Belly Acres



  • vacamama
    vacamama Posts: 228 Member
    Chef girl, i feel you. You are going in the right direction, keep it up!
    Kim, wow back to the floor. 3 days will be great though. You are strong and amazing, so paired with the spin you'll be the best on the floor.
    I didn't follow through today. Ive had diffuse back pain for a few days and today was not great. I did however make asian turkey meatballs with rice and fresh veggies for dinner. It was incredible. And there is enough for everyome to have it for lunch tomorrow. Win!
    Everyone flush that salt tomorrow and have a greqt weigh in wednesday!!
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and say hello! Sorry I haven't been very active here for this contest I'm just really busy. I have not been good with my diet either. Have to get my head in the game and my hands out of the refrigerator!(particularly off the beer and wine lol).
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    kikicooks wrote: »
    my hands out of the refrigerator!(particularly off the beer and wine lol).
    We are sole sisters!! Take one day at a time, it's so hard to change!!

    Vacamama, you are so sweet to me!! Thank you for your confidence. Sorry about the back pain. I know that it can be horrible especially with 2 young kids and a house to take care of.

    I woke up today and OMG!! I intended to do some abs and the stretching this morning, so did not happen. Today, I will do some elliptical when I get home. Goal will be 350 calories. I so want to see a one lb. loss tomorrow and keep up the weight loss.

  • SisuMom2019
    SisuMom2019 Posts: 155 Member
    I am seeing the challenges for upcoming week.. food-wise, I’m stoked. I don’t eat snacks at night-never have, and I eat so many veggies -“shop and chop”. But... there’s a down-side too. Mini-goals around nutrition will be the wine -which IS considered a snack. I have noticed what a toll it takes in my food diary-and when you start saving calories in terms of eating less -so you can have a drink or 2-then I realized I missed the whole lesson. First, I need to be drinking less, not just absent-mindedly having a glass while I make supper or if we are out for supper and it seems to come with the territory-being strict with myself to have something maybe just Saturday...and instead of subbing out food which is actually better for you, take a lesson from my group and start getting active to compensate. That’s the missing piece here. Ive been so protective of my back and actually scared it’s going to hurt. I have been throwing myself into the food piece, hoping the exercise will just somehow happen. I commit to being more active this week. Everyday this week.
  • kanderson3698
    kanderson3698 Posts: 18 Member
    Could you add the following into my sheet It was locked. Thank you, The calories one 1 for Tuesday, and the water 1 for Tuesday, Thank you for doing this very fun. I have to get refocused after last week. Appreciate all the support with this.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Mini-goals around nutrition will be the wine -which IS considered a snack. I have noticed what a toll it takes in my food diary-and when you start saving calories in terms of eating less -so you can have a drink or 2-then I realized I missed the whole lesson. First, I need to be drinking less, not just absent-mindedly having a glass while I make supper or if we are out for supper and it seems to come with the territory-being strict with myself to have something maybe just Saturday...and instead of subbing out food which is actually better for you, take a lesson from my group and start getting active to compensate. That’s the missing piece here. Ive been so protective of my back and actually scared it’s going to hurt. I have been throwing myself into the food piece, hoping the exercise will just somehow happen. I commit to being more active this week. Everyday this week.

    Great insight here. Good job!!

    Snack challenge - we are allowed a 100 calorie snack at night. One glass of wine is about 100 calories.

    Back - Yes, protect your back. I am not sure what issues you have with it - but, avoid high impact. Yoga/Pilates is good for building core strength and supporting your back. You also build muscles!! I enjoy the elliptical and spinning classes for that very reason. I prefer low impact sports.

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Hey - Belly Acres!!

    I feel like I had a good week last week with starting the spinning classes. Big holidays are tough especially if you have to travel. That's the worst.

    Anyway, I worked on the 1:1 challenge. I really need to close out the week for sure. I think I am up against Boncharlie and I am afraid of her. I will have to work extra hard to bet her.

    Keep moving and eat your veggies!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    edited November 2018
    New 10 standing ab video that I currently love. I knocked it out before work this morning. Tonight will be tough so I banged it out.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Where is my team???

    Today is another spin class and I was very excited to see the weight drop this morning to 199.0. But, alas, it is the weekend and that could change very rapidly.

    This weekend I want to start wrapping up X-mas and shipping everything out asap. I want to enjoy the holiday and NOT be flustered.
  • SisuMom2019
    SisuMom2019 Posts: 155 Member
    Congratulations @nisijam5 on a benchmark loss!! Very happy for you -you lead by example-thank-you.
  • vacamama
    vacamama Posts: 228 Member
    This week was brutal for time. I barely had time to think, so I was not a good team mate, sorry!!!
    I went to hubbys xmas party saturday and KILLED it on the dance floor. I danced for 2 hours with 2 water breaks only. it was SO MUCH FUN!!
    I am currently trying to psych myself up for trying a spin class. I don't like biking (the seats suck) but I need something to kick my *kitten* since I only have 160 days until Hawaii. AHH!!!!
    My goal for next week is to track everyday. I also want to do my best to get back to a more keto way of eating. I am so ready to get this weight off once and for all.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Tavia, here's my feedback on the spin classes. They kind of suck - but, I am only 10 days in. I felt like my legs were having sex for DAYS!! NONSTOP!! But, they are a huge calorie burn and very upbeat. The place I go to is called Cyclebar. They actually have icy cold alcoholic beverages set up on your way out on Wednesdays and Fridays.
    LOL. Anyway, if you love to dance, why not Zumba??? That's what I am thinking about right now - combining the spin and some Zumba classes. Zumba is at least fun. If tracking is hard, just eliminate snacking. Divide your plate into 1/2 veggies, 1/4 protein, 1/4 grain. I can make that a NUT goal if you want to try it and see how it goes.

    Anyway, off to work - down 2 lbs this week. The spinning paid off!! I have to go tonight and already want to DIE!!

  • SisuMom2019
    SisuMom2019 Posts: 155 Member
    It’s been a solid week, no curveballs..but I was surprised to have lost weight, I stil feel so much the same. I met my week’s goal of activity everyday. It helped that I went to the ‘One of a Kind’ craft show in Toronto and then IKEA walked for 2 days straight. Loved the veggie challenge. The meal tracking piece of this app has been very helpful and revealing ....I made a super healthy Vietnamese soup but then added some store bought broth -migrants more flavour (to appease my family) and I was shocked at the sodium... my husband woke up at night and needed to take his ring off! I also indulged in a farmer’s wrap from Tim Hortons after not planning ahead and bringing snacks...I almost fell over when I inputted it. This week I will commit to continuing and increasing in physical activity everyday and to commit to trying column 3 in our fitness tracking(tummy tuck video) a minimum of twice.
  • SisuMom2019
    SisuMom2019 Posts: 155 Member
    PS...what’s with all my .8 finishes......3 weeks in a row—so random.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    edited December 2018
    @SisuMom2019 Make your own broth, it's so easy and way less sodium with deep flavors. I have been trying to drink it at night. I am hoping the collagen goes right to my face. LOL. Check out this link. Time to play the lotto with 8's?
  • vacamama
    vacamama Posts: 228 Member
    @SisuMom2019 i hear ypu about the sodium and being shocked with what society puts in the world.
    @nisijam5 yes!! That would be a great nut goal for everyone i think.

    I was down 1.4lbs this week, but with all my penalties it will look like an up :( either way, the curse of the new scale is broken. Onwards and downwards lol
  • vacamama
    vacamama Posts: 228 Member
    Hey kim, everything ok?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    vacamama wrote: »
    Hey kim, everything ok?

    Yes, yes, yes. I'm going to do the write up tonight. I did half of it and then wasn't able to finish it off. I have been wrapping up all the Christmas stuff I have to do. Thank God for the internet and Amazon.

    I started orientation at my new job today and it was all sitting and listening to how to be a good employee and their vision and community committment. Ya da ya da ya da.... Tomorrow, is general orientation for nursing staff, Wednesday is med/surg orientation and then cardiac orientation. Lots of sitting!! Boo. I work Friday at clinic in the clinic and it's quite liberal there as long as you push the peeps through.

    Today was also trying to register for my BSN classes - another nightmare situation. It's like sex - the first time is the hardest.

    OK, enough of that. I'm still plugging away at Cyclebar - but, nothing else. No logging, no reps, no abs. I am sure to gain this week with all the sitting and eating on the fly!! Who can I chase off this week so it's not me who's eliminated?

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    December 5th Prizes….1:1 challenges

    Please see the 1:1 spreadsheets for individual results

    Boo, our eliminated player….Second Chance Challenge (lose 1% of your lowest recorded weight, come back and pick the team you want to be on)

    Sooooo many droppers….this is a hard contest and it’s a tough time of year to GET-IT-DONE. Remember, those that stay with this will NOT be the ones to gain 6 to 8 pounds during this time.

    Nutrition and Fitness Winners…some categories are weighted more. I look at weight loss as well.

    Please see the 1:1 spreadsheets for individual results

    Weight Dropper….soon to be panty droppers (or, maybe boxers)

    Nisijam5 is in a W1- der- ful place. Dropping from the 200s to the 190’s is definitely a highlight.

    Oops, I went the wrong way…Anyone with a gain of greater than 1.2 lbs is given a disadvantage. Why do I do that? It’s not fair to have someone gain a large amount of weight and then lose it the next week and end up being the winner. This helps to balance out the true winners. Sucks to be here, I know.

    None this week….

    12/12 Prizes - Team challenge!! Each team is designated to drop 1% of their weight. If you make the team weight goal, you will be safe.

    Winning team will win a 1 lb. advantage and the Big winner will win immunity for the next week!!

    Who will be the next winner of the Fit-n-Trim contest? Will it be you?
  • chefgirlrd
    chefgirlrd Posts: 23 Member
    This has been such a rough week; being home with a sick 4 month old. I have not made myself a priority at all and it will show on the scale tomorrow. If I am kicked off I just want to thank you nisjam5 for putting this together. Maybe there will be another one start up after the new year. Good luck every one! I know you will all rock the rest of this challenge