. advantage. I want to see some impressive bingo arm action as well. I personally am very nervous about you and Chunkysloth being on the same team.

    Winning team...
    The Hangry birds lost 3 people due to non-weigh in. :'( They will receive a 1-week pass for elimination since they won. I had someone contact me today about joining and I will put her on your team as well.

    Belly Acres - will receive a 1 lb. advantage for next week for their collaborative efforts.

    Boo, our eliminated player….
    MamaTurner from the Belly Acres did not weigh in and will be this week’s eliminated player.

    Weight Droppers….soon to be panty droppers (or boxers)
    None yet!! I am sure they are on the way.

    Opps, I went the wrong way…. :(
    Going forward, anyone who gains weight > 1.2 lbs will be penalized ½ of that weight going into the next week. WHY, WHY, WHY? Well, you can’t gain one week and then come back to win by losing the gained weight. This helps to balance the contest.

    None yet!! Keep up the good work. Do not gain the >1.2 lbs because I don’t actually like to penalize people.

    There is no fine art to this other than I look at who was successful at tracking and logging combined with weight loss. The top 3 I picked this week are:
    Cheffirlrd - 0.25 lb. advantage
    Sisumom - 0.25 lb. advantage
    Fourathomej - 0.50 lb. advantage

    11/21/2018 prizes...Secret Rewards
    You will pick 2 numbers from 1 to 14 at the next weigh-in. I have corresponding prizes that go along with each number. The numbers of the winner will be applied!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Hey Team,

    It's awfully quiet here!! I'm feeling better and woke up early to get my 30 of cardio in. I never thought I would be one to wake up early but it feels so good to know that it's done. Took about a week to get used to it.

    So, my challenge for the weekend will to have one alcohol day. I just ordered 6 bottles of "The Calling" for a sweet deal. Usually, they run about $35 a bottle and I paid $20. They will be perfect for the Holiday! Again, the key will be not to drink them. One bottle of wine is a 100 carbs. Sadness exists within me knowing this....
  • vacamama
    vacamama Posts: 228 Member
    Hi! Ive had a headache for 24 hours, which really makes me unhappy. The good news is, I have been working hard to focus on building good habits back. This headache might be sugar withdrawl..
    We have been getting our yard landscaped (goodbye ivy!) and today a fence is being installed, so Im also trying to stay out of the way.
    This wrekend is my daughters birthday party. 8 have so much to do for prep, but it will be so much fun! I can't believe shes 5.
    I am going to try and get a dog walk in today or tomorrow and hopefully that will be a good start.
    Hqve a good weekend!!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    I had Thanksgiving at my mom's house today. I didn't do too bad but I didn't want to have to measure portion sizes and whatnot so I didn't log my food. I did a bunch of arms and abs this morning. I Also went on a little 2 mile jog. I'm currently at a football game, Oregon vs Arizona state. We haven't stopped walking since we got here. Another hour and a half till it starts so we'll see how many more steps I can get in!
  • vacamama
    vacamama Posts: 228 Member
    way to go! I was running around all morning for my daughters birthday. I had 30 minutes while they filled balloons so I walked around the store and the mall. I now have a minivan full of balloons and just doing the final preps before we go set up the room.
    I hope this week I will be down, I am a bit worried as we have had higher salt content foods the last couple days. I figure we have a couple days to eat clean and get rid of the salt.
    how is everyone else doing?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Jeez, the busy season has started!! This weekend we moved bedroom sets, cleaned out a lot of our storage areas. Laundry all weekend as well. I was able to get rid of a bedroom set, a headboard, a dresser. Plus, lots of other things on FB garage sales.

    I just ordered all my groceries online for the holiday so I will pick that up tomorrow at 11. Hubs asked me to take his truck in tomorrow for maintenance and get a loaner (why, me?).

    I have the absolute best recipe for the turkey and I am excited to get him going. Blueberry lemon cake and apple bread.

    So, needless to say, I have done nothing in the way of actual exercise or logging. I need to lose like 5 lbs. by tomorrow. So, I think it will be a liquid day. I had a smoothie for breakfast, a pre-lunch Plexus drink and some homemade bone broth (I ended up with 3+ quarts). I'll have some chicken breast with swiss cheese and avocado. Wish me luck. I hate to be eliminated from my own contest so early.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Yes, yes, yes - my smoothie, Plexus supplement and homemade beef bone broth paid off in the long run. I am down 2 lbs. today.

    I am always happy to start a new motivating week. Last week was terrible and being sick didn't help. I have lots to do today but will make sure to get 30 minutes of moving my booty. I am excited to make a great turkey and all of the mixings!!

    I will try to get results posted in the morning. If not, Happy Thanksgiving to the Americans and belated to the Canadian (I think yours was in October). Thanks for participating and keeping me motivated.
  • chefgirlrd
    chefgirlrd Posts: 23 Member
    Woo hoo!!! I’m down! That was a tricky week. I have issues with the late night snacking. Even being a dietitian I still have my struggles and the late night snacking is the biggest one. I’m going to have to tell myself the same thing I tell my clients and patients on this topic. I think the being active almost every day is what helped me. I love getting out with my new baby for a walk.

    I hope everyone had a great week and I’m wishing all of you a Happy Thanksgiving! 🍁

  • SisuMom2019
    SisuMom2019 Posts: 155 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all of my American teammates! 🦃. Also celebrated my bday early today ...because tomorrow we have 7 parent interviews -😴 -Here’s to 42 🍻! After a couple of weeks at this, I have noticed a big difference in tracking food vs not. We were without cell service for the later part of last week -in the middle of nowhere for our work...and it was a challenge to get back to tracking. Plus I had my Christmas party in there (crazy Canadians!!). What else has worked to and chop veggies and cooking chicken breasts Sunday to grab each day as I head out. We have a scale at work and we don’t have one at home-so I like the consistency with using 1. We have been cleaning our house from dawn till dusk for the past 2 weekends trying to clean every square inch as our cat, then catS, then cats AND wiener dogs had fleas. Embarrassing yes, but we live on a big working farm and i suppose we are lucky it’s only happened the once. The upside is that there is no rest for the wicked and that=a lot of calories burned.
    I will post a pic from my Christmas Party -I had to get my son to take SO many pics because my arms looked huge.
  • SisuMom2019
    SisuMom2019 Posts: 155 Member
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    November 21st

    Fourathomej is the winner of this week losing a total of 2.3 lbs. this week and 1.5% (This does include an advantage from last week). You are down a nice rack of ribs!! Your winning numbers are 3 and 13. See the sheet below. I will need to know who you will give this disadvantage to asap. It should be someone who needs a little motivation!!


    1. Take a 1 lb. advantage
    2. Take a 0.5 lb. advantage
    3. Give a 0.5 lb. advantage
    4. Team earns a 1.0 lb. advantage
    5. Double prize!! - 1.0 lb. advantage and 0.5 lb. in your pocket
    6. Losing team gets a 0.5 lb. disadvantage
    7. Immunity
    8. Give Immunity to someone on the other team
    9. Steal a player from the other team
    10. 0.5 lb. advantage in the pocket
    11. Take a 0.5 lb. advantage x 2 weeks
    12. Pick 1 person to weigh in a day early
    13. 300 calories burned to your total
    14. Trade a player

    Team Winners…
    Belly Acres are our winners this week and earn a 0.5 lb. advantage for next week.

    Boo, our eliminated player….

    Well, we have had 2 people not weigh in this week. One from each team, JibeIrish (<<<maybe, dancing???) and Zzzzia (<<< must have fallen asleep with all those Z’s). TheBelly Acres will have a 0.5 lbs. advantage and not a pass for elimination.

    Nutrition and Fitness Winners….
    Chefgurl - 0.5 lb
    Aprilstar – 0.25 lb.
    Peregrin – 0.25 lb.
    Emwalker – 0.50 lb.

    Kanderon - 0.5 lb.
    Aprilstar – 0.5 lb.
    Four – 0.50 lb.

    Weight Droppers….soon to be panty droppers (or boxers)
    Chegirlrd – Moved from the solid 250s to the solid 250’s. Look!! You are closer to the 200’s than the 300’s - WTG!!
    Side Challenges....TBD

    Side Challenges....
    You will see a side challenge in a 5% tab. I take your weights from week 2 and calculate 5% loss from there.

    Anyone who gains >1.2 lbs is penalized 1/2 of their gain. This is done to balance the contest. You can't gain 4 lbs. one week and then lose them all to win.

    No disadvantages this week.

    11/28/2018 Prizes and not so prizes...Next week we move on to 1:1 challenge. You will be paired up with some one for weight-loss, nutrition and fitness. This is sooooo fun.

    #1 top winner – 0.5 lb. winner
    #2 winner – 0.25 lb. advantage
    #1 lowest lower – 0.5 lb. disadvantage
    #2 lowest lower – 0.25 lb. disadvantage

    Who will be the next winner of the fit and trim challenge? Will it be you???

    Peace out!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Hi Losers,

    I did my first spinning class today at 8:15 this morning - sooooo tired after after hosting Thanksgiving. I hated my husband and the others that coerced me to do it. But, I did it. There is definitely validity in accountability when you commit to meeting others. I did, however, take a 3 hour nap after our shopping.


    1) Sur la Table, new Strab griddle (2, one for a gift) and some nice new non-stick pans.
    2) Botox, buy 20 units, get 20 units free. Put them in my bank!!

    On our way to Christmas....people gain 6 lbs from Thanksgiving to Christmas. We will not be in that statistic.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member

    Weight Droppers….soon to be panty droppers (or boxers)
    Chegirlrd – Moved from the solid 250s to the solid 240’s. Look!! You are closer to the 200’s than the 300’s - WTG!!
  • vacamama
    vacamama Posts: 228 Member
    I have been neglecting myself a lot these past couple of days. Well, no more. Tonight Hubby and I are going for a date night (first since Joey was born I think) so we are going to a nice restaurant and then a movie. I am going to try and be relatively good. I am going to have popcorn though. I spent an hour putting up christmas lights clip by clip, they look good, but man was that hard work!
    Ok, so back to the grind, How is everyone else working it? I would love to see another win this week!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Spinning!! Spinning for me. I tried it and I think I like it. Hubs has been going for over a year and has tried to get me to go forever. I fought it hard. But, I went the day after Thanksgiving and today I called Ron from shopping and said book us 2 spots for tomorrow. I think I like it and since he goes, I have some accountability. When you say you are going to go with someone, you are kind of forced.

    Anyway - enjoy date night. Let me know what movie you see. Movie popcorn is the best. I always way over salt it. Last night, we watched "It" (classic), "The Guilty" (highly recommended) and "Fifty Shades Freed" (lame).

    Today was ugly sweater shopping, drinks and fun with my BFF. I am hitting the bed EARLY. Super tired.

    Get on it, Mama!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    edited November 2018
    I put a blueberry muffin in my mouth today to see if they were stale. I immediately spit it out!! :s

    Today, I am doing abs and stretch every hour until football game starts at 7:20. So, that should be another 700 reps today for my total.

    I will elliptical during the first half of the game. Vikes vs. Green Bay. I hope that the Vikes sack that Aaron Rodgers a lot!!
  • vacamama
    vacamama Posts: 228 Member
    We saw Bohemian Rhapsody. I really enjoyed it. Ive been really lazy today, lots of junk and not much movement, Grey Cup was on. But tomorrow i plan on working out during nap time.
    I am meal planning this week. My goal is clean eating for at lesst 4/7 days. Saturday we have a staff party, so i want to focus to that.
  • chefgirlrd
    chefgirlrd Posts: 23 Member
    This week has been horrible with all the left overs and family being home. I’m having a great time but my eating has been out of control. I’m out on a 3 mile walk now. So we shall see how weigh in is on wed 🤦🏻‍♀️
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Chefgirl, you can do this. Eat nice and light tomorrow, it's probably mostly water weight. No sodium. Good job walking.

    I threw most of the leftovers out or froze them. But, mostly, I drink mine. LOL. Nothing to drink on Sunday, Monday or the rest of the week to be honest. I am wiped out from all the festivities.

    I went to my second cyclebar class today and I feel like I want to die. I can barely keep my eyes open. Then, I came home and measured out my pasta. The amount was so small, it made me kind of sad. But, my chicken parm was delicious and better than a restaurant. Probably, because I was starving and would have eaten the bark off a tree.

    Tomorrow, I give my 2 week notice at 3M. Leaving the corporate clinic and going to a cardiac hospital in St. Paul. My shift will be 3 days a week in the PMs. I am nervous about going back to floor nursing so hoping that cyclebar gets my legs nice and strong. I have 2 and 1/2 weeks before I literally hit the floor.

    My hope is that I am down another pound and that will make 4.2 lbs since the start of the contest and back into the one-derlands. I can see the light. :p